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I walked down the wet sidewalk with Nash. Jack and I were suppose to go to the movies for a date but he canceled for some reason. I start to kick the rocks in front of me and Nash sighs, "I broke up with Grace." He says and I look at him wide eyed.

"Why!?" I scream making him laugh.

"I don't know, we both really didn't like each other." He says and I nod my head shivering, "Cold?" I nod my head. He stops and takes off his sweatshirt, his actual shirt lifting up a little. He hands me his lacrosse sweatshirt and I put it on right away. I shove my hands into the pocket.

"I'm so confused Nash," I say and he looks at me, "about Jack. I thought he really liked me." I say and kick my rocks with my beat up high tops.

"He does," Nash says and sighs, "I don't know why he's acting like this." Nash seems nervous, he stops and turns around.

"Can we go back to your house so I can get a sweatshirt? I'm cold." He says and I nod my head giving him a weird look.

"Okay?" I say and we start to walk back to my house. We get in and Nash runs upstairs to get a sweatshirt. I lean on a wall and text Jack.

To: Jack is Bæ

Hey, I was just wondering what you were doing tomorrow... Maybe we can hang out if your not busy.

I send it sighing, and Nash comes running down the stairs, "Kay I'm good, lez go." He says and we walk out the door. We walk down the side walk heading to an ice cream shop, "Hi, can I just have a hot chocolate?" Nash's asks and the lady nods her head, "Want anything?" I shake my head and he pays for his drink.

We sit down at a table, we're quiet for a long time. Nash plays the game Cameron and the others made. I laugh as he try's to get past the mummies, "That's the hardest part." I say and he hands me his phone, 'cause I was the one to make the mummies. I got past the whole level handing it back to Nash.

"Thanks bae," he says laughing, I smile, Nash looks past me and his eyes widen. He quickly stands up throwing out his drink, "Come one Joe," he says trying to pull me up. I stay seated.

"I want to stay here, I'm sick of walking." I argue.

"I love you Joe, and that's why we need to leave," he says, and i scrunch my eyebrows together.

"You're acting weird like Jack is," I say standing up. We start to walk away from the table when I realize I forgot my phone at the table, "I forgot my phone at the table." I say and go to turn around when Nash grips my wrist.

"I'll get it," he says and I shake my head.

"I can do stuff for myself Nash," I rip my wrist from his grip turning, my heart shatters to pieces right there. Tears lining at my eyes. I can't seem to focus on anything else but the blond girl attached to Jack, their lips molded together. I walk over to the table and grab my phone unlocking it. I dial the number to the person I thought loved me. It rings for a couple seconds when his voice comes on.

"Hey, babe." He says nervously, I seem him leaning his arm on the wall hovering over the girl.

"Hi," I say my voice cracking, "what you doing?" I say holding back the tears.

"Laying in bed... You okay?" He asks and a tear rolls down my face.

"No I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?" He asks I see him move from his spot hovering over the girl to leaning on the wall.

"You know it was low for JJ to choose Taylia over me. It was low that Taylor fucking bet on me. But it's even fucking lower to tell your fucking girlfriend that your laying in bed when you're making out with a tramp on the side of Jerry's." I say and I see him look over in my direction, his eyes are wide.

"Joe I'm so sor-"

"I don't want a fucking apology Jack," I say tears sliding down my cheeks as he looks at me straight in the eyes.

"What do you want then Joe?" He asks and I look at him dead in the eyes.

"Nothing, 'cause what ever we had is fucking over." I say and I can see tears running down his face, I hang up the phone walking over to Nash.

"Joe-" I cut him off.

"I just want to go home." I say and we start to walk when I feel someone grip my arm. I turn around to see a red cheeked Jack with tears still running down his face.

"Joe, I'm so sorry, I love you. I know I fucked up." He says.

"I loved you too Jack, but you have to face the fact."

"What fact?" He says.

"You're a bigger fucking player then JJ and Taylor will ever be." I say I get out of his grip, he grabs my wrist again.

"Don't walking away Joe," he say angrily.

"Let go of her Jack," Nash says getting between us. Jack let's go of me and pushes Nash.

"Stay out of this Nash, you're not part of this." Nash's fist clenches and his punches Jack causing him to stumble back. Nash grabs my hand and we run back to my house. I run straight to my room, I chuck the bear that Jack gave me across the room and cover my ears.

The thoughts come to my head and i grab my phone case. I pop off the back and my old friend falls to my lap. I pick it up staring at the metal blade. I shake my head and chuck it across the room. I shakily grab my phone that was sitting next to me on the bed and dial Nash's number.

"You okay Joe?" He asks.

"Can you please come to my room."

"Yeah." He hangs up and then there's a knock on my door, the door then slowly opens. He walks in and sits on my bed by me.

"I need you to stay with me tonight." I say tears falling down my stained cheeks, "You promised Cameron that while he's out you'll watch me and keep me safe."

"Safe from what?" Nash asks.

"From myself." I say laying down, he just nods his head and lays down next to me. He brings me closer and I close my eyes.

"You'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you too." Nash says and kisses my head.

"Night Nash," I say.

"Night love."

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