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I started to shake my head, "Cameron." I whisper and he wraps his arm around me pulling me close, "This can't happen!" I scream, "I love him!" Cameron pulls me into a hug. I look at the hospital bed to see the boy I loved laying lifeless on it. Tears slowly running down my face.

"It's okay Joe, he's in a better place." Cameron says.

~Ten hours before~

"NASH!" I scream pushing him. He smiles and kisses me.

"Sorry baby girl." He smirks and pushes me into the pool.

"You little!" I scream and he smirks.

"You know I'm not little." I roll my eyes and swim over to him.

"Can you give me a hand up?" I ask sticking out my hand, he crosses his arms, "Please babe." I say and he sighs giving me his hand. In one swift motion I pull him into the pool, jeans and all.

I start to kiss him, we start to have a make out session. He slips his hand up my wet shirt, and I tangle my fingers in his hair.

"Joe! We need to go to Magcon!" He screams smiling. I kiss him again.

"Shush, don't ruin this for me." I say smiling, we keep kissing when the door opens.

"GUYS! MAGCON STARTING!" JJ says laughing, and he closes the door walking to the Magcon room.

"Let's go." I say kissing him and walking out of the pool. I try myself off and toss a towel to Nash, "We need to get changed come on." I say pulling him out of the pool room and into the elevator. He smiles and the door closes, I kiss him and the door opens. A girl walks in and we just stand there awkwardly. We get to our floor and we run to our room.

I lock the door and strip out of my wet clothes. I walk to my bag, I pull out a black pair of underwear, a purple bra, blacked ripped jeans, a blue superman crop top, and white flowered Docs. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and my nerd glasses. I look over at Nash and he's wearing khaki shorts, Tye-dye muscle tee, and black vans. I smile and kiss him.

"Let's go." I say and we walk back to the elevator. We get in and he presses the lobby button. He's seems really off today for some reason. I hold his hand in mine as the door opens and we walk to the Magcon room.

"Hey guys, you ready?" Cameron asks and we nod out heads. He runs out on stage and waves to everyone.

"HEY GUYS! WELCOME TO MAGCON!" He screams and everyone goes wild. Nash's hand starts to get sweaty and I look at him.

"You okay babe?" I asks and he nods his head.

"I'm fine." He smiles and we run out on the stage hand-in-hand.

~after Magcon~

"Good show guys." JJ says patting our backs. We nod our heads and Jack looks at Nash.

"Hold on baby girl." Nash says and walks away with Jack. I look at Cameron weirdly, he just shrugs his shoulders. I sigh and Jack walks back with his eyes red and puffy.

"You okay?" I ask he nods his head and Nash walks in.

"Okay, what time we going to dinner?" He asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Like twenty minutes so go get ready, and dress nice. Bart got a reservation for a really fancy restaurant." Cameron says, we nod our heads and Nash graps my hand walking to the elevator. It stops and we walk into our room. I walk to my bag, I grab a black dress and walk to Nash's bag, I grab a nice pair of khaki shorts and a light blue button down. I hand it to him, and he doesn't move. He just stays there stairing at the floor. I bend down and pick up his chin, "Are you okay babe?" I ask him and he nods his head.

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