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I ended up falling asleep like 5 minutes into the plane ride.

I cuddled up to someone, man this person is really comfy. I keep my eyes closed cause I don't want to wake up, "Carter hurry up and take a picture! We have to wake them up! We've landed!" I hear someone say. Wait we already landed? Damn that was a short ride. I hear a click and then someone shaking my shoulders. I don't move, I feel the boy under me move.

"I got her guys, just grab our bags for me," someone says and I was then lifted up bridal style. I cuddle into the persons chest.

"Joe, you need to wake up," I slowly open my eyes and look up to see Nash holding me. I smile at him and look around me. All the boys are staring at me, I look at Jack G, and I see jealousy in his eyes. Nash gently puts me on my feet and we walk through security.

"Hey Joe... Can we talk?" I look at my brother and nod my head. We walk to the Dunkin Donuts in the airport alone.

"What's up brosha?" I ask and as we order our drinks. We both got Oreo Coolatas.

"Who do you like?" He straight up asks and I give him a weird look.

"No one," I say and grab my drink walking to an empty table. Cam sits across from me.

"Joe, I know when you're lying." He says taking a sip from his drink, "I know it's either Gilinsky or Grier," he says leaning back. I stand up and grab my bag.

"I told you no one Cameron. And I'm telling the dead truth," with that I walked out of Dunkin Donuts and walk to the other boys.

"You okay?" Brent asks me and I look at him.

"To be dead honest no. I'm not freaking okay," I tell him, and he looks at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks leaning against the wall.

"Do you think I like one of the boys? Like is it obvious?" He looks at me shocked.

"I didn't think about you liking any of us, I don't know why. I guess it's because you just acted like you in front of us," he says grabbing my drink and taking a sip. I look at him and laugh, "sorry I was thirsty," I just shake my head, "But I can tell that Nash, and the the two Jacks like you, but I never thought you liked any of them," he says handing me my drink back.

"Thanks," I say and lean on the wall with him.

"What's with you and Jack J?" He asks and sigh.

"It's complicated," I say and he looks at.

"I like complicated," he says and I laugh, "tell me sweet thang," he raps an arm around my waist.

"We use to have a thing last summer. We dated, but I ended up getting bullied so we broke up. I was told to back off him so i did," I said and Brent looks at me.

"You were bullied?" Brent asks wide eyed.

"Yup, for dating him." I sighed, "he was my first love, first kiss, he even to-" I quickly stop myself and Brent looks at me wide eyed.

"YOUR FUCKING VIRGINTY!?" He screams and I cover his mouth as people look at us.

"Sorry! He's a little mental," I says and slap him, "first, no cursing and second don't tell Cameron! Please I'm begging you!" I scream and Brent smiles.

"Holy shit, so you're the girl Jacks been in love with his whole life," I gulp and look at the ground.

"Promise me Brent," I say looking back up and sticking out my pinky.

"I promise Joseph Dallas," he says linking his pinky with mine. I smile and let go leaning back on the wall. Brent wraps his arm around my waist again. We keep talking he does his "mhhmm," which makes me laugh.

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