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"Flight 306 to Miami, Florida now boarding," I sigh hugging my brother.

"Love you Cam see you when this is all over." I look at the boys standing with tears in their eyes, "Bye boys," I say hugging each one of them. I start to walk to the plane when I look back and wave good-bye to the boys one more time, but they were gone. I sigh and go to walk further when I feel someone grabs me and bring me somewhere. I look at the person and scream.

But nothing comes out. It was a silent scream, but why? I try to get up but I can't, I'm tied to something. I start to struggle but nothing works. Soon I feel someone on top of me stripping off my clothes. I start to struggle even more but nothing works. Soon I feel pain in my lower body, and I try to scream again but nothing happens. The person then leaves me untied from the bed curled up into a little ball.

Why? Why did I have to leave? Why did the boys make me feel like a whore? Why does my life have to suck? I start to cry.

"Shut up you little whore," the person says and my sobs get louder, but quieter. I try to scream again but nothing happens, "Joe, I told you, you should have loved me and not Jack. You see what he did to me? He made me like this! You're best friends brother made me like this! What am I now?! Nothing! I loved you! Not anymore." The boy screams, I uncurl myself to see that I am now clothed. I hear a loud bang then feel pain in my head. I try to move but I can't I feel water come from my mouth, I look down to not see water, but blood. I just got shot. I'm dead. I'm only sixteen.

Before my eyes shut I see someone get close to my face, "You should have loved me you stupid little bitch."



"JOE! WAKE UP!" I feel some one shaking my shoulders. My eyes shoot open to see a scared Cameron looking at me. I feel the wetness of the tears on my cheek. I shoot up and hug my brother. Nothing happened. It was all a dream. A sick messed up dream. Cameron cradles me in his lap as I cry into his chest, "it's okay baby girl, I'm right here. He's not going to hurt you." Cameron whispers in my ear as I hear someone barge into the room.

"Oh my god Joe! Are you okay?!" The boy says running to me.

"Can you watch her for me real quick?" I hear Cameron whisper and the boy say a faint 'yes'. Cameron lays me back on the bed and I shove my face into a pillow. I then hear the door open and close.

"It's okay hon," I look up to see Brent rubbing my back. I sit up and hug him, tears still slipping from my eyes now and again, "Did you have a nightmare babe?" He asks and I nod my head, "tell me."

"I-it was M-Mason, I l-left, a-and he t-took me. H-he raped me, then s-shot me. H-he said I-I should have l-love him." I say tears still falling free from my eyes. He starts to rub cirlces into my back, cooing comforting words into my ear. I start to calm down when Cameron comes into the room with a phone to his ear. He looks at me smiling, he then takes the phone from his ear. He looks at me right in the eyes.

"Joe, do you want to go home?" He asks and my eyes widen. I start to shake my head no, and he looks at me confused then he smiles, "Sorry dad it seems like she wants to spend more time with her older brother. Yeah, I'll call you later, bye love you too." Cam says hanging up the phone, he looks at me cuddled up to Brent and just smiles, "I got it from here Brent," he says as Brent gets up and Cam takes his place. I smile as Brent walks out of the room.

"Love ya Cam," I say to my brother and he just nods his head.

"I know, but we have to work with this whole Magcon thing. Whats up the boys? You can't just play with their feelings," he says and I sigh, "who do you like Joe?" I look at him straight in the eyes.

"It's between Gilinsky, Nash, and Taylor..." I say and he nods standing up leaving the room. He left me confused as fudge sitting on the bed. I just shrug my shoulders and start to go through twitter when I see a hate comment of some picuture I never seen before, it was a picture of Brent and me, his arm wrapped around my waist, I was smiling. I look closer to see that we were in the airport when the person took the photo. The capation was like any other: shipping Broe!!!!<<33. I just laugh at it and read the hate comment: I don't get why these boys even hang out with her! I mean she is Cameron's little sister but if she was mine I would disown her. She's a worthless slut anyways. I feel a tear slide down my cheek, I wipe it off right away, then Cameron walks in with three boys.

Three boys I did not want to see at this moment.

"Joe you have to chose now," Cameron says as the three boys in front of me smile. God why does this have to happen?

I look at all the boys to see only one not looking at me. It was Jack. He then looks at me, his eyes empty. He just shakes his head and leaves the room. I love Jack. But I also really like Nash and Taylor. Okay. I have to do this. There's only two boys.

"Uhh..." Taylor smiles at me, before I could say anything someone cuts me off.

"Joe will you be my girlfriend?"

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