Chapter 17

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I kicked the small stone out of my way in frustration. Why did I tell him I loved him? Did it even matter? I could see the surprise in his eyes when I said those words. He still couldn't remember our time together and I was scared he never would. I did not deserve this. I kicked another stone and cursed under my breath. Luckily Baekhyun forgave me, but he wasn't the usual happy guy he always had been. Chanyeol still declined his calls and ignored him in the hallways. I could see how much it hurt him and knew he had told me the truth. Baekhyun would never cheat. I wanted to help him but didn't know how. Everything was a mess.

Movement caught my attention as I opened the small gate. Someone was sitting in front of the door. I walked up the path towards the house and looked down at him. "Where the hell have you been?"

Jongdae stood up and swallowed thickly. "I had to get out of there."

Suddenly anger flared up inside of me. "So you left me alone. Did you know what happened after you did?"

He bit his lip and lowered his head. His black hair was touseled by the wind and had made his cheeks a light shade of red. "No..."

"I saw Jongin." I inched closer, feeling the pain all over again. "And you know what he was doing?" Without waiting for his answer I continued. "One of those pretty girls was sitting on top of him."

Jongdae glanced up with his mouth open in surprise. "Kyungsoo, I did not..."

"Chanyeol was searching for Baekhyun so I had no one." I averted my gaze to not look at him. "Lay made Suho drive me home."

"I am so sorry." 

"It's fine." I walked past him to unlock the door and headed inside.

Jongdae followed me and watch how I threw my bag in the hall. "You don't mean that." 

"How would you know what I mean?" I snapped. I didn't want to treat him like this, but he made that night even more difficult. 

"Cause I know what I did was mean and I am not trying to make it sound like it's okay, but there was a reason." Jongdae nervously rubbed his thumb over his other elbow. "Remember that paper I showed you?"

"What paper?" I asked annoyed, sitting down on the couch. My mother was at work and my father was out so the house was empty apart from us. 

"The one I found on my locker," he explained. "Kyungsoo, he's back. Xiumin is back." 

"What do you mean?" I asked worried, seeing his expression.

"My ex. I think he's going to our school."


"Chanie baby, please pick up. I miss you so damn much. If you just let me explain what happened. I don't want to loose you. I love you so much and-"

I deleted the voicemail and put my phone in the pocket of my jeans. I wasn't ready to talk with Baekhyun yet. What I saw was enough evidence against him and I felt betrayed. I groaned and pressed my palm against my temple. I was getting a headache from thinking too much.

The bitter taste of beer was just enough to make my mind wander off, but I still wished I had something stronger. The cold wind was blowing through my hair and I closed my eyes.

"Let me guess," a voice spoke out of the darkness. "You either want to run away from home or are having heartache."

I looked up as a guy approached me. He was quite short and his dirty blond hair was tousled. The jacket he was wearing was zipped open even though it was cold.

"Something like that," I agreed.

"My name's Xiumin." He offered me his name as he introduced himself.

"Chanyeol." I took a gulp out of the bottle and stared at the grass.

Xiumin took a seat next to me on the bench. "So who broke your heart?"

I glanced at him and wondered if I was being too obvious. "What makes you think it is?"

"You have that look on your face." He pointed at the bottle in my hands. "Alcohol is a major clue."

"You are right." I let out a deep breath. "It makes me forget his face for a period of time."

"What did he do that made you feel like you need to get it out of your head?" He stretched his legs out and moved the point of his shoe in the sand.

"Kissed another guy." I didn't know why I opened up about it to a stranger, but at the same time they always seemed harmless. Most of them wouldn't see you again and therefore were great in keeping secrets. "What kind of excuse can you have for it? I saw it with my own eyes."

"People make mistakes." Xiumin looked down at his shoes while biting his lip.

"Sounds like you are speaking out of experience." I took another gulp and looked at him.

"I do," he confirmed. "I made a very big mistake and there's a big chance the person I love won't ever forgive me."

"What did you do?" I asked curiously.

Xiumin glanced up at me, doubt in his eyes. "Well, I turned against him when everyone else did."

"Oh wow. That is bad." I turned my body towards him so I could look without turning my head.

"No need to remind me of that." He wiped his hands over his trousers like he was trying to get rid of dirt. "I am trying to show him how sorry I am, but I don't think he will let me in."

"You should never stop trying," I told him.

Xiumin smiled faintly. "But what if that guy of yours is trying the same things?"

I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say. He was right. I stood up and dumped the empty bottle in the trashcan next to the bench. "I need to go now."

I walked away without looking back at Xiumin. I hoped I would see him again but was too much in a hurry to really care about it as soon as I left the park I dug my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through the names until I found the one I was looking for.

"Is that really you?" The voice at the other end asked hopefully.

"Yes, Baek. It's me."

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