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I pull my hand away and smile, "Okay well you guys all met, now Joe go finish cleaning and then go upstairs." He says giving me the 'you better listen to me' look. I huff and do as I'm told. I run into the dinning room and start wiping the table off again. When I'm finished I go into the kitchen and rinse off the sponge.

"Umm..." I look towards the door and laugh, "Can I have a drink?" The boy asks. I laugh and shake my head.

"No sorry," I say walking to the fridge.

"Oh sorry." He goes to walk away and I stop one of the boys. I open the fridge and pull out a coke.

"I was kidding, here." I say and hand him the drink. He just laughs.

"Thanks." He goes to leave them he stops, "I'm Matt." He smiles and leaves. I roll my eyes and start to walk to the stair case, when I bump into another one.

"There are way to many guys in here." I say and stand up. I look at a boys who is about 13. I help him up, "Sorry."

"I agree." He says and I give him a weird look.

"There are way to many guys here." I laugh and so does he, "I'm Hayes." I just nod my head.

"Matt, Hayes, and Jack." I say and he laughs.

"Yeah there's a lot." I laugh too, "Sorry I bumped into you, I just need to use the bathroom." I laugh and point down the hall.

"Down the hall and second door to the left." I say.

"Thanks, it was nice meeting you-umm..."

"Joe." I say laughing.

"Yeah, bye Joe!" He screams and runs into the bathroom. I start to run up the stairs when Cameron stops me.

"What?" I say looking at him.

"First loose the tude," he says shaping his fingers and I laugh, "and second Kelly called on the house phone saying she needed to talk to you, so call her." He says and I nod my head.

"Kay big bro." I say running up to my room grabbing my phone, plopping on my bed. I see fifteen missed calls from Kelly. I go to her contact and call her back. It rings about two times and she picks up.

"Hello?" I say and I hear crying on the other end, "Holy shiz Kellz did it happen again?" I ask and I hear more crying, "Kelly please answer me bae. Come on he's not gonna hurt you anymore." I say pulling on my converse.

"Can I please sleep at yours?" I hear her sniffle.

"Of course, I'll tell Cam what happened and I'll be there in 10. Okay?" I say grabbing my long board and some extra clothes.

"Okay," she says, "Can you bring some clothes?" She asks.

"Of course bae, I'm gonna long board 'cause Cam has people here. Do I need to bring Cams?" I hear more sniffles and I throw my bag over my shoulder and grab my headphones.

"Yes please," she says.

"Okay, do you want me stay on the phone?" I hear her sniffle.

"Please." She says still crying.

"Of course, I just need to tell Cam and put in my head phones." I say running out of my room and into Cameron's. I grab his board and slide down the railing. I run into the living room out of breathe and all the boys stare at me. Cameron gets up.

"What's wrong Joe?" He asks standing there worried.

"Kelly has to sleep over tonight," I say out of breath.

"Why?" He ask and I gulp, his eyes widen, "Again?" I nod my head.

"I'm gonna long board there and I'll be back in like 30 minutes. She needs yours, okay?" I say and he nods his head.

"Okay, just call if anything goes wrong." I just nod my head and plug in my headphones into my iPhone 5.

"Okay, thanks Cam, bye love you!" I scream running out he door.

"Love you too!" He screams before I slam the door shut. I throw down my board and start riding it to Kelly's house. I put in my headphones.

"Kellz? I'm on my way." I say and I hear her crying again, "Everything will be okay Kelly I promise." I say.

"Okay." I hear her say, then the I hear a beeping. I look at the phone and see that the call was ended.


~~15 minutes later~~

I arrive at Kelly's dad's house and start knocking on the door like crazy. I hear movement in the house but no one answers the door. I look at the drive way and see that her dad's not even home. That means only Mason's home. He's not gonna answer the fricken door. I turn the nob and it's locked.

I pick up their welcome mat and take the spare key. I put it in the hole and turn the lock and open the door. I run down the hall and into Kelly's room. I fling the door open to see Kelly curled up into a little ball in the corner crying. I run over to her and pull my bag off my shoulder I hand her the clothes and help her put them on. I then realize that I forgot shoes, I only have Cameron's and his feet are way to big to fit Kelly's. I take off my shoes and put them on her.

I throw on Cameron's and help Kelly up, "Come on Kelly, we have to go." I say and pull her towards the door. The doors now shut, I drop Kelly's arm and run to the door and start turning the nob. It's locked. I look at the window, running to it, and open it. I throw the boards out then get Kelly out. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulders.

I throw my one foot out the window then the other one. I jump out and grab my board. We run to the street and start penny boarding. I then hear the front door open.

"Kelly! Get your ass back here! I'm not finished with you!" I turn back to look at Mason running out of the house only in basketball shorts. I face forward and see that Kelly's way in front of me. I go faster then I hear a car start. I turn back around and see that Mason is in the car pulling out of the drive way.

"Kelly! Turn down the ally!" I scream at her and she does as she's told. She turns down the one ally way that leads to my house. I follow close behind. I hear the car park and I hear foot steps close behind us. I then catch up to Kelly. We round the corner to get out of the ally and we're a few houses away from my house.

"We're almost there Kell." I say and we turn into my drive way. We stop and pick up the boards. I grab my hidden key and unlock the door. Kelly runs in and up to my room and I look back. Mason is still running after us. He's a few houses down and I just laugh.

"Tell Kelly to get her ass out here!" He screams at me and I walk in the house. He's almost to my drive way and I scream back at him.

"Not in a million years." I say and slam the door shut. I lock the door and run to the back, I lock that door and all the windows. I locked everything that leads to the outside or inside of the house. I then run upstairs and see Kelly on my bed in full out tears.

"What did I ever do wrong Joe? Why does he have to rape me?" She says through tears.

"You did nothing wrong it was all Mason. He's a jerk." I say and rub her back. Then I hear banging on the front door.

"MASON GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OFF MY PROPERTY!" I hear Cameron scream and I sigh.

"What happened to him Joe? He use to be my best friend. He use to be your brothers best friend!" She says crying into my shoulder.

"People change Kelly. And there's nothing we can do about it."

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