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~1 week later~

My phone rings and I groan. I reach over to my night stand and put the phone to my ear not caring who it is, "Morning baby." Jack says.

"Morning." I say with no emotion.

"Are you okay?" Jack asks concerned.

"No, I feel like complete shit. Haven't been feeling well for a long time to be honest." I say rubbing my head.

"Okay, I'm at your house. Can I come in?" He asks.

"Yeah, just ring the doorbell until Cam answers. I love you, but not enough to get off my ass." I say and he just laughs.

"Oh course." I can hear his smile through the phone. It makes me smile. The door bell goes off and I hear Cam answer the door.

"Hey Jack, Joe's upstairs." I hear footsteps leading upstairs and my door opens then closes.

"Hey baby girl." Jack says and kisses my forehead, I smile and stay laying down.

"I don't feel good Jacky," I say as he sits down next to me. 

"What doesn't feel good?" He asks and I look up from our entangled hands.

"Just in general." I say and he sighs. I close my eyes when I have a bad feeling in my stomach, I shoot up running to my bathroom. I make it to the toilet just in time to puke. Jack is soon at my side rubbing circles in my back. 

"Joe," he says after I'm finish, "you need to go to the doctors." I shake my head and lean against the wall wiping off my mouth with a piece of toilet paper.

"You know I don't like those things anymore." I say thinking back to Nash laying on that bed, so lifeless. 

"We don't need to go to the hospital, you probably just have the flu or something babe, nothing that will kill you." He says and I nod my head, I go to get up when I puke again. 

"If I can even make it their." I say he laughs helping me back up. I brush my teeth so my breath doesn't smell of vomit. I then throw on a bra and underwear, a pair of shorts, one of Jack's shirts, socks, and my Adida sandals. I then just throw my hair up and put on my glasses not bothering with contacts today. Jack quickly calls the doctors and makes an appointment. We go downstairs, "Going to the doctor's Cam! Don't feel good!" I scream and leave closing the door behind me. I hop into Jack's jeep and we drive to the doctor's office. 

We walk inside and I already feel sick to the stomach, not like I feel like I want to puke already, "Joseph Dallas." Jack says and I roll my eyes as Jack smiles at me. 

"You can head in now, just follow me." The lady says and we follow her to the room. I sit on the little bed thingy as the doctor comes in.

"Hello Joe, how you feeling today?" He asks as he sits on his little swirly stool.

"Like shiz." I say and he laughs.

"That's not good." He says and I laugh, so does Jack.

"Not at all." I say.

"So whats wrong?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders, "I mean whats not feeling good Joe." The old man laughs again. 

"I don't know, just haven't been feeling good for the past couple weeks." I say and he nods his head. He pulls out his scopy thingy, and listens to my heart. He stops and wraps the thing around his neck. Man I really need to learn the names of these things. He looks at me weirdly, then at the charts.

"Joe can you please lift up your shirt, just enough so I can see your stomach?" I nod my head and lift it up just enough for it to hit my sports bra. He feels it and then looks at his charts, "Thank you, you can put down your shirt now." I pull down my shirt, "I'm sorry to ask this Joe, but have you missed your period?" I think about it for a second.

"Yeah, its a couple days late, and I missed last months, but it's just unusal like that." I say and he nods his head writing something on his clipboard. 

"This is going to be a little awkward, but have you have sex in the last two months or so?" I nod my head slowly and he sighs, "Joe, I need you to do one more thing for me." I nod my head as he grabs a cup. I sigh and take it from him, with out him asking I walk to the bathroom and pee. What? I didn't pee all day! I finish and walk to back, I hand him the cup and he walks off with my urine in his hand.

"I hate those." Jack says and I nod my head, "Why do you think he was asking all those questions?" He asks and I just shrug my shoulders. A couple minutes the doctor walks in with a little bit of a smile on his face.

"Joe, I have a combination of good and bad news." He says and I nod my head, "Honey, you're pregnant." My eyes widen and so does Jack's.  "You've been having morning sickness." He says I look at Jack and he looks at me. I smile a little and so does he.

"Thank you so much doc," I say and hug him.

"Anytime sweetie, you guys can leave." He says and leaves the room. I jump off the bed and hop into Jack's arms. 

"I love you so much Joe, and I'll love this baby as much." He says into my hair and I'm crying, "Baby girl you okay?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I love you too, but you're really stupid for not using a condom." I say and we laugh. He drops me and we walk back to his car. We drive to my house and I tell Jack that I want to tell Cam alone. He understands and says he won't tell anyone else. I run to the front door and open it then slam it shut, Cameron walks out of the kitchen chewing something.

"You okay Joe?" He asks and I nod my head, scared shitless, "What did the doctor say?" He asks and I gulp.

"Cam..." I say and he looks at me weirdly then he shakes his head.

"Please tell me you're not fucking pregnant. I swear to fucking God." He says and I smile a little.

"Suprise?" I say and his eyes widen.

"Joe! What the fuck!? You're only seventeen!" He screams and that's when it all hits me. I'm seventeen, almost done with highschool, and I'm fucking pregnant. Tears start to well up in my eyes and I cover my face. I shake my head, Cam walks over and engulfs me in a hug, I start to ball my eyes out.

"Cam, I can't finish school, while being pregnant, people will call me a whore!" I say and he rubs my back.

"Joe, how far are you?" I shrug my shoulders, "Okay, when did you and Jack last fuck?" I gasp and hit him, "It's Jack right?" I nod my head.

"Like a week or two ago." I say and he nods his head, I sigh and hug him harder.

"Joe, you could get an abortion." He says and I look at my big brother in disbelief, I let go of him and back up.

"That's not even a choice her Cameron!" I scream and he looks at me.

"You're fucking seventeen Joe!" He screams.

"So what?! Its still a human fucking being!" I yell back with anger. 

"Joe! Come on! Its your senior year you want to finish it being pregnant?!" He yells and I shake my head.

"I'm not going back to school like this." I say pointing to my stomach. 

"Then what are you going to do? Drop out?" I shake my head.

"I can finish it online." I say and he sighs.

"Why do you have to have this baby?" He asks running a hand through his carmel hair.

"Because," I say and pause, why was I going to have this baby? Why am I going to push my life aside just for this thing inside me? I would never do that for anyone, but- 

That's when it hits me. "Because I can't lose another thing thats apart of me Cam." I say and look at him in the eyes, "I lost my everthing just a month ago. He was my whole world, and I know damn straight that I will not lose something that means everything to me again. Everything that I lost because of Nash." I say and Cameron's eyes soften at the sound of his best friend's name, my heart crumbles a little as well. He walks over to me and wraps me in a hug.

"Its for Nash?" He asks and I feel butterflies in my stomach, I start to cry. I nod my head and hide my head into his shoulder. 

"Nash wouldn't want me to give up on this human being inside me," I say and Cam looks at me, "so I'm not going to give up." He smiles, "On either of them."

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