Chapter 21

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"Have you seen Kyungsoo's face?" Lay asked with a frown. "Do you know what happened to him?"

I shook my head, walking faster through the hall. "I have no idea. What's your first class?" I tried to change the subject.

"Biology." He lifted his hand to rub his other arm in thought. "I wonder if he's okay. 

"Stop worrying about him," I almost snapped, but Lay didn't seem to notice the tone. 

"I can't help it." He admitted while walking along, his mouth set in a hard line.

"You have a test today so start worrying about that." I massaged the back of my neck and yanked open the door of my locker with the other hand. A book fell on the ground with a thud and I groaned in annoyance before picking it up. 

"You seem tensed," Lay noticed and placed a hand on my shoulder, kneading it softly. "Relax."

I was about to reply when my eyes landed on a piece of paper that was taped on the iside of the little door. I took it off and scanned the words. Does Lay know how you really are?

I quickly crumbled it and shove it in my pocket before Lay could read it. 

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"Just a reminder I made for myself," I answered with a lie while anger grew inside of me. "Let's go to class." 

I grabbed Lay's arm and pulled him with me through the crowded hall when I bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going and get out of my way!"

Baekhyun, who had fallen onto the ground from the force glared at me as he stood on his feet again.

"It was an accident," Lay spoke softly.

I looked around at the people that had stopped to see what was going on and realised Baekhyun was Kyungsoo's friend. I pushed away my pride and faked a smile. "Of course it was. Are you okay?"

Baekhyun lifted one eyebrow as he stared at me like I was crazy. "Why do you care?"

I noticed Lay glancing at me with a confused expression on his face, so I quickly spoke again. "Don't be grumpy."

Before Baekhyun could reply I had walked further with Lay behind me who was trying to keep up with my pace. He finally caught up with me before I could reach the classroom. Lay took ahold of my sleeve and forced me to turn to him. "What was that all about?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, like I had no idea what he was talking about. 

Lay averted his gaze towards his shoes and let go of me. "The way you snapped at him. It was like you were used to being like that."

"I'm just not in a good mood, okay?" I placed my hand on the side of his shoulder and made eye contact. "What do you want me to do? Say sorry?" 

Lay shook his head and moved his hand like he was waving the subject away. "Let's forget it."

"Let's do that." I put my hand on his lower back and led him inside the room, hoping he would really forget about it.


"So Chanyeol and Baekhyun were a couple?" Jongin leaned closer over the table with disbelieve written on his face. "But not anymore?" 

"Yeah." I took another bite of my sandwich and tried not to pay attention to the students giving us weird looks. Jongin had kept his popularity in college and was one of the favourite topics to talk about. They did not only thought he was good looking, like in school, but the fact that he had lost his memory was added on the list. He was mysterious and people liked that. They came towards it like flies to a light. Me on the other side had a normal start of college which Suho ruined by secretly announcing my sexuality. People didn't bully me because of it, but I still got stared at and curse words were spoken under their breaths. The two of us together must have looked like an odd couple.

"Why?" Jongin narrowed his eyes like he could know the answer by thinking really hard. 

"They had a fight." I let out a deep sigh and took a sip from my water. I felt bad for not telling Baekhyun about Suho's secret, but I thought it was better to wait for a little while. The less people knew, the better.


"You are way too curious." I finished my food and looked around the cafeteria. I didn't know most people and only recognised Suho sitting with Lay and two guys that were with them a lot lately. The table on the right was occupied by Chanyeol and Xiumin. They seemed to be in a deep conversation and I wondered how they got that close in a short time.

"Did you do it?" Jongin asked, shifting on his seat while waiting for my answer.

I stared at him and realised I had missed some things he had said. "Did what?"

"Put the paper I wrote in his locker?" Jongin clarified himself as he folded his arms on the table. "You remember the code I gave you?"

"I did." I took another sip of my drink and threw it into the garbage can. "He didn't confront me yet though."

"He better not." 

I was about to ask him why not, but was interrupted by Baekhyun who placed his backpack on the wood with a very loud thud, making me wonder if something inside had broken. He sat down with a deep sigh and ran a hand down his face. "I hate today already."

"Why?" I asked, turning towards him.

"First I slept through my alarm, so I didn't have time for breakfast, then I forgot the essay I was supposed to hand in, causing the teacher to want a talk with me while it was break. That's why I'm late." Baekhyun summed up with his fingers. "Oh and Suho bumped into me so I fell onto the ground."

"You saw Suho?" Jongin asked, ignoring everything else he had told us.

Baehyun nodded. "He was in a really bad mood." 

Jongin and I exchanged looks, but Baekhyun didn't notice. He groaned and placed a hand on his stomach. "I'm starving." 

"I'll get you something to eat." I stood up and walked towards the long counter, noticing I had to pass both Suho and Chanyeol. I took in a deep breath before heading over to Chanyeol's table. I could feel the stares in my back from Jongin and Baekhyun as I approached. "Hey," I greeted.

Chanyeol looked up and flashed me a small smile. "Hey, what's up?"

"I noticed you took care of the new student right away, it made me wonder if you two knew each other." I took a seat next to Chanyeol and glanced at the other guy. 

"I met Xiumin some days ago so I instantly tried to make him feel at home." Chanyeol explained, gesturing towards the guy in front of him. Xiumin, on the other hand, was staring into the distance. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and saw Chen standing together with Sehun. 

I leaned over the table and whispered. "I know who you are Xiumin." 

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