Chapter 16

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That had been the question that was taking all of my attention today. Many things had happened but there were no reasons I could think of. I was starting to get frustrated, but there was no one I could share my thoughts with. Suho was annoyed with me ever since I left Rin at the party and I didn't know why. He seemed desperate for something. Tao and Kris were attending another college and we haven't really talked so they weren't an option either. I didn't want to bother my mom with my problems and so I had to keep everything to myself. 

I was about to cross the street to get to the parking lot and was too deep in thoughts to notice the car that was coming down the way. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back harshly as the car honked while driving past. I awkwardly bumped into the person behind me and he didn't let go until I turned to face him. 

"Are you tired of life or something?" Kyungsoo snapped. However, it was clear he was angry at the fact that I had not been careful and not at me personally. 

"No. I wasn't looking." 

"Obviously." Kyungsoo looked me up and down and frowned. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

"I know something's bothering you, but I'm pretty sure I am your least favourite person to talk to." He lifted his hand to get a hold of the strap of his bag. "I also noticed you and Suho are not on good terms."

"You stalking me?" I asked even though I didn't think he did. The thought of me having a real conversation with him made me feel weird. Kyungsoo didn't answer and I realised he was waiting for me to confirm his words. "Maybe you're right."

He looked away from me to follow a few students passing by, with his eyes. "You know, I used to hope we could be like this instead of you calling me names and stuff. Like two guys that didn't particularly talk or do things together. Almost like strangers."

I shove my hands in the pockets of my jacket, not knowing what to say or where he was going with this.

"I don't care about all of that," he continued. "Ever since I saw the real you, I have never wanted anything else. I crave it now I can't have it anymore. Sometimes it's so bad I..." He stopped talking to chuckle. "I start searching for things that remind me of you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

Kyungsoo let out a deep breath before moving closer and cupping my face, caressing the still bruised skin. "There's no reason to pretend anymore or care about what the hell you think of me. I still love you."

I blinked with my eyes in surprise. I had not expected this at all. "Kyungsoo..." my voice cracked and I coughed softly. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"That's okay." He let go off me and bit his lip. "All I can do is hope you can remember someday."

A car came to a stop next to us, half standing on the grass. We both turned our heads to see why and I realised it was a familiar car. 

"Isn't that your father?" Kyungsoo wondered out loud. "I thought you didn't see him after your parents separated."

"I think you are right," I agreed. The driver leaned over the seats to open the passenger door. I walked towards the vehicle. "Dad?"

The man smiled and gestured for me to get in. "Let's go get something to eat."

I looked back over my shoulder, but Kyungsoo was already gone. I got in the car and fastened my seatbelt. "Where are we gonna go?"

"The same as we used to do?" He asked while driving off. "We need to talk about things."

"Okay." I turned to look out of the window and rested my head against the glass. "Does mom know about this?"

I could see him shake his head in the reflection. "First of all, I wanna say how sorry I am for the things I did. I know this won't make you forgive me, but it's a start."

"About what?" I asked, wanting to hear him say it.

"You know what I mean." He made sure to stay focused on the road as he took a turn. "I never should have cheated on your mother."

"You should tell her, not me." 

"You should know too," he commented. "I mean it when I say I am sorry."

"Then proof it." I wanted to believe him, but had no reason to.

"I want to see you again." He sounded sad, but his face didn't show any emotions. "You are my son."

"Then why don't you act like my father?" I questioned, crossing my arms. 

He parked the car and sighed deeply. "Jongin, I am trying."

"It's all you can do, but sometimes it's not enough." I got out and looked up at the building he had driven us to. It was the cafe he had met my mother and I was pretty sure it wasn't a coincidence. He took me up to the entrance, leaving me wondering if he had heard my last words. I instantly stopped walking as dizziness took over me.

"I want you to know that you can call me whenever you want." I squeezed Kyungsoo's hand and leaned closer to kiss him on the cheek. "Don't hesitate."

Kyungsoo smiled down at his coffee, but he didn't look happy. "Thank you."

"Kyungsoo." I bit my lip before continuing. "I wasn't kidding when I asked you to me mine. Please be my boyfriend."

"Are you okay?" My dad's face became clear in front of me. "Do you feel sick or something?"

I shook my head and pressed my hand against my forehead. "Just dizzy."

"Is it because of the accident?" He questioned while leading me inside to a table where I could sit down. 

I nodded and watched how he ordered our drinks. "So... why did you take me here?"

"It's a lovely place, isn't it?" He smiled and looked around. "You should bring Kyungsoo here."

"Kyungsoo?" I asked as my brows knitted.

"Yeah." He leaned forward over the table. "I thought you guys were still dating because I saw you two standing together. I know I acted like I was against it, but I am not anymore. I just want you to be happy."

"Still dating?" I felt the colour draining out of my face. "That's impossible."

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