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I walked down the hall holding hands with Jack. Two weeks ago, when Jack first kissed me, he asked me out and I said yes. Tyna steps in front of us crossing her arms, "May I help you?" I ask and she snorts.

"Why are you with him?" She asks and I look at her weirdly.

"He's my boyfriend?" I say and look at Jack who looks annoyed.

"Oh really?" She asks and looks at Jack, "Really?"

"Yes Tyna really now get out of our way," he says pushing her out of our way. We start to walk again and Jack tenses.

"You okay babe?" I ask as I get to my locker, I grab my books to go home because I was leaving earlier.

"Yeah, so where Cam taking you and Nash?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Said he needed to have a talk with us," I say and see Nash making his way to us with Grace. They both look really happy, Nash probably just asked her out considering they're holding hands.

"Hey, you ready?" I ask and Nash nods his head. He kisses Grace and Jack kisses me. We say our goodbyes and make our way out of the building. We wait for Cameron to come sitting on the side walk, "Is it just me or does Jack seem a little off of it?" I ask and Nash nods his head.

"I don't know what it is though," he says as Cameron's car pulls up. We hop in, driving to out mysterious destination. I have a feeling it's not going to be good though 'cause Cam looks pissed. We sit there quietly and my phone dings.

From: Nashtyy

We're going to your aunt's house.

My eyes widen and I look at Cameron, "Why in hell are we going to Aunt Stephs?" I ask and his grip on the wheel tightens.

"Because I need to give her a piece of my mind," he says through gridded teeth.

"Why in hell would you do that?" I ask.

"Cause she said that dad and I should not have custody of you," my mouth drops hopping what's coming out of his mouth is a lie, "she thinks you should live with her." He says as we pull into the drive way, he gets out of the car, "Stay here," he stomps to the front door. He knocks so hard it seems like he's going to break the door.

"Hello Cameron," my aunt's voice travels out the door as she stands in the door way.

"We have more of a right to keep Joe then you do! You're not even a part of her fucking life!" He screams but she doesn't flinch.

"We'll she's going around all nilly-dilly on these tours with you, with all these boys. I'm sorry I don't want to see my niece of the front if a porn magazine," my mouth drops and so does Nash's and Cameron's.

"You're calling my little sister a fucking whore?" He asks balling his hands in fist.

"I don't want her to become one! She's already been with what? Five of these boys? She's turning into one Cameron, I don't want her to be your mother." Tears threatening to come out of my eyes, I come out of the door stomping to Steph.

I bring my hand up slapping her as hard as I can across the face, "JOSEPH ROSE DALLAS!" She screams as she looks at me, her hand covering her cheek, "You see what I mean! She's loosing control!" She screams.

"No! You are! You're making decisions for a kid that's not even fucking yours! So if you don't want to get slapped again don't try and get custody of me." I get real close to her face, "And I don't care if you call me whore, but never EVER call my mother a whore." With that I walk back to the car with Cameron close behind.

We drive away, as we pull out of the drive way Nash and I flip her off, "Damn Joe your violent," Nash says.

"I'm just sick of people trying to control my life." I cross my arms and lean back on the seat.

"But you look sexy when your violent," he mumbles. Cameron didn't hear but I did, I turn around giving him daggers, "It's true." He says. I just roll my eyes and lean back on the seat.

•1 month later•

"Jack seems really weird," I say bring my sweatshirt closer to my body. It was a rainy and cold day, which like never happens.

"I know," Kelly says going through her locker, "when was the last time you guys hung out?" She asks and I think.

"Yesterday, but he seemed so distant," I say and she closes her locked.

"Have you guys have-"

"No!" I scream and cover myself even more, "Haven't even talked about it." She just nods her head as I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey babe," Jack says and I smile.

"Hey," i turn around to face him and Kelly walks away, "you okay?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Sorry if I've been acting weird," he says as we walk to his car. I shiver and he looks at me, "Cold?" I nod my head and he takes off his sweatshirt, giving it to me. I slip it on and I smell his sweet sent. I smile and we link hands. We get into his car and drive to his house. I grab my books and walk to the front door. He opens it and we walk to the island in his kitchen.

"How much homework do we have?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. We start on it and it's been a good hour when it starts to down pour. I stop what I'm doing and look out the window in the kitchen. I've always loved rain, it just soothed me. I guess I was dazed out of a good minute or so 'cause Jack was waving his hand in front of my face, "You okay babe?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Fine," I says and go back to working on my homework. The rain gets harder and I can't help it. I take off Jack's sweatshirt, leaving me in jeans and a light sweatshirt. I run outside and just stand in the rain. I hear Jack laugh at me.

"JOE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" He screams over the rain.

"Come!" He gives me a look then runs out into the rain as well. We start to dance and sing, and do other crazy stuff. All of a sudden our eyes meet and he brings me closer to him. I smile and he does too.

"I love you Joe," he says.

"I love you too."

"Have you ever kissed someone in the rain?" I shake my head and he smiles. He smashes his lips to mine and it's amazing.

Yet it doesn't seem right.

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