Chapter 34 (The End)

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I couldn't stop smiling. This whole week felt like everything fit into place. I spend time with Kyungsoo again and his friends accepted me like they used to. Some glaring more than the others. I did not care though. I had my life back, which was too precious.
Two whispering voices grabbed my attention and I turned around to see who where talking. I blinked in surprise as I noticed Lay holding Suho by his jacket and hissing some words to him. He seemed irritated while pulling the other guy with him towards me. Suho looked really grumpy as Lay pushed him forward.

I raised my eyebrows in question, not feeling like talking to him. Kyungsoo had told me he had tried to help him with taking him to Luhan, but I still felt anger towards him.

"Hey..." He started awkwardly.

Lay sighed deeply before speaking up. "Suho wants to tell you something."

Even though they both looked very serious it was an odd scene. Like a parent dragging his child towards the kid he had bullied. That wasn't the case though. "What is it?"

As Suho didn't reply he received a poke in the ribs. "I am sorry," he quickly apologized. "For being mean to you guys, for lying, but most of all for betraying your trust. I know you thought of me as a friend that would never lie to you. Turns out I'm a dick."

He was about to turn around when Lay spoke again. "You used to be such good friends. What happened?"

"I told you," Suho stated. "I am an asshole."

I knew everyone that would hear this conversation would think Suho didn't mean a word, but I knew him better than anyone else. He was truly sorry and thought he was a dick, but his ego wouldn't let him act serious about it. "Su," I said softly. "Don't leave like this again."

He slowly turned his face towards me again, his eyes searching for something. He was visibly at a loss for words.

"My life isn't complete without you," I declared. "You are my best friend. You are supposed to be an ass."

"No best friend is as bad as I am," Suho objected.

"Mine is."

He looked up, astonishment written all over his face. "You mean that we're still...?"

I shrugged. "Only if you want to."

"You are such an idiot," He joked with a grin.

"Group hug!" Lay shouted as he moved forward to embrace us both. I chuckled at his silliness and patted Suho on his shoulder.

"What's this about?" A voice interrupted.

"Join us Soo!" Before Kyungsoo could speak again, he was pulled into the group hug. He laughed while trying to free himself and it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I hoped I could hear it more in the future.

My heart felt lighter, but I knew something wasn't still right as I noticed a figure passing by.


"What's wrong?" Kyungsoo stopped walking, forcing me to stop too since he was holding my hand. "Don't try to deny it, cause I know something's up."

"It's just..." I ran a hand down my face as I tried to make sense ofmy feelings. "I still feel bad."

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. "About?"


He sighed deeply at the sound of that name. "I feel weird about it."

"I should go see him," I stated. "We need to talk about it."

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