Chapter 1

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I haven't been okay ever since I saw Kyungsoo leaving at the airport. I understood why he left for a year but at the same time it felt like he abandoned me. We knew we loved each other and he trusted me enough to not even tell me not to cheat on him. Of course I wouldn't after all we have been through, but it didn't make it any easier with the distance he had created between us. We had spend the night together and it made me feel even worse to know I wouldn't be able to touch him for a whole school year. It had been tender and passionate but afterwards Kyungsoo had fallen asleep in my arms and I had laid awake for hours, thinking about the time ahead of us. My heart ached and it wouldn't stop. He texted me every day and facetimed with me every weekend. It wasn't enough, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

The first time I saw his face again was the weekend after his first school week. His heart-shaped smile plastered on his face as he told me that the people there were nice to him. I was happy for him but the selfish side of me wanted to be there to tell everyone to back off and not come near him. I was scared he would meet a guy there that treated him better than I had. Someone that hadn't bullied him and gave him everything he wanted. Or just that he no longer felt the same love for me when he came back. I could already hear him say: "It's not you, it's me."

My mother finally had given her marriage up and let my father leave with the woman he had been seeing in secret all along. I chose to stay with her even though my dad asked me to come with him. I couldn't leave her alone.

She often went to her room in the evening and cry over our family pictures. I watched her silently, giving her time to be alone. We were closer than before, which was the only good thing in this bad situation. It was heart breaking.

At school all my old friends ignored me and after Kyungsoo left, his friends didn't pay attention to me either. I started to understand how Kyungsoo must have felt. Even though he had Baekhyun and wasn't ignored, but made fun off.

I had started drinking more and more to survive the loneliness and it helped me fake a smile for when Soo facetimed me. I didn't want him to know how much I was hurting, cause he was feeling good.

He always told me how much he missed me and loved me. Those were the moments I felt a bit of happiness like before. I made him send it as a soundfile so I could listen to it without him being there with me. I listened to it every night on repeat while laying with my eyes closed. I imagined him laying next to me, but it was always a disappointment to turn around in an empty bed.

The tables were turned.

Unknown number: Meet me at the bridge

I stared at the screen that lit up in the darkness of the evening. All the lights were out and my mother thought I was sleeping upstairs, while in reality I was peeking around her bedroom door. The soft light that was visible through the crack came from the lamp on top of her nightstand, making her skin glow. Her slender fingers were tracing the familiar picture of our last holiday together, but this time she wasn't crying. Her expression was hard.

I was about to turn away when the wooden floor squeaked softly under my weight. I froze, expecting her to scold me for being up this late, but instead she said; "come in."

I did what she told me and entered the room, taking a seat next to her on the bed. I waited for my mother to start talking, but we just sat there in silent for a while. "You miss him, don't you?" I asked softly.

She turned her body to me and took my hand in hers. "You think that's why I cry?"

I looked at her and noticed she didn't seem sad nor in pain. Her hair was neatly pulled back in an elegant bun as always and her makeup was still on her face. She looked strong. "You don't?"

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