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I ran down the hall as Cameron chased after me. I laughed as he picked me up in his arms, he spun me around as the guys started to laugh. I smiled, we haven't really hung out like this in a long time because of Magcon and school. It was the beginning of both, and let me tell you it was pretty freaking hard. He sets me down and I laugh, "Today's gonna be a Joe and Cameron day!" Cameron screams and I smile.

"We haven't had that in a long time!" I say and he just nods his head, "So what are we gonna do?" I ask smiling.

"It's a secret! Now go get changed!" I look down at my gray sweatpants and oversized hoodie. I just nod my head running back to the room we share. I grab my bag and run to bathroom, I quickly hop into the shower.

I get out wrapping a towel around my body, I brush my teeth, then my hair. When I'm done I slip the towel down from my torso. I put on undergarments, then blacked distressed jeans, my white 5SOS crop-top, and white studded converse. I fix my hair and put on some makeup. I grab my bag and walk out of the bathroom, I put my bag back where it was.

I turn around and hear a whistle, I just cross my arms, "What do you want Taylor?" I ask and he smile getting closer to me. He puts his hands on my hips bringing me closer to him. My breathe quickens.

"Take me back," he says and I just shake my head.

"No Taylor," I say. "How do I know if your not just betting on me again?" I say and get out of grip, I grab my phone walking out of the room.

"Hey baby sis, ya ready?" He asks and I nod my head. We get to the elevator and he's smiling.

"Why you so happy?" I ask.

"Just happy you wore that shirt," he says and I give him a weird look. I just shrug it off and the door opens. I pull my beanie down a little bit more 'till we get to the rental car. We get in safely and I take off my beanie throwing it into the back. We drive to where ever we're going. I start to poke Cameron.

"Where we going?" I say and he just smiles, "CAMERONNNNNNN!!!!" I scream making him laugh, "Tell me!!! You should know by now I don't like secrets!" I say still poking him.

"I know that's why this is fun," he says with a smirk, I stop poking him and cross my arms, "You should be happy right now Joe," he says as the car pulls to a stop. He lowers my window.

"Why should I be happy? You're not telling me where we're going, maybe you're going to push me off a building?" I say waving my hands like a lunatic. He just laughs, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh honey, I don't think your brother would ever do that," my eyes widen at the Australian accent. My lip quivering as I slowly move my head to face the boy with blonde hair and a lip ring.

"Oh. My. God." I whisper to myself, the boy stares at me, "H-how do you know L-Luke freaking Hemmings!?" I half scream, trying not to 'fan girl'. They both laugh.

"We have our ways," my brother says unbuckling his seatbelt. I slowly do the same and Luke opens the door for me, I melt a little inside.

"Do you want to meet the rest of the guys?" Luke says and I slowly nod my head. We walk into the building and my hearts doing flips. We walk into a room and all the guys look at me. My eyes widen and I start to shake.

"You okay there love?" Ashton asks and I shake my head.

"What's the matter?" Calum asks.

"Can someone pinch me?" I say and Mikey looks at me funny.

"And why do you want one of us to pinch you?" Mikey asks.

"'Cause I'm currently standing in a room with four hot guys and I think I'm dreaming," I say smiling. They all laugh, Cameron too.

"You're staying for the concert right darling?" Luke asks wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I look at Cameron with pleading eyes.

"What? Do you really think I'm that mean to just bring you here, let you hang out with them before a concert that I wouldn't bring you to?" He says and I look at him confused.

"So is that a yes?" I say and they all laugh.

"Yes, it's a yes," he says laughing.

"Hey Cam your sisters cool," Mikey says.

"Maybe even cooler than you," Ashton says and we all laugh.

"Okay let's not go there guys," Luke says smiling. God I think I'm gonna die. I sit down on the couch next to Luke and Mikey. I smile.

"Hey Cameron, you never told us your sister was so-"

"Beautiful," Luke cuts Calum off and I just laugh.

"Okay, let's not go there either," Cameron says laughing, "I like you guys, I don't want to hurt you." We all laugh as he sits in a chair.

This is the best day of my life.

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