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Cameron drove back to the hotel as I sat in the passenger seat pumped from the concert, "Joe calm the fuck down!" Cameron says and I hit him.

"First of all no cursing and second of all don't be all grumpy because that girl didn't know who you were!" I say laughing. He just sighs and pulls into the hotel.

"Let's go, Magcon starts in ten," I nod my head hopping out of the car running into the convention room.

"GUESS WHO GOT TO SEE THE HOTTEST BOYS EVER!" I scream and everyone looks at me, "THIS GIRL!!" I scream.

"Don't you see us everyday?" Taylor asks smirking and I roll my eyes.

"Ew not you guys! FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER!" I scream and they just laugh. We go through sound check making sure everything's good and in order. A few minutes later girls are piling in.

"WELCOME TO MAGCON! IM YOUR DJ FOR TONIGHT LOX!" Mahogany screams and everyone screams. She calls everyone's name and we all run out. I standby Lox helping her with that. The guys start doing the lipgloss dance and I laugh. I grab the mic.

"Do you guys want to know what I find funny?" I say and everyone stops and looks at me, "These boys have really good butts, no homo broski." I say to everyone then the last part to Cameron. Everyone laughs and I hand Lox the mic back.

"Okay thank you for that Joe, we are going to do the singing part now." She says then gives the mic to Shawn. I walk over and sit by the rest of the boys at the side of the stage. I sit on Nash's lap and he smiles, he snakes his arms around my waist. I look over at Jack to see jealously in his eyes. I sigh and then it's mine turn to sing. I get off Nash's lap and grab the mic from Shawn.

"Hey penguins!" I scream and everyone laughs, "I'm gonna sing Lego House," I smile and everyone goes silent as the song starts

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces,

And build a Lego house

If things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings,

There's one thing on my mind

It's all for you--"

I sit down on the floor, "And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got you to keep me warm

If you're broken I will mend you and I'll keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down

And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now--" I finish the song and I open my eyes to see everyone sitting on the floor like me. I just smile and laugh.

"Thanks guys," I say and hand over the mic to Jack, our eyes meet and he looks sad. I look away and walk back to the others. I sit on Cameron's lap instead of Nash's.

I'm sick of playing this game. It's over today.

•after Magcon•

I stood outside the door where everyone was. I went through my head what I was going to say, but I can't. This is going to hard. I waited a few more minutes, then decided it was tile to go in. I open the door and everyone looks at me.

"I need to tell you guys something." I say and everyone nods their head, "Nash and I aren't dating." I say and everyone's eyes widen but Cameron's, Nash's, and Brent's. Taylor looks over at Cam.

"So you don't punch him in the face?" Taylor says.

"He didn't make a fucking bet on my sister, there's a difference. This was my idea," Cameron says and my eyes widen. He snaps his head towards me, "I'm sorry Joe." He says.

"Why did you want Joe to fake date Nash?" Claire asked getting into the conversation. Mahogany slowly puts everything together and looks at me.

"You don't." She says.

"What's going on here?" Claire says with her arms crossed, her eyes widen, "YOU DID THIS TO GET JACK JEALOUS YOU LITTLE SLUT!" She screams standing up, "Jacks MY boyfriend!" She gets in front of me.

"I'm surprised he stay with a stalker like you," JJ says and I smirk.

"I didn't do anything wrong honey. You told me to stay away from Jack and i did. I went to Nash." I say and she picks her hand up to slap me. I catch her hand and I don't slap her. No I'm not that nice, I ball my hand in a fist and I punch her right in the face. She stumbles back and falls to the ground. Jacks eyes widen and he looks at me.

He just stand up grabbing me by he arm, pulling me to the hall way, "What the fuck Jack?" Claire says sitting up holding her nose.

"We're done, I'll buy you a plane ticket just go home," we walk out the room and he slams the door shut. He pulled me into another room slammin the door shut behind him. He puts me agaisnt the wall and my breathe quickens, he inches his way closer to me, "I really like you Joe," I nod my head and smile. He smiles and crashes his lips to mine, "It hurt so much to see you with Nash." he whispers.

"Now you know how I felt."

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