Chapter 2

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"I just don't understand why Jongin hasn't called me back since that day." I took another swig from my coffee while wrapping my hands around the cup. "And I can't believe he ditched me while he insisted on taking me home from the airport."

"He's having a hard time with his parents." Baekhyun absently rubbed the rim of his cup.

"That can't be the reason." I let out a deep sigh. "He doesn't love me anymore, does he?"

Baekhyun looked up, his expression hard to read. "I'm sure he'll come around."

I shook my head and turned my face to look out of the window. People were passing by as the sun created long shadows behind them. "Maybe I should visit him."

"No," Baekhyun replied quickly, sitting up straight. His eyes darted around the room like he didn't want to face me. "You can't."

I raised my eyebrows from his nervous behaviour. "Why not? He owes me an explanation."

Baekhyun lowered his head and stared down at the tablecloth, his finger tracing one of the patterns on it. "About that..."

Cold spread through my body as several scenarios crossed my mind. "He's not hurt, is he?"

He caught his lowerlip between his teeth and reached out to touch my hand. "The problem is that he's not fine, not really."

I pulled back and swallowed thickly. "When I called you the day after, you said he was alright."

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun apologised. "I only lied to you because I didn't want to ruin your stay there."

"You told me you would keep an eye on him." I heard the bitterness in my own voice as I stood on my feet, leaning over the table. "What happened to Jongin?"

"Kyungsoo, I really don-"

"What happened to him?" I repeated my question, obviously impatient.

"He fell down and hit his head," Baekhyun spoke softly. "He got injured quite badly."

I slumped down into the chair, blinking to get rid of the burning feeling. "He healed, right?" I was trying to sound unbothered, but failed. "He's fine."

Baekhyun rubbed his hands together like he was cold and took in a deep breath. "He still has bruises and wounds, but Kyungsoo." He then paused and raised his head to look at me. "He lost a big part of his memory."

I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came. So many thoughts were whirling around in my mind that I couldn't grasp one to speak aloud. This couldn't be true. "You are lying," I whispered even though there was no reason for Baekhyun to do so.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but it was to protect you." Baekhyun spoke, his mouth set in a hard line. "That's why you can't visit him."

I threaded a hand through my hair as I realised the actual meaning of what he said. "He remembers me, right?"

Pity was visible in Baekhyun's eyes as he set his palms down flat on the table. "Not like you remember him."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked confused, feeling slightly anxious for his answer.

"Jongin only remembers the times when you weren't really... friends, let alone boyfriends." Baekhyun explained. "He doesn't have the same feelings anymore."

"You are lying!" I suddenly exclaimed, feeling sickness creep up my throat. A few people turned to us with raised eyebrows, wondering why I had raised my voice. "Feelings don't change with memory."

"Yes, they do, Kyungsoo." Baekhyun's expression was dull but his set jaw gave away his tension. "I know it's hard to accept, but it's the truth."

"You don't know anything," I spat and was about to stand up to leave.

"I don't?" He asked in a challenging tone. "I know you better than that asshole did. Don't forget who sticked by your side when you got beaten up and called names. I have been there from the beginning and still I am never gonna be more important that that dick that finally admitted he liked you. It's always been Jongin and Jongin only while I was the one picking up the pieces from the mess he made of you!"

I watched how he shove the chair back and rose from his seat, unable to talk. "Have fun dealing with your past without me."

As soon as Baekhyun was gone I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself. Feeling utterly alone was something I hadn't experienced in a while and I definitely didn't want it back.


The front door was familiar in a way that send shivers down my spine. The green paint was faded at some places and I scratched at a piece of loose paint until it fell down. I raised my hand to ring the bell but before I could press the button, the door flew open. My mother stood behind it in a dark blue dress that matched her earrings. A wide smile appeared on her face as she looked me up and down. "I have been waiting in the kitchen until I saw you walking up the path."

I flashed her a smile back before hugging her tightly. "I missed you."

"We missed you too honey," she hummed while stroking my hair gently. "I am so glad my boy is back home."

"How's dad?" I asked and pulled back to look at her.

"He's doing well, let's go inside." She pulled me into the hall and closed the door behind me. I had expected the house to look different for some reason but a year hadn't changed much. Everything looked exactly the same apart from the fact that it was more tidy than I remembered it to be.

"Hey boy," my father's voice echoed through the hallway as he approached us and embraced me in a tight hug. "How have you been?"

"Fine," I replied shortly. I had called them just like I had with Jongin and I didn't think they knew about his situation and lied to me about it like Baekhyun had, but I did't want to tell them yet. "But I'm really tired from the journey back here."

"I think you should rest so we can talk tomorrow," my mother suggested as she pressed a kiss on my forehead. "Go to bed."

I nodded before heading up the stairs and into my room. My suitcase was already standing next to my bed since I brought it here before going to see Baekhyun when my parents weren't home yet. I opened it and rummaged through it like it was the most important thing to do. Finally I found what I had been looking for and dropped down onto the bed, pressing the shirt I had grabbed against my face. Jongin's scent was still on it. Not as strongly as when I had taken it from him when I went abroad, but enough the be able to pretend he was laying next to me.

"Feelings don't change with memory," I murmured before falling asleep.

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