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I pace back and forth in the nursery, while chewing on my thumb nail. It's been a week since I found out that Adaleigh isn't Jack's and I don't know how to tell him. I already told everyone else, just not Jack. This is going to break his heart, I need to tell him though, but how? He's loves this baby, if he finds out she's Nash's will he leave?

I wrap my fingers around the necklace and ring, sighing. "Nash please help me." I say and sit on the little rocking chair. I look at Addy laying down, her soft snores fill the room. My phone starts to ring and I pick it up, "Hello?" I ask looking at Addy.

"Hey Joe, we need to talk." I hear Jack's voice travel through the speaker. My voice gets caught in my throat I'm about to say something when he cuts me off, "I'm outside now, let me in." With that the call ends. I just sit there for a couple minutes just staring at Addy. I knock comes to the door that makes Addy churn.

I quickly get up running down stairs. I open the door to see a sleep deprived Jack, "Jack are you ok-" I was cut off.

"Don't ask me a question you already know the answer to." He says and I nod my head, letting him in. "You've been avoiding me ever since Nash's mom was here. You won't let me see Addy, and you won't even answer my calls. Please tell me whats wrong Joe, I love you and I can not just disappear from your life. Whats the matter Joe?" I stay quiet and bite my lip, "Is it about Nash? Adaleigh? Please I haven't slept for days."

"Can we go take a seat?" I whisper and he nods his head as we walk to the living room. We take a seat and I look at him, his impatience makes me want to laugh. Yet, I know it's not time for that, "It's Addy," I sigh, "she's-she's..."

"She's what Joe?!" He screams, "Hurt? Dying?" He stands up, "Not mine?!" I stay quiet and look at the floor, "She's not mine?" His voice lowers and I don't answer him, "Who's the fuck is she then?!" I grab my necklace, "You guys didn't.. This isn't true, he died over ten months ago!"

"Why do you think she was so early then Jack?" I ask standing up, "I was a month early."

"Premature baby!" He yells.

"We both know she's not premature, Jack."

"And we both know she's not Nash's." He gives me a look.

"She is Nash's! And if you really don't believe me than we can do a fucking DNA test! But those eyes," I say as tears flow down my cheek, "those eyes on that baby, aren't mine."

"I need to go." Jack says and walks to the door.

"So you're just going to leave? You said you loved me, and this is your definition of love?" He looks back at me, his hand on the door knob, "You can stop loving me all you fucking want, but you will love Addy all the same even though she is not your child. She deserves a father to look up to, and since her father died on a fucking hospital bed, you're the only thing she has."

"What about Cameron?" He asks, his voice a little bit higher than a whisper.

"He's leaving soon, going off with his girlfriend, my dad is never here. I'll be all alone." I say, "Go ahead and walk out on me, but please never walk out on that baby." He turns around and looks at me, his hand lets go of the knob and he walks over to me. He places his hand on my wet cheek, then places a kiss on my forehead.

"I just need time to think baby girl." He say then lets go of my cheeks walking out of the door. I hear Addy start to cry through the baby monitor and I sigh running up the stairs. I pick her up in my arms and rock her back and forth.

"He'll stay baby," I kiss her forehead.

"I promise."


Hey guys, so this is the end of Just a Viner's Sister!! I know I'm going to cry too!!! But don't worry I am going to write a prologue.

I am sorry sorry to end it like this but the prologue is going to be wayyyy better than the ending.

Just saying.

But you guys should go check out at least one of my many other book. (or all of them what ever one you want)

Well bye my little Penguins!! until next time :*

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