Chapter 15

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1 missed call from Soo

I stared at the screen like it would change if I looked away, however it never did. The phone was almost empty except for some pictures, my playlist and the notification of a missed call. It was strange. Why was Kyungsoo the only one that had called me? Even more weird was the day he had tried to reach me. It was the same night as the accident.

It was Monday today and I had looked at the phone this morning cause I had been too scared to do so this weekend. I didn't know what I had expected to find but it was certainly not nothing.

"Honey, it's time to go." My mother announced at the other side of the door.

"I'm coming," I replied and got off the bed to grab my bag. I headed out of the room and noticed my mother was still standing in front of my door.

"I just wanted to ask how you are feeling today." She cupped my cheek with her hand and smiled sweetly.

"I'm fine," I replied. I wasn't even sure if I was lying or not. My feelings were complicated at the moment.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" She reminded me while looking into my eyes. Here was that sentence again. "Your wounds are healing well, my handsome boy."

"I know," I agreed while averting my eyes. "I'll be late."

"Right." She let go of me. "Have fun."


"I am so glad it's even a little bit like it used to be." Baekhyun said as he held the door for me once he was through. "I just hope everything goes back to normal."

"Me too," I agreed. I was happy Baekhyun and I were friends again, but secretly hoped he now knew how I had felt when Jongin left me. Maybe he could understand me a bit better then. I was pulled out of my thoughts in an unpleasant way. Someone bumped into me with his shoulder and snapped, "watch it faggot."

"Hey!" Baekhyun yelled after him. "What a great way to introduce yourself, dickhead."

"It's okay." I placed my hand on his arm and led him further into the school. "People are rude all the time."

"Why did he call you that though?" Baekhyun wondered.

"I don't know. They use gay phrases wheter appropriate or not all the time." I told him. When we got closer to the classroom our first class would be held in we passed a group of people that were standing in half a circle.

Baekhyun frowned and walked over to them. "I'm gonna see what this is all about." I followed him as he pushed through the small crowd and almost bumped into him when he suddenly stopped. "Soo..."

I looked up at the wall and it felt like I couldn't breath anymore. They were all staring at the picture that was taped to it. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a photo of me and Jongin kissing, but the person that was responsible for it had his head fully blurred so only I was visible. It was still obvious it was a guy. The words 'Kyungsoo is a faggot ' were written underneath the picture. I quickly moved forward and grabbed it off the wall, ripping it in the process, before pushing through the people to find my way out.

I started running and ignored the teacher telling me to stop. I reached the bathroom and noticed I was alone. Baekhyun probably hadn't seen where I went. My breath started to get heavier as I held the paper in my fist while leaning against the cold wall. It reminded me of when Luhan had started telling everyone I was gay. It was the exact point where everything went wrong. "Please not again," I whispered.

"Soo?" Sehun got out of one of the stalls and looked at me with a worried expression. "What's wrong?"

I handed him the paper and watched how he unfolded it. His expression immediately changed as his jaw set. "That asshole."

"Who?" I asked confused, pushing myself away from the wall.

"He's gonna regret this," Sehun muttered and headed out.

I followed him and pulled at his sleeve. "What are you talking about?"

Sehun ignored me and barged into one of the classrooms. Suho was sitting with some guys I didn't know while playing with his phone. Jongin was sitting a few chairs away. Sehun walked over to them and slammed the paper on the desk in front of Suho. He looked up with an annoyed expression like he had been doing something important. "What do you want?"

"I know you did this." Sehun pushed the paper over the wood into his direction. "You haven't changed a single bit."

Suho shrugged and pushed it back. "Why would I change something that is perfectly fine?"

"You are so pathetic," Sehun spat. "You and your little loser crew over here."

"What's your problem dude?" Suho sat up straight and put his phone away.

"You are the fucking problem here and you've always been." Sehun reached forward and grabbed his collar, pulling him up. "If you wanna play dirty I can perfectly handle that."

I was watching the scene in front of me with big eyes. No one ever had done something like this for me and I had never expected Sehun to do it. "Sehun," I spoke softly. "It's okay."

"No, it's not," he objected. "Little bitches like him need a firm hand."

"What you gonna do, huh?" Suho asked with a grin. "Hit me?"

He had just finished his sentence when a fist landed on his cheek. Suho lost his balance and would have fallen back in his chair if Sehun had not held him. "Yes. Yes, I will."

I was frozen while watching Sehun hit Suho for a second time. I didn't know what to do. Should I stop him? I moved forward but then Jongin stood up and grabbed Sehun to pull him back. "Stop," he ordered. "You'll get suspended."

Sehun pulled himself free of his grip and pointed at Suho, "watch your back Kim."

"Fucking asshole," Suho snapped while pressing his palm to his cheek.

Sehun pulled me out of the room and we walked through the hall towards our first class. Baekhyun jogged over to us and asked. "Where the hell did you go?"

"Sehun hit Suho," I informed him, ignoring his question. I hadn't realised I had been smiling, but didn't stop once I did. "Can you believe it?"

"Wow," Baekhyun spoke impressed. "Finally got what he deserved."

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