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By the time to movie was over I was cuddled up to Jack wearing his sweatshirt. What? It was cold. I stood up and went to walk to the kitchen and stopped, I looked at Kelly smiling.

"Hey Kelly..." I say and she looks at me, "How much do you love me?"

"Not enough to get off my ass and walk to the kitchen with you." She says, causing everyone to laugh, including me. I walk to the kitchen and grab a hot chocolate packet from a little drawer. I put in under my Keurig and the hot water starts to slowly come out of the machine. I stand there waiting for it to fill up when I feel hands snake around my waist, I jump a little causing the person to laugh. I slowly turn around, the person who is behind me causes me to squeal.

"JACK!" I scream, attacking Kelly's brother in a hug.

"JOE!" He screams back, I let go of hugging him, and look at my now cold cup of water.

"So what is Jack Edward Johnson doing back in Miami Florida?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Well I need to protect my little sis, and her best friend by an asshole," he says and looks at me, "you might have met her best friend."

"What is she like?" I ask him as I dump out the cold water and refill it with a new coco packet and hot water.

"Well, first off she has a boys name," I give him daggers, he always use to tease me for it when I was younger, "and she's really pretty, she has brown hair, with blue eyes, about 5'5 and is obsessed with converse." He says and I laugh.

"Nope, never heard of her before," he laughs, as I stir my hot coco, I take a sip and walk to the living room with Jack right by my side.

Jack is my other best friend, he's amazing and I love him to death. I use to have a major crush on him in like 8th grade. I mean who wouldn't like that? I mean I would, and do. Jack was the boy to steal my heart and first kiss, just like the snap of your fingers. Kelly knows and she totally ships it because she wants me to be her actually sister so this is the closest we can get. Cameron never minded Jack, because they have been really close, even though they are like 2 years apart.

"Hey guys," i say and everyone looks at us. Kelly looks at her brother and in less then 2 seconds she's in his arms.

"I missed you so much," she says and he hugs his little sister.

"Missed you too little sis," I look at Matt to see him relax a little when Jack said 'little sis'. I smile and look at everyone else as Kelly let's go of her brother. Cameron stands up and walks over to Jack, high-fiving him.

"Guys this is Jack J." He says and everyone nods their heads, Jack looks at the other Jack and narrows his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asks him and I look at the other Jack.

"Oh yeah, I texted you telling you that we were asked to join Magcon and I said yeah. But you never replied," Jack G says and Jack J nods his head.

"I got you bro," he says, leaving Kelly and I confused as fudge.

"Okay how do you people know each other?" I ask and they all just laugh.

"Have you ever heard of Jack and Jack on vine?" Jack J asks and I shake my head.

"No?" Kelly says.

"Well we do vines together, I'm surprised that Kelly doesn't remember you..." Jack says with an evil smirk and Kelly eyes widen.

"Now I remember..." Kelly says and I look at her and fall tot he ground laughing.

"T-t-that's, w-who h-h-he w-w-was?!?!" I say laughing so hard, she threw a pillow at me, her face turning bright red. A couple years ago Kelly use to have a HUGE crush on one of Jack's friend. She saw him only once and was like obsessed over him. We spent all day trying to find him, and we didn't even know his first name let alone his last. We both totally forgot about until now...

"Shut up!" She screams while I'm still laughing.

"I'm confused," Jack G says as I slowly stand up.

"You don't need to know," I tell Jack G, while everyone else is laughing.

(the next morning 5:30am)

My phone starts to go off and I press the snooze button. Kelly shakes me and I groan, "Get up you lazy ass," I slap her.

"No cursing," I mumble and she just laughs and she pull me up. I sigh, going to the bathroom and hopping in the shower. When I'm finished I brush my teeth and walk into my walk-in-closet. I close the door as Kelly goes to take a shower. I grab a black pencil skirt, a light blue flowy crop top, and teal colored vans. I brush out my hair, keeping it natural, and put on my white flower crown.

I walk out and Kelly walks in, I just laugh and run downstairs. I look into the living room to see 8 boys passed out on the floor. I laugh, skipping into the kitchen, I check my phone and it's 6:20. We have to be at school by 7:15, I sigh and grab two bagels and pop them in the toaster. I go on my phone, going on Instagram. I few minutes later the bagels pop and I grab the bagel out of the toaster. I put butter on it and start to eat the top half.

Then I feel hands snake around my waist again, "Hi Jack," I say and he breathe tickles my neck.

"You know you look really good," he says and I laugh, taking another bite from my bagel, "You know Joe, I don't know why we stopped," he says and I sigh. We never talk about this, when he stole my first kiss, he also stole my virginity, and I stole his too. Cameron doesn't know, and neither does Kelly, we didn't want to tell them. After that we started dating, we then broke it off because I was getting bullied for it, and once it broke off the bullying kind of stopped.

"It was because of the people Jack, and you know that. People don't like me, and with you now being in Magcon I would get a shit load more," I say and he lets go of my waist as I hop into my island still eating my bagel, he looks at me as Kelly comes down stares, grabbing her buttered bagel. She cuts it down the middle and looks at her brother.

"Why are you up?" She asks and he looks at me.

"I was gonna drive you guys to school. Is that okay?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Perfectly fine with me." I say and check the time.

"Better be leaving, or else we're gonna be late," I say hoping off the counter. We go out to the car and I go on my phone and see a text from Jack.

From: Jackster Master

I still love you Joe.

I sigh as he looks back at me. I look at Kelly and see her in my hot pink shorts, white 1D shirt, and my white sandals. I laugh.

"I like your outfit," I say and she laughs.

"Me too." And with that we head to school. Another day in hell...

Here comes the bullies...

"Hey guys, look who it is!" I roll my eyes as I grab my books from my locker. Right as I grab my math book, my locker slams shut. I look at the black haired girl, "Oh sorry Joe, did you need something from your locker?"

"No, I'm done, but thanks for closing my locker for me," I say, and she shoots me daggers. I smile as my other friends come towards me.

"God Talia, don't you have a life?" My friend Grace says and Talia gives her a dirty look.

"Shut up Grace," she says.

"You know living in America gives up freedom of speak," Kelly says and smiles at her.

"Whatever, just you back the fuck away from my man," she says and pokes my chest.

"And who is that?" I ask and she gives me another dirty look.

"Jack, stay the fuck away from him." She says and goes to walk away.

"What ever you want dear princess," i say and bow, my friends all laugh and she looks at me.

"One day Joe, your gonna fucking get it," she says and I smile.

"Excuse me ma'am but cursing is not allowed on school grounds," I say and smile.

"Good one Joe," Nicole says and I smile.

"Thanks," I say and we walk to our 6th period class. Only 3 more periods...

I'll be fine.

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