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I ran out of my room rushing down stairs with a tooth brush in my mouth. I throw my books into my bag and throw on my Jordan's. I run to a bathroom spitting out the tooth paste in my mouth.

"HOLY SHIT JOE! OUT!" Nash screams and I rinse out my mouth setting down my toothbrush. I look at Nash and scream. I run out of the bathroom.

"WHAT THE HELLS HAPPENING DOWN HERE!" Cameron screams running down the stairs. Nash walks out of the bathroom now clothed.

"HE HAS A BIG PENIS!" I scream grabbing my penny board and book bag.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Cameron screams and Nash laughs grabbing his stuff.

"Told you dude," Nash says and we walk out of the house riding to school on our boards.

"I'm picking you guys up from school today!" Cameron says and I just give him a thumbs up. We get to school and I pop up my board, so does Nash. We walk in and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"So you think my dicks big?" He smirks and I smile.

"I mean, bigger then JJ's." I say smirking.

"Oh really?" Nash says putting me up against a locker, I smile at him. As my back sits against my locker.

"Really," I get real close to his face. Nash and I have been having this thing for the pass couple weeks. We all went to Nash's for thanksgiving and now it's like two weeks till Christmas. I look down the hall and see Jack and Claire walking down it holding hands. My heart hurts a little and I slump back. Nash follows my eyes pulling up my chin.

"Let's make him jealous babe," he says and I smile. I lean up a little wrapping my arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around my waist. We connect our lips right as Jack looks at me. I smile into the kiss, 'cause I know Jack's looking. Nash slips his tongue in playing with mine and my tongue ring.

"Excuse me," Jack says and we pull apart. I make eye contact with him, i look away and go into my locker. I grab my books closing my locker.

"You're excused," I say smiling leaning on a locker. Jack goes to his and he looks pissed off.

"So when's the next Magcon?" Claire says and I look at her.

"Two days why?" I say with a little attitude.

"I was thinking of going," she says with a smirk. I smile back at her.

"Sounds like fun, you can stalk my brother for a longer amount of time." I see her smirk fade away and she crosses her arms. I look at Nash who has a confused look on his face, "You good there Nash?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Did you change your tongue ring?" He asks and I smirk, knowing what he's doing. I nod my head.

"It looks like a pill thanks for noticing babe," I say tangling our fingers together. He smiles. Jack slams his locker shut and I jump back a little. He gives me a look and swings Claire around kissing her. He pulls away and they walk away, Claire's blonde ponytail bouncing behind her.

"We really got him didn't we?" Nash says and I smile nodding my head. He slips his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Thanks Nash," I say smiling as the five minute bell rings.

"Anytime," he smile and we walk to the class. Before we get to class I stop Nash.

"Nash," he looks at me, "you don't have feelings for me right?" I say and he laughs shaking his head.

"Joe, I lost interest when you picked Taylor." He smiles and I nod my head.

"Any way I like someone," he start to walk in and I'm struck. I grab him by his arm.

"Who!?" I practically scream getting glares from teachers.

"Later," he laughs, "we're gonna be late." He walks into class, I follow close behind laughing. We sit down and I smirk. I kick him, he looks at me.

"Grande," I smirk and he gives me a look. He then gets it and smile.

"I'd try telling you guys but you didn't believe me." He says.

"Excuse Miss Dallas and Mr. Grier do you have something to share with the class?" She says and I look at Nash.

"Nothing YOU would want to know," I say, she gives me a look. I think for a second and my face lights up, "Grande pene." I say and every who takes Italian starts to crack up, Grace, Nash, and Kelly the hardest. Mrs. London just gives me a look rolling her eyes.

"Just stop talking," she says and I just give her a thumbs up. I take out my notebook, Nash leans over to me.

"Big penis, really?" He whispers and laughs. I smile and shrug my shoulders.

"Not lying, right?"

•leaving for Magcon (3:30AM)

"Nashhhh," I whined as I sat upside down on a chair. Nash puts it head into view.

"What Joe? It's 3:30 in the morning," he says and I sit up right.

"I know! And I need caffeine." I say shaking. Nash holds down my legs.

"Babe this would be your third cup, in the last two hours," he says and I shake my head.

"I NEED it!" I scream shaking him, Nash removes my hands from his shoulders. Looking at my brother sitting next to him.

"Can you calm your sister down?" Nash says and Cameron shakes his head.

"She's your 'girlfriend'," Cameron says putting air quotes around the word girlfriend. We're fake dating, because Cameron said if we were going to make Jack jealous, he doesn't care as long as we fake date. I hopped up and jumped on my brothers lap.

"I want some brosha and Joseph time," I say smiling. He feels my forehead.

"You sure you're okay baby girl? You just said your full name." I laugh hitting him.

"Come on to Dunkin donuts!" I scream dragging him up. He sighs and we walk to Dunkin donuts.

"How can I help you?" The lady says smiling. I smile back at her.

"Hi I would like a lar-" Cameron cuts me off.

"Can we have two Oreo Coolata?" He say and I cross my arms. She smiles nodding her head. We get our drinks walking back to the stop we were at. We sit the farthest from the guys, "Do you like Nash at all?" He ask and look at him weirdly.

"Why?" I ask sipping my drink, "Does he like me?"

"That's why I want to know if you like him." I just shake my head.

"No, I do not have feelings for Nash Grier."

I say laughing, Cameron just smiles. I know Nash doesn't like me, he likes someone else.

"You love Jack?" He asks and I sigh looking at Claire sleeping on Jack's chest. Jack with no emotion on his face staring straight ahead. I nod my head slowly, "Joe-"

"I know Cameron," I say standing up, "I heard the sob story about you and Jamie a million times. I'm too young to know I'm in love," I say sighing, "but you didn't love Jamie like I love Jack. They're two totally different people and personalities." I say and walk back to Nash. I sit down and snuggle into his chest, he kisses my forehead.

"You never told me who you liked," I whisper so no one hears. I look up at him and see him smiling.

"You're not going to give up are you?" He asks and I shake my head smiling.

"Okay fine," he shifts a little, "don't make fun of me." He says and I just roll my eyes, "It's Grace," he smiles and my eyes widen. I think of the red headed girl. I smile and clap my hands.

"SHIP IT!" I scream then cover my mouth. Not only 'cause it 3:30 in the morning but because Nash and I are suppose to he dating. I smile up at Nash who's smiling shaking his head, "Ooops?"I say smiling.

"Yeah 'ooops'."


I just want to say happy birthday to my babe<3

Happy birthday Cameron Alexander Dallas😘💜

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