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My eyes widen and tears threaten to come out of my eyes, but I hold them back. I look at Taylor, JJ, and Carter in discuss. I walk up to Taylor who's on the floor, he gulps, "Are you okay?" I ask and his eyes widen, he slowly nods his head. I get real close to him putting my hand on his leg. My mouth goes right by his ear as my hand travels more up his leg, "Don't fucking bet on me darling, you don't know how much damage I can do," I whisper to him smirking.

My hands his right about to touch his dick when I make a fist and punch him hard. He rolls up in a ball and cries in pain, "We're fucking over." I say walking out of my room and down the hall.

So many questions are running through my head as tears slowly drip down my face. I walk into one of the boys rooms and run straight to the bathroom, not caring if the boy saw me. I slam the bathroom door shut and lock it. I slide down the wall farthest from the door.

"Joe!? Are you okay?!" I hear someone scream. By now I'm balling my eyes out.

"Why!?" I scream and punch a wall. I start to cry harder.

"JOE LET ME THE FUCK IN!" He screams but I ignore him. I go onto my phone going to twitter.

@Joeee_Hoeee_Dallas: sorry my little penguins. I love you all but I think it's time to say good-bye<3

I post it and grab a bottle of pills for the cabinet. I struggle to get the cap off as the person on the other side of the door is scream his head off, "JOE LET ME IN OR IM BRAKING DOWN THE FUCKING DOOR!" He says I finally get the cap off and pour the whole thing in my mouth. Right as I do that, the door breaks down and I start coughing up the pills. I don't swallow any of them cause I put in too much at one time. The boy runs over and grabs me holding me back.

I start crying and hitting the boy who's holding me, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I JUST WANT TO DIE! PLEASE JUST LET ME! NO ONE CARES!" I scream as more tears come rushing out of my eyes. I collapse to the ground covering my face with my hands, the boy sits down next to me bringing me into his lap cradling me.

"Shh baby girl, it's okay. Everything will be okay," he coos, I look up into the boys brown eyes and put my head back onto his chest. I listen to his heart beat, "You were put on this world for a reason Joe." Jack says and I just shake my head, tears still slipping from my eyes. I hear him sigh.

Then he starts singing...

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But i'll love them endlessly

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to

I'm in love with you and all these little things"

Jack finishes the song and I look up at him. He looks into my eyes and smiles, then we hear a knock on the door, "Jack!? Is Joe in there?!" I hear Cameron scream he looks at me, I just close my eyes and rest my head I his chest wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I got her for right now your good!" He screams, I hear footsteps fade away. Jack stands up with me in his arms carrying me to the bed. He sits down and puts me on his lap again, "Go to sleep baby girl," he says to me. I shake my head and look at him.

"Did you know about the bet?" I ask his eyes meet mine, he sighs then looks away, "you did didn't you?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Joe," I just shake my head.

"I'm done with sorries Jack," I say getting up and walking to the door.

"I wasn't the only one you know," he says, I turn around and look at him, "We all knew, everyone but your brother." He says standing up from the bed and walking over to me. I start to back up when I hit the wall.

Jack puts his arms on both sides of me, my breathing getting quicker, he gets real close to my face, "Who do you think told your brother?" He asks backing up. He turns around and walks to the bathroom.

"Jack?" I say and he looks at me, I smile, "Thanks, I mean it." He smiles back and goes back to clean the bathroom. I open the door and head down to my brothers room. I knock on the door and his door swings open. Cameron engulfs me in a hug, I wrap my little arms around him. I close my eyes.

"I love you Cam."

"I love you too Joe."

I was running down the hallway away from Nash. We were playing hide and seek tag and Nash was it. He found me so now I was running down the hall trying not to get tagged.

When I get out of Nash's view I get pulled into a room. When I look at the boy standing in front of me I cross my arms, "What do you want Carter?" I ask.

"I'm so sorry Joe, I really like you and I didn't mean to bet on you. It's just..." He thinks for a second.

"Just what? A dick move, yeah I agree." I say looking at him. He gets closer to me, you can't even fit a magazine between us.

"I like you Joe, I don't know why you picked Taylor. You were stupid to think he really liked you." Carter whispers to me, I hold back the tears.

"Get away from me Carter," I say and try to push away from him.

"No." He says holding me back.

"I thought you were suppose to be the nice one Carter," I say the through gridded teeth.

"We make people see what we want them to see," he says with a smirk. I gulp.

"C-Carter please just let me leave," I try to leave but he pins me to the wall, "Carter. Carter. Carter!" I scream. Soon the door slams open to show a panicked Shawn. Carter finally let's me go and I run over to Shawn holding onto him. I silently cry into his shoulder.

"Don't come near her again," Shawn says through gridded teeth. He wraps his arms around me, picking me up bridal style, "It's okay baby girl, everything will be okay." All of a sudden when Shawn said that i thought of Jack. The way he saved my life, calmed me down even though I was hitting him, his voice echoing through my ears as he sang Little Things to me. I quickly calmed down after that.

The door opened and I was laying on the bed, I felt a kissed planted on my forehead, "You do not deserve this." He whispers, "Just go to sleep baby girl."

My eye lids then get heavy at the word sleep. I keep my eyes closed as I hear Shawn leave the room.

These Magcon boys can really do damage to me.

Especially since I'm falling for one of them.

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