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My eyes slowly open as the light shines through my window. I just stare at the window, wondering if I could just jump, maybe not make it. I sigh and I feel the hands around my waist tighten, bringing me closer. I look over at Nash, his blue orbs meet mine, "Morning babes," Nash says and I turn around to face him. I look past him and see my blade on the floor by the wall.

"Please tell me that really didn't happen, that Jack still loves me and that it was all a sick dream." I say and Nash just shakes his head.

"I'm sorry Joe. You deserve better." He says and I burry my face into his chest.

"What did I do wrong Nash?!" I scream into him. His grib tightens and he brings me closer to him.

"YOU did nothing, like you said Jack is a bigger player than any of us are." Nash says and I shake my head.

"But I love him Nash." I say keeping my face in his chest.

"What is love Joe?" Nash asks and I just stay silent. "Love is caring for that schizafranic who picks at their skin. Love is caring for someone who slits their arms 'cause they don't feel comfortable in their own skin. Love is loving that girl with the walls built up high, love is trying to knock down those walls, to show her that not everyone is evil. What Jack did to you, that's not love. Jack made those walls crumble to the ground, let them shatter just because he can. He won you Joe, and that was the only thing he cared about. And once he won you, he was done with you." Nash says and I'm speechless.

"Love is blind." I whisper and Nash looks at me, "Love is blind."

"Why do you say that Joe?" He ask and I take my eyes off his bare chest and meet those breath-taking eyes.

"'Cause it doesn't see that the person who is actually the right one is right in front of them." I say, I lean up and connect our lips together. We've kissed before, plenty of times but this time was different. There was passion.

"I love you Joe," Nash says in between the kisses.

"I love you too Nash," I says. This kiss had love in it.

And that's all I really asked for.

I walked down the hall on Monday. Passing everyone and they stared at me, like I was an alien that just landed on earth. I pulled down my shorts and fixed my shirt. I get to my locker and take my Pink backpack off my back. I put the books I need for the first half of the day in it. I close my locker and greeted by a blonde that I never thought I'd see before.

"Jamie?" I say confused as I sling my backpack onto my back, and she just smirks.

"Hi Joe, how you doing?" She says, her smirk still nicely placed on her face.

"Good? What are you doing here? I thought you moved to Jersey when you and Cam broke up." I say annoyed.

"Oh just... I found someone here." She says as Jack walks up to his locker that is right by mine, "Hi babe," she says kissing Jack. My eyes widen realizing that the blonde that was making out with Jack that day was Jamie.

"Slut," Kelly says as she walks up to me.

"Excuse me?" Jamie says crossing her arms.

"You heard me. First Cameron now Jack? Who you going to fuck next?" Kelly asks and tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Joe," Jack says for the hundredth time all weekend.

"It's whatever, cause obviously you never loved me." I say and Nash walks up to us, "And I don't love you." I say and Nash snakes his arm around my waist, Jack's eyes widen. We start to walk away.

"Joe I'm sorry!" He screams and I turn around, "It was a mistake."

"Yeah an 'innocent' mistake." I turn around when a thought comes to my head and I turn back around. "I hope they ask about me, and I hope you tell them you fucked up." And with that, I walked to my home room with Kelly and Nash by my side.

Nash held me close to him and kissed my head, "Love you baby girl." He says and I nod my head.

"Love you too." I say and lean my head on his shoulder, that I can barely even reach. Kelly smiles.

"You guys are cute," she says with a smile.

"I know." Nash says, I look up at him and he pecks my lips.

My heart is no longer scraped and bruised. And that it feels good.

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