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"I'm hungry," Kelly says laying on my bed.

"Then go get some food," I say going through tumblr on my phone.

"But it's all the way down there!" She whines and I laugh and throw the pillow from my chair at her. We start laughing then we hear a knock on the door. We stop and look at my door.

Cameron's head pops in the room and I see that both of us relax, "Hey, how you guys?" He asks and we just nod our heads.

"Good." I say and he walks in with his hands behind his back, "what's behind your back?" He smiles and pulls a bag of chips and two bottles of soda from his back. Kelly and I smile, he puts the stuff on the bed and sits down.

"I called Jack..." Cameron says and Kelly sighs.

"What did he have to say?" She ask I look at her and she's shaking.

"Well... He said he doesn't want you seeing your dad anymore," Cameron says and Kelly nods her head, "and he wants you to stay with us while he's not here." He says and Kelly smiles.

"Thanks so much Cam!" Kelly says and hugs him. My brother is like her brother and her brother is like mine.

"No prob Kellz." He says and stands up.

"Soo... Umm..." He says awkwardly putting his hands in his pockets.

"Cam stop being weird." I say laughing and throwing a pillow from my bean bag chair at him.

"Do you girls want to come down and watch at movie with us?" He asks and I give him a look and Kelly laughs.

"I thought you didn't want us hanging out with the guys." I say with a grin. He takes the pillow that I threw at him and throws it back. I laugh.

"So you want to come or not?" He says laughing.

"What movie?" Kelly asks and he thinks for a second.

"I don't know, you guys can pick one." He says and we both hop up from our spots, Kelly grabbing the sodas, and me grabbing the chips.

"Lego." I says and running out of my room and sliding down the stairs. Cameron and Kelly close behind, I walk into the living room and all eyes are on me. Once again.

"Hi guys." I say, while Cameron and Kelly walk into the door way.

"Guys this is Joe's friend Kelly," he says and they all wave hello. We walk in and Kelly takes a seat on the floor next to I think Brent and Matt. I take and seat next to Jack and Carter. Cameron sits next to Nash and Hayes.

"What movie we watching?" I ask as I set the open chips on the table. About 7 hands reach into the bag.

"The Purge." Matt says smiling at me.

"I hate scary movies!" Kelly whines.

"I love scary movies!" I scream. The boys look at us.

"Aren't you guys like best friends?" Brent asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, but that's why I love being her best friend! I force her into watching scary movies!!" I say and she hits me.

"Just play the movie." Kelly mumbles and I laugh.

Cameron grabs the remote and presses play.

"Get ready Kelly." I hear Matt say and I laugh.

~~60 minutes later~~

"AHHH!" Everyone screams and I hop into Jack's lap. Cameron pauses the movie, I look into Jack's eyes for a second, then we break it, and I stand up.

"Sorry," I say and he just smiles.

"It's fine." He says, I look at Kelly and she winks at me.

"Hey Kell, come to my room with me real quick." I say and she just nods her head and gets up from her spot, "We'll be back, don't play the movie." The boys just nod their heads and me and Kelly run upstairs. Kelly throws her blonde hair in a pony.

"Soffies or sweats?" I say and she thinks for a second.

"Sweats." I nod my head and grab my basketball sweats and throw them at her. I grab a pair of black soffies. I threw them on and my brothers old lacrosse shirt. I throw an old t-shirt at Kelly and she put it on.

"Sweatshirt or nah?" She laughs and nods her head.

"Yah." She says and I laugh. I grab her a sweatshirt and fix my pony.

"We good?" I ask and she nods her head. We walk out of my room and slide down the banister. We run into the living room and sit in the same spots as last time.

"Start de movie!" Jack says and I laugh. Cameron presses play and leans back. A scary part comes on, I jump and grab onto Jacks arm digging my face into it. I hear him laugh, I pull my face away and look at the tv. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh. I feel his arm flex then unflex, I laugh to myself.

I mean Jack is really cute, I feel like I saw him before but I don't know where. Kelly looks at me and smiles evily. I give her a look, I see her eyes slowly move towards Cam. I move my head towards Cam and he's shooting daggers in my direction. I stick my tongue out at him, and he glares at me and I lean back into Jack's chest. My phone vibrates and I pull it out.


I'm gonna kill you

I smile.


Hey, you gotta do it for the vine ;)

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