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I walked over to the guys room and ran into their bathroom. I locked the door and slid down the door. I popped off the back of my phone case and played with the object in the back. I then heard a knock at the door. I quickly put the object back and clicked on my Cameron Dallas phone case. I stand up, opening the door up a crack. I look at the brown haired boy that I know for years.

"Can I come in?" Cameron asks and I nod my head opening up the door all the way. I close it, locking it again, sitting back on the floor. He sits across from me, we sit in silence. Cameron then looks at me with a guilty face, "Let me see."

"I didn't do anything Cam," I say and he gives me a look. I turn my wrist over showing him my clear wrist. He just nods as I pull them back.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I don't answer. I look down at my phone playing with case. We sit in silence, when he breaks it, "Joe, are you okay?" I look at him, tears threatening from coming out of my eyes.

"No Cameron. I'm not 'okay', want to know why? 'Cause my brothers friends, who I might add, I have to be on tour with, think I'm a freaking whore. So no I'm not your definition of 'okay', because I made Taylor beat up Jack and you punch JJ. I'm sorry for all this. I'm sorry for making you guys hate each other right now. I'm just sorry for everything. I'm just sorry," I say letting the tears slip out from eyes. Cameron drags me over to his lap cradling me. I hide my face into his shirt.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault, they are all horny teenage boys. Theirs only one girl on this tour and these boys are just... horny. This is why I didn't want you hanging out with them, 'cause I knew you would end up getting hurt. And I don't like see you getting hurt." He says rocking back and forth.

"I-I want to go h-home," I whisper.

"What is home anymore Joe?" Cameron says and I sigh.

"I miss her."

"I miss her too," he says rubbing my back, "and this is why I can't let you go either. Cause you are the closet thing I have to mom, and if you leave then... I have nothing left." I nod my head when I hear a knock on the door.

"Joe? Cameron?" A voice asks and I look at Cameron.

"Not now Gilinsky," Cameron says and I hear him walk away.

"Cameron, I'm tired," I whisper to him.

"Go to sleep baby girl, I'll be right here," he says. Soon I feel my eyelids get heavy, then all i see is darkness.

•Jack Gilinsky's POV•

"You were right Cameron, for once. I shouldn't have hung out with these guys, because your friends are just horny teenage boys." Joe says, slamming the door behind her. I felt like I was hit right in the stomach by a bowling ball.

"You guys are assholes," Cameron says getting up and following his sister. We all sit their in silence realizing what just happened.

"We really are assholes," I say and everyone nods their heads. I look at Taylor, to see him looking at me.

"Bro I'm sorry for punching you, I just really like Joe," he says and I nod my head.

"Okay, who ever hear doesn't like Joe please get up and leave the room," Brent says. Everyone but Taylor, Jack, Nash, and me leave. I look at the three other guys. Why would Joe like me? Out of all of them? I should just tell them that they can have her. I mean I really like her, but she probably doesn't like me, "You guys have to stop being dicks. To both Joe and each other." Brent says crosses his arms.

"But-" Jack starts but Brent cuts him off.

"You're the last person I want to hear from. You are the most dick here. You laughed when Joe was crying and when she said it was you who took her virginty. And you told me you 'loved' her, bullshit." Brent says and Jack stands up from his bed.

"Whatever I don't need this. I don't need Joe I have Talia," Jack says walking to the door.

"Yeah the girl that bullies Joe," Nash says and Jack looks at him.

"At least someone is head over heals for me," he says slamming the door. I sigh, keeping my mouth shut.

"Guys, can you just promise not be like Jack. I don't care what you do just please don't hurt Joe she means a lot to me, and it hurts to see her like this." Brent says no one responds, "Now this is between you guys I have nothing to do with it." He says and leaves the room. I get up and go to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Taylor asks and I look at him shrugging my shoulders. Joe doesn't like me. She made out with Taylor, and Nash. Taylor was a choice but Nash was a dare, either way you could see she looked happy. I need to back away from her let her chose, we can't force her to do anything. I walk into the other room and hear whispers come from the bathroom. I walk up to the door and put my ear to it.

"I have nothing left," I hear Cameron say, I knock on the door.

"Joe? Cameron?" I ask and I hear silence.

"Not now Gilinsky," Cameron says and I walk to the bed. I lay down looking up at the ceilings, thinking. God I can't stand this. So much stuff, so many problems. Soon I hear a door creak open, I don't look, I don't even move. I hear the other bed creek a little, I sigh and think some more. Soon I feel someone sit on the bed that I'm laying on. I keep my eyes planted on the ceiling.

"Gilinsky," Cameron says, "are you okay?" He asks and I don't answer. Why is he asking me? Shouldn't he be with Joe? I finally take my eyes off the ceiling and look at the other bed to see Joe asleep.

"She looks so peaceful," I whisper and Cameron nod his head.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking at me and I don't answer, I just stare at his sleeping sister on the other bed. Her brown hair flowing a little pass her shoulders, she looked so relaxed, "Jack," I look back at Cameron, "please just answer me I don't need you going mute," he says and I laugh.

"To be honest, I don't know." I say and Cameron nods his head. I get up and start walking to the door.

"Where you going?" Cameron asks and i grab my sweatshirt cause it was a little chilly.

"Just for a walk," I say and open the door. I go to the elevator and head down to the lobby, walking out of the hotel. I start to walk, no idea where I'm going. Soon I'm walking on the beach, i feel sand start to pile up in my shoe. Joe. Why does she have to make me feel this way? Like I don't love her.

Don't I?

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