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I just stood there speechless. I look at the boy eyes wide.

"Are you serious?" I ask the boy, he nods his head and I smile, "I'd love to," I say and Brent smiles.

"Wait you like Joe?" Nash asks Brent, he nods his head.

"I have for a while now, but since you guys liked her I kinda just backed off. I didn't know how much I really liked her until now." Brent said and the boys look confused, Nash and Taylor looked pissed. I walk over to Brent and he wraps his arm around my waist, "If you don't mind I would like to take my GIRLFRIEND to Starbucks," he says and we walk out of the room.

We walk down the hall to the elevator. Once the elevator door closes we are on the floor laughing our butts off.

"I can't believe they believed us!" I say wiping a tear from my eye.

"Same!" Brent says, the elevator stops and we stand up, Brent wraps his arm back around my waist.

Hey we gotta make this look real.

"Ready to go 'girlfriend'," Brent asks as he does quotes around the word girlfriend. I laugh and nod my head. The door opens and we walk out. We walk to Starbucks and order out drinks.

"Did you see the look on Nash's and Taylor's faces!?" I say grabbing my drink, and Brent grabbing his.

"I know! They were so pissed!" Brent says as we sit down. I take a sip of my drink.

"Thanks for doing this Brent," i say and he nods his head.

"Anything for my princess," he says and I smile. I love it when we calls me that. Don't get me wrong Brent is extremely attractive, but we are too much alike to be a REAL couple.

"How did you know to come and save the day for me, my peasant in shining armor?" I say and he laughs.

"Well I saw Gilinsky walk out of the room and he looked upset, I asked what's wrong and he said that you were choosing who you wanted to be with, and he didn't want to get hurt if you didn't pick him so he just left. So that's when I swooped in to come and save the day!" Brent says and I laugh. And think about Jack for a second.


"I like you Joe... A lot," Jack says and smile.

"I like you a lot too, Jack."

~flashback over~

"Earth to Joe!" Brent says waving a hand in front of me.

"Yeah?" I ask, Brent breaking me from my flashback.

"Did you hear what I said?" I shake my head no and he rolls his eyes laughing, "Who do you like?" He asks and I sigh.

"I don't know! That's what's so hard about this! If you wouldn't have barged in and asked me that question, then I don't know who I would have picked," I say sighing, "I really like Taylor and Jack... But I don't really like Nash, like I like him more as a friend, and by the way he is my brothers BEST friend." I say taking a sip of my drink. All of a sudden my phone dings. I look at it.

From: Nashtyyyyy

Hey Joe, I just wanted to say no hard feelings, after I saw you and Brent together I figured out that I like you more as a friend. Love ya boo:*

I laugh and show Brent the text. Brent smiles and nods his head, "Okay, so who is it? Taylor or Jack?" I look at Brent and sigh.

"Who do you think?"

I was in the airport waiting for Cameron and Nash to hurry back. Nash was staying with us till the next Magcon. It was October, and it's all Magcon and school.

"Flight 328, to Florida now boarding," I start to get jumpy because Nash and Cameron aren't back yet. Soon the two boys run over to me grabbing their bags and we all run to the gate. We hand the lady our tickets and take our seats. I took the window seat before Nash could.

"THATS NOT FAIR!" Nash screams and the whole plane looks at us. I pull Nash into the seat and cover his mouth.

"Sorry bout that he's a little mental," I say and hit him upside the head.

"Oh that hurt! And I am not mental!" Nash say.

"Yeah okay," Cameron says sitting down. We take off and we are in the air for about five minutes when Nash starts complaining.

"I needa peeeeeeee," Nash says and I roll my eyes.

"I know! You said it a thousand times!" I say.

"Okay then I'll say it a thousand and one times. I needa peeeeee," I cover my ears as the airplane lady comes to us.

"You kids need anything?" She asks and Nash is about to say no when I cover his mouth.

"Can passengers use the bathroom yet?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Yup, down the aile and to the left," she says, "anything else?" Nash quickly stands up and runs to the bathroom.

"Yes can we have three sodas and a bag of chips?" Cameron asks and she nods her head handing us soda cans and a big back of sour cream and union chips.

"Thanks," I say as the lady walks away. Cameron quickly takes Nash's seat next to me and we start to eat the bag of chips. Soon Nash is back and he takes Cam's seat without any complaints. He start to eat the chips and he opens his soda. He also puts on the headphones so he can watch the movie playing on the airplane, which is the Goonies. The best movie ever!

Nash is soon passed out snoring. I laugh and take a picture posting it on Instagram and twitter, "So Joe, who is it?" Cameron asks and I look at him weirdly.

"Who is what?" I ask confused.

"The boy that you like, we all know that you and Brent were faking, cause you told us, so who is the real boys you like? Taylor or Jack?" He asks and I sigh.

"Okay, if I tell you, you can't tell anyone," I say and he just nods his head.

"Okay, I promise," he says sticking out his pinky. I link my little pinky with his big one.

"It's Taylor..." I say and Cameron's eyes widen and Nash shoots up and looks at me.

"I KNEW IT!! JAYLOR FOR LIFE!" Nash screams and I hop on Cam's lap covering Nash's mouth cause people were looking at us again.

"Sorry, like I said before, he's a little mental." I say smiling.

"I am not mental," Nash mumbles, as my hand covers his mouth.

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