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"JOEEEE!! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP FOR SCHOOL!!" I hear Nash scream and I cover my ears with a pillow. He rips the pillow from my ears and throws it across the room. I sit up and look at him.

"What are you doing up at five-thirty in the morning and have so much energy?" I say rubbing my head looking at my phone. It was Wednesday and we got back from Magcon last night.

"All nighters and monsters," he says with an evil smirk. I stand up rubbing my belly, I pick up my shirt and fix my belly button ring.

"Don't you have school?" I ask him grabbing a towel.

"I take online classes," he says shrugging his shoulders, leaning on my door frame. I walk over to him crossing my arms.

"Okay, but some people still go to public schools so you need to get out of my room so I can get ready," I say pushing him out of my room.

"Hey, I'm always up for a show," he says smirking.

"Pervert!" I scream slamming my door in his face laughing. I hop in the shower washing off the filth on my body and wash off my hair. I get out and blow dry my hair, and fix it up with a straightener. I go to my closet and change into white high waisted shorts and a blacked flowered crop top. I change my belly button ring into an anchor and my tongue ring into a thing that looks like a red, blue, and white pill. I grab my black high top converse.

I run downstairs and grab cereal from the cabinet. I grab a bowl filling it with milk and fruity pebbles. I sit at the counter sitting on the stool, and go through my social medias as I eat.

"You almost ready?" I hear someone says and I turn to look at Nash.

"For what?" I ask confused as I wash out my bowl, putting it into the dish washer.

"Surprise! I'm going to school with you!" He screams and I look at him eyes wide.

"Are you serious?" I say eyes wide and he nods his head smiling. I just roll my eyes, "God this is gonna be fun," I mumble.

"Okay, so how are we getting there?" He ask and I look at the time, 6:20. I grab mine and Cameron's penny board. I throw it at him.

"Like this," I say grabbing my book back walking out the door.

"Don't we have to be there at 7:15?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, but we need to pick up Kelly and Gracie first," I say and he mumbles something. I look at him.

"Look my friends aren't some Magcon freaks, except for Nicole, but you don't have to worry about her because she really likes Cam. So don't say anything had about them okay?" He just nods his head shocked. I start to ride away, "Just don't get lost cause I won't come back to get you." I say smiling. He quickly catches up to me as I call Kelly, it going through my headphones.

"Sup biach," she says and I just laugh.

"Hurry up and get ready, almost at your house."

"Kay, I'm outside." She says and I see her as her house comes to view, "Who's that hot stuff behind you?" She says and I laugh.

"Just Hamilton," I say laughing.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" He screams. She just laughs and we hang up. I don't stop, because she just joins in with the flow. I then call Gracie and tell her to hurry up. Soon she's in the group. We get to school and I pop my board up.

"Okay guys, I'll see ya first period gotta show this dork around," I say pointing to Nash.

"Kay, see ya bae!" Kelly screams, I walk into school with Nash next to me, in less then two seconds there are girls screaming. He gets closer to me as I round the corner, girls following us. We finally make it to the main office and he sighs.

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