Chapter 3

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The college building was bigger as I thought it would be. Students passed me as I stood at the side of the hall, feeling small and invisible. Some would glance at me but most of them didn't even seem to notice my existence. I had been used to standing out because people treated me like trash and I was even being appreciated abroad, but here I just felt like air. One in a thousand.

I drew my lower lip between my teeth as I noticed Baekhyun standing together with Chanyeol, chatting happily. A pang of jealousy ached its way into my chest as I watched him being unbothered of our conversation the last time I saw him. He even looked happy.

I diverted my gaze as my hands tightened into fists, shifting from one foot to the other. It was almost time to go to class so I decided to start walking. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared of what I would see. It had been hard enough to deal with this on my own. The idea of your boyfriend being hurt and forgetting you in the process was scary.

I was about to enter the room when a familiar face caught my attention. I could feel the colour draining out of my face as I stared at the guy. His brown hair was slicked back, revealing his forehead, tanned skin covered with small cuts, his chin and temple a deep shade of purple and a long cut across his throat. It was like my legs moved on their own and before I realised it I had walked to the other side of the hall.

I found myself reaching out to him, fingers touching the bruised skin. "What happened to you Jongin?"

His eyes flickered with affection for a moment as he looked down at me before it disappeared again. I felt my bottom lip tremble as he took my hands away from his face. Just for a moment I had actually believed he was glad to see me.

"Did you just touch me?" Jongin asked, surprise written all over his face. "You grew some balls since the last time I saw you."

"When was the last time?" I asked, desperate for the answer. I needed to know what the last thing was he remembered.

His eyebrows furrowed as he squinted his eyes. "Tao asked you how much a blow job was. Still didn't get the answer."

I grabbed him by the shoulders and tried to make eye contact, my voice almost desperate. "Don't you remember what happened afterwards?"

"You've gone crazy," Jongin replied as he tried to move away, causing the people around us to stare at the scene.

"Listen to me," I begged. "You guys thought it would be fun to joke around with me and you started acting like you were interested in me. I was so stupid to go with it but I found out. You regretted it and tried to get me back. You fell in love with me, Jongin. How can you not remember? You loved me!"

I didn't realise the burning feeling in my eyes had turned into tears dripping down until one slid onto my lips, making me taste the salty liquid. "You loved me," I whispered, knowing I had said it in the past tense.

"You really have lost your mind," Jongin stated and shrugged my hands off. "You should use your fantasy for other things."

"I..." it was like invisible hands were wrapped around my neck, cutting off my air.

My bag was grabbed from behind and I almost lost my balance as I was pulled backwards. Fear started to cloud my mind but disappeared when Sehun turned me around after he had dragged me away from Jongin.

"Get yourself together," he hissed, but not in an unfriendly tone. "You can't expect him to go with the truth when he doesn't remember living it."

"I had to know for sure," I spoke softly. "If I had been here, all of this might have-"

"Gone different?" Sehun asked, cutting me off. "You really think he would have believed you then?"

Instead of answering I threw my arms around his torso, holding onto him tightly. "I don't know what to do."

Sehun sighed loudly before patting my back. "Never give up hope. You are not alone."

"I am," I objected. "Baekhyun walked away."

"You are not alone," he repeated. "Now stop crying or else we'll be late and they might think we are a couple."

I pulled away and glared at him, "you say it like it's the worst thing that could happen to you."

Sehun rolled his eyes, but a playful smirk appeared on his lips. "I just don't want people to think I'm unavailable."

"Got someone on your mind?" I asked curiously as Sehun leaded me into the room. He shook his head and took a seat, patting the chair next to him. "Just making sure."

"Maybe you should give Jongin some time," Sehun suggested. "Don't force him to remember, cause he'll be in denial for even longer."

"So you think he will remember?" I asked hopefully. I had thought about it a lot and knew that there was a big chance his memories would be lost forever, but hearing someone else having the same hope as you, that Jongin would recover, felt good.

Sehun nodded and turned to face me. "What happened to you and Baekhyun anyway? I never thought something could tear the both of you apart."

"Jongin did," I replied and propped my chin on my hand, letting out a deep sigh. "Baekhyun thinks I don't appreciate him and think he's less important than Jongin."

"Well?" He asked as he put his hands behind his head, leaning back a bit. "Is it true?"

"You can't compare friendship with the love you have for your boyfriend," I replied. "And I have always thought he was the best friend someone could ask for when he stayed by my side."

"People want constant reminders," Sehun stated as he rubbed the point of his shoe against the leg of the chair.

I hesitated as a question came to mind. "Do you know what happened to Jongin?"

He looked up, his brows knitted. "He was found down the hill next to the bridge. They say he had fallen and hit his head."

I drew in a long breath. "Who found him?"

"Luhan did."

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