Chapter 4

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"What are you pulling that face for?" Suho asked as he took a seat next to me on the couch. "Something wrong?"

"Ah." I shook my head as I got ahold of the controller again. "It's nothing."

"You sure?" He rubbed the black material of the one he was holding and stared at the coloured buttons. "You look like you swallowed a lemon."

My brows drew together while thoughts crossed my mind, too fast to keep track of them. "What did I miss?"

Suho looked at me with a confused expression before realising what I meant and shrugged. "Nothing big. Don't worry about it."

I wiped the strands of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes aside and started a new game. "Nothing happened between me and Kyungsoo, right? Nothing... different than usual."

He froze for just a brief moment, but long enough for me to notice. "Of course not, why are you asking?"

A low chuckle escaped my lips as I stared at the screen, "Kyungsoo has finally gone crazy then."

Suho turned to look at me, forgetting all about the game that continued. "What do you mean?"

"He came to me before class," I started and took advantage of his lack of focus to shoot him and win. "He was acting weird, asking me how I could forget and even told me an odd story."

With a loud groan, the controller was thrown onto the table. "Can't you see what he's trying to do?"

I shook my head and squinted my eyes. "No, I can't."

"He is trying to make you believe you changed." Suho turned his body toward me, palms on his knees. "He hates to be treated like this and who wouldn't?"

A sigh escaped my lips, "you are probably right."

"I'm always right," he joked and stood up to walk over to the cd player, plugging his phone in. "Let's put on some music."

It wasn't one of the dance songs he usually listened to, which surprised me. It was a slow song. The second thing I noticed was that it sounded very familiar.

"You like that song?" I heard my own voice saying in the back of my mind. It was like I was swallowed by darkness as I heard another voice. "Is it a long ride?"

I looked at my side and Kyungsoo was sitting in the passenger seat of my car. His black hair tousled from the wind that came through the crack of the slightly open window. His nose was pressed against the glass as blackness passed by. "Those houses are so big. They must be rich."

"Not really." I objected. "They like to pretend."

Kyungsoo turned his face towards me, but it was a blur. His eyes dark holes that seemed to make everything vanish in them. I backed away as the world disappeared in his eyes.

"Jongin!" Suho was standing in front of me, his hands holding me by my shoulders. "Dude, I thought you'd gone crazy."

"I just..." I swallowed the words, realising it indeed was a bit crazy. "I zoned out."

He nodded in understanding and patted my back. "Well, you did hit your head so you better be careful."

"Do you think I won't ever remember what happened?" I asked out of the blue.

Suho's mouth twisted as he sank back in the chair. "I'm not a doctor."

"I know that," I placed the controller on the table and left the game on pause "But do you think it is possible?"

He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, "maybe, but that doesn't mean it will happen."

"Right," I agreed. "I should probably accept it."

Suho hit my shoulder with his fist in a friendly way, "don't turn all depressed on me okay?"

"I promise," I replied and forced a smile. "I just don't know how to deal with it yet."

He started the game again, but all I could focus on was Kyungsoo's face pressed against the window of my car. His reflection had looked hopeful but I didn't understand why. "Has Kyungsoo ever been in my car?"

Suho glanced sideways before staring at the screen again. "I guess. You guys did a project together."

"We did?" I asked, surprised about the new information. "I can't remember that."

"Of course you don't." He tried to hide the annoyance but his voice was full of it. "Can you stop asking questions now?"

"Why?" I questioned in a challenging tone. "There's nothing to hide about it."

"We are playing a game to relax," he replied. "I can't do both."

I hummed in understanding and tried to concentrate on the game. "I just don't feel like myself."

"You know what you need?" Suho asked with a smirks. "A party."


"You are gonna be late!" My mother yelled from her spot under the stairs. Like I didn't know I was running late.

Instead of answering I rushed from my small bathroom to the bedroom, throwing the towel aside as I was done drying myself. I quickly put on a fresh pair of boxers and a jeans that was laying over the backrest of a chair. There was no shirt laying around, so I opened my closet to search for a blue one. My forehead furrowed as I looked through the piles.

"Where's my shirt?" I mumbled as I kept rummaging through the closet. It must be here since I hadn't worn it after the accident so it couldn't be in the laundry.

I shrugged before putting on a black one instead. I'll find it later. I grabbed my bag from the bed and was about to head out when my phone vibrated. I dug it out of my pocket and noticed it was a text from a number I didn't recognise.

Unknown number: Hey, it's Kyungsoo. I forgot that I still have one of your shirts. You can get it in the break.

Me: How did you get my number?

Unknown number: Sehun gave it to me since you have a new phone. You want it back or not?

Me: Duh

Unknown number: Okay. Search for me.

I put my phone away again when a strange feeling washed over me. I normally wouldn't even talk to him like that. I was rude. Why didn't I tell him to screw himself? I shook my head and walked out of the door. I'll ask him how he got my shirt when he gave it back to me. This was all too confusing.

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