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"JOSEPH ROSE DALLAS!" I slowly look at Kelly smiling ear to ear. We were currently at the beach, listen to music on my beat pill. I got a video of Kelly rapping to Love Robbery posting it on vine, "Delete it now!" She screams laughing. I just shake my head.

"I'll delete it when you suck my brothers dick!" I scream getting up running to the water. Kelly starts to chase after me to the water.

"Oops! Wasn't suppose to tell you!" She screams, we get into the water and I start to slash her, "suck my dick." She laughs.

"Nope sorry," I say, all of a sudden a big wave hits me. I go under water and wait a little, probably freaking Kelly out. I start to hear her scream my name.

"Joe! Holy shit! Joe where are you! Are you okay! Bae don't die on me!" She screams. Okay it's time, she gets close to me, I grab her ankle bringing her under. I pop up breathing heavily, soon so does Kelly. She hits me, "You're such an asshole." I hit her.

"No cursing." I say laughing, she smiles. All of a sudden I'm thrown over a shoulder. So I'm looking at someone's butt.

Damn this ass is cute.

"Thanks Joe!" The boy screams setting me down, I look at Jack eyes wide. I cover my face with my hands, my cheeks probably redder then a tomato. He just smiles that beautiful smile.

No Joe. Stop it. You can't think like that. Bad girl.

"Earth to Joe?" Cameron says waving his hand in front of my face. I just laugh and shove my brother a little. I look over at Jack to see him smirking at me. I abandon my brother and walk over to Jack.

"Hi," I say smiling. Act normal Joe.

"Hey," he smirks, "so you think my ass is cute?" I shrug my shoulders smirking, my face probably redder then a tomato.

"Maybe," I smirk. Jack looks at me up and down checking out my black and blue bathing suit. I then check out Jack, my eyes wander is body, then they hit his abs and i bite my lip.

"Hey babe my eyes are up here," he says with a smirk and my eyes widen. Damn no staring Joe.

Not my fault your hot.

"Oh so now I'm hot?" He says, my eyes widen a little bit more.

"Damnit you weren't suppose to hear that." I say looking down at the water.

"So there's more?" He says and I look up at him weirdly, "More thoughts about me?" He says getting closer to me. My heart starts to beat a mile a minute.

"BABE!" I hear the person i did not want to see. No not Talia. Claire. Worse then Talia, if that's even possible. Claire's eyes look at me up and down, "Hi Joe, funny seeing you here." She says smiling.

"Not really, you probably got some high tech shiz to track me," I mumble rolling my eyes. Jack looks at us confused. Claire then looks at Jack with innocents filling her eyes.

"How do you know Joe babe?" She says fluttering her eyelashes as she rubs Jack's arm.

"Wait hold up, babe?" I say confused. Jack rubs his neck.

"Well yeah, Claire's kind of my girlfriend." He says and I feel my heart break. My how heart just fall apart. I just slowly nod my head.

"I'm gonna go head over by Cam," I say my voice cracking a little. I quickly spin around in the water and make my way to my brother. Tears sliding down my face.

"Joe!" I hear Jack scream but I ignore it. Right before I get to my brother I duck underwater so there's no tears stained on my face. I get up and slick my hair back. I walk up to Nash, Cameron, and Kelly.

"I'm still not use to swimming so close to thanksgiving! Like really!" Nash says and all of them laugh.

"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna head home," I say and they all look at me concerned, "I'm fine, it's just I need to finish this project for math." I say. They just nod their heads.

"I'll go with you," Kelly says and I stop her.

"No it's fine, you guys hang here," I say and she just nods her head. I walk out of the water and dry myself off. I through on a pair of a denim shorts and my converse. I grab my bag and penny board going to the board walk. I board all the way home trying not to cry. I finally get up and I slam the door shut behind me. I run upstairs to my room, and slam that door shut.

Jack can't love Claire! She's a freak! A stalker! He can't! I love Jack! I love him.

"I love him," I say sliding down a wall in my room tears slipping down my cheeks. I look to my left and see a lighter sitting on my desk. I pick it up examining it. I light it.

The yellowish flame comes out of the little blue lighter. I put it to my stomach and feel the pain numb away. I keep it there. Then I scream. I hear footsteps come up the stairs and a door slam open. Soon I'm wrapped in someone's arms.

"It's okay Joe, it's okay." I hear the boy say I just nod my head as Hayes rocks me back and forth, "Joe what's the matter?" He asks and I shake my head.

"H-he loves Claire." I whisper, Hayes stops rocking me.

"Jack?" I nod my head, "oh honey, you'll see." He kisses my forehead and picks me up putting me on my bed, "Night angel." He says kissing my cheek. Then he leaves.

These boys are going to kill me.

And one day no ones going to be there to stop me.

My eyelids got heavily and I saw the thing I wanted to see for a long time.


•Hayes' POV•

I walked out of Joe's room and sighed. I came here to visited my brother, but instead I find Joe fucking burning herself. God I feel so bad for her. First she's bet on by her boyfriend and people she thought were her friends, second she gets hate from fans that she doesn't belong, and finally she loves Jack and he's too stupid to see it.

I sigh as the door swings open, "POO BEAR!" Nash screams running to me, we hug each other and let go. Cameron then comes in, hugging me too, "So how long you staying here little bro?" Nash asks as we go to the kitchen.

"I don't know, where you going for thanksgiving?" I ask and Nash looks at Cam.

"My dad's never home for thanksgiving," he mumbles and I just nod my head.

"We can see if you can Joe can come to our house," Nash says shrugging his shoulders popping a grape in his mouth. I nod my head. I think of Joe and look at Cameron. Does he know Joe would do this to herself? Want to hurt herself. Harm herself in anyway, "Well I'm gonna go take a shower," Nash says getting up. Once I see he's out of view I look at Cameron who's just on his phone. He starts to take a sip of water.

"Has Joe ever harmed herself before?" I blurt out, making Cameron spit out his water.

"What the fuck dude!?" He screams and my eyes widen.

"She has. Hasn't she?" I say and Cameron gives me a look.

"Why!?" He screams and I gulp.

"When I got here I heard a scream and ran up to her room to see her holding a lighter to her stomach burning herself." I say and his eyes widen. He drops his phone and rushes upstairs, I follow close behind. He runs to Joe's room examining her body, his eyes land on the burn mark right by her hop bone. He gulps looking at me.

"She use to cut," he says and my eyes widen, "when our mom passed, she didn't know how to cope. Then she got bullied not just because I was her brother but because she dated JJ." He says tears slipping from his eyes, "She was happy, then our life turned to shit." He looks at me, "You can't tell anyone."

"I won't i promise," I say holding back tears. He just nods his head and walks out of her room. I look at her fragile body laying on the bed, "Why Joe?" I mumble I turn around and stand at the door way. I look at her one more time.

"He does love you Joe. He just doesn't know it yet."

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