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Magcon was over and it was passed 10 o'clock. I jump into my bed, in my pjs, plug in my phone, and hide under the covers. It was a long day and all I wanted to do was sleep. Soon I feel the covers lift up, then arms wrap around my torso. It can't be Taylor, they seem more musclier. I turn around.

"Shiz Gilinsky you scared the crap out of me!" I scream hitting him. He laughs pulling me closer, "What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep," he says smiling.

"This is Taylor's bed, don't you think he'll get mad?" I ask and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"He'll get over it," he says with a smile. I shake my head and cuddle into him, "Joe," he breathes out.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You're cute."

"So are you," I say and he kisses my nose.

"Night Joe."

"Night Jack," and with that I fall asleep.

~30 minutes later~~

"Jack! What the fuck are you doing!?" I hear someone scream and Jack was ripped out from his spot. I look up to see Taylor holding him up against the wall, "Why the fuck were you in bed with Joe! She doesn't even like you!" He screams and punches Jack in the stomach, "Don't touch her!" He screams again throwing a punch at Jack's face, hitting him right in the jaw.

"Taylor! Stop!" I scream and he doesn't he keeps punch Jack, "Taylor!" I scream trying to hold him back. He pushes me down to the ground and then returns back to punching Jack, "CAMERON! NASH! JJ! SOMEONE!" I scream. Soon all the boys come rushing into the room. Cameron runs over, pulling Taylor off Jack.

"What the fuck happened!?" Shawn screams running over to a bloody Jack.

"Jack was in bed with Joe!" Taylor screams and Cameron's eyes widen at me.

"Not in that way! God Cameron! We were sleeping! Don't you know me!?" I scream.

"Well obviously not because I didn't even know you lost your virginty, let alone who took it! So I don't know if you're sleeping around!" He screams I widen my eyes.

"Are you fucking serious!? And yes I just fucking cursed because you Cameron Dallas are getting on my nerve! You're so annoying about all this!" I walk up to him, first I slap Taylor, "first I'm not your fucking property," I then push Taylor away, and slap Cameron even harder. I start to walk to the door that leads into the boys room, "if you really want to know who took my fucking virginty ask little Jack Johnson over their, ask who took his as well." I say slamming the door that connect our two rooms. I lock both doors so none of them could get in.

I plop of the bed realizing I forgot my phone. I don't need it, soon I hear screaming coming from the other room, "YOU HAD SEX WITH MY LITTLE SISTER!!" I hear Cameron. I sigh and hide under the covers covering my face.

"Joe?" I slowly pick up the blanket. Tears stained on my face. I look at those blue eyes that can read every emotion on your face, "what's the matter?" Nash asks, I don't answer him, I just wrap my arms around his neck and cry into his shoulder.

"I don't want to talk right now," I sniffle, "I just want to sleep." I say.

"Okay, here sleep here," he says laying me down. He stands up and walks over to the door.

"Can you not unlock that?" I ask and he smiles walking away, "Nash?"

"Mhm?" He ask quietly.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" I ask and he smiles.

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