Chapter 26

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"Luhan?" I questioned, staring at the guy that had his back turned to us. He was hunched over his backpack which was placed on the low wall made of bricks. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I guessed he was checking his books.

Suho nodded and focused on me. "I thought you knew he was the one that found Jongin."

He was right. Sehun had told me, but somehow I had pushed it away. "Does he know what happened?"

Suho shrugged, acting like he didn't care, although I knew for sure he did. "Perhaps."

I took a deep breath before approaching the other male. He was finished with what he was doing and zipped up his backpack. "Hey," I spoke uncertain.

Luhan turned around, his expression twisted in shock. "Kyungsoo, what are you doing here?"

"We came to talk to you," I explained. "Maybe you can help us."

His eyes drifted away from me to settle on Suho and let out a huff. "I never thought I would see the two of you together."

"Me neither," I agreed. "Do you want to talk?"

Luhan nodded and sat down on the wall, staring down at his hands that were folded in his lap. "Sure."

I took a seat next to him and Suho followed my example, sitting down on his other site. "You found Jongin after te accident, right?"

Luhan raised his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "I should have known you came all the way to my college to talk about him."

"Are you seriously annoyed about that?" Scowled Suho. "Neither you or I have the right to be."

I looked at him in bewilderment. Did I hear this right?

Luhan opened his mouth in protest, however closed it again once he saw Suho's expression. "You are right. What do you want to know?"

"What happened that night?" I asked, resting my arms on my legs to lean on them.

Luhan looked troubled as he ruffled his hair. "I couldn't sleep, which wasn't something new. I always head out and walk a small round. It makes me sleepy. I never come across people, since it's in the middle of the night, but this time was different. I heard voices in the distance."

"Two?" I wondered out loud. "Or even more?"

"I think there were two." Luhan answered. "I was about to turn around because I didn't want to get into a fight, but then I realised they were familiar."

"Who were they?" Suho asked. His eyes were shining with curiosity.

Luhan shook his head. "I didn't know who. I just knew I heard them before. Well one was Jongin, obviously."

I tapped my fist against my lips as I took in everything he said. "Did you hear what they said?"

Luhan shook his head again. "I was too far away. I decided to go see what was going on, but when I finally reached the bridge they were already gone."

"You saw no one?" Suho's voice had a hint of disbelieve in it.

"The other person must have ran away." Luhan concluded. "It was dark and the light of the lampposts wasn't enough to look all the way down the hill, so I turned on the flashlight on my phone and scanned the area. Then I saw him."

I felt myself tense as I tried not to imagine Jongin laying motionless in the dirt. "And then?"

Luhan turned his face to me, ignoring Suho's presence. "I went down to see if he was okay. He looked hurt and since he didn't react to me I immediately called for help."

I averted my gaze as the same sentence kept whirling around in my head. You should have stayed with him.

Suho noticed my mood switch and reached out to place his hand on mine. "I'm sorry this didn't turn out the way you hoped."


I lifted the glass up to my lips and took a big gulp, letting out a harsh groan when the burning liquid went down my throat, before putting the glass down with a big thud. I wasn't supposed to drink with the medicine I was on, but who would care? While sitting in the far corner of the cafe alone, there was no one who would judge me or tell me to stop. I had to be alone while drowning my thoughts with alcohol.

When I raised the glass again, a hand reached out and snatched it out of my grip, followed by an, "are you crazy?!

I looked up and noticed the angry words came out of Baekhyun's mouth. "Yah! Give it back."

Baekhyun tilted the glass to let the rest of the drink disappear in his throat and placed it down on the table. "That's your solution?" He questioned. "Drinking away everything?"

I blinked up at him, his position forcing me to look almost directly into the lamp that hung down from the ceiling. "Yes. Yes, it is."

He pulled a chair back and sat down on it. "Can I join?"

While watching him in amazement I ordered two more drinks. "What makes you come down here?"

"Chanyeol and Kyungsoo." He said like that would explain everything. "You?"

"One of the two you just mentioned." The words were out of my mouth before I realised it, even though he didn't seem surprised at all.

Baekhyun placed his elbows on the table to lean on them and narrowed his eyes. "No offence, but I never knew why he liked you that much."

"None taken." I watched how the waiter put down the drinks before moving on to another table again. "I'm an asshole."

He picked up one of the glasses and stared into it. "He used to say no one knew you like he did. I always wondered what drew him to you."

I shrugged. "Is that a question you thought I could answer?"

He shook his head. "Life sucks. Why doesn't Chanyeol?"

I choked on my drink and started coughing, punching my chest with my fist. The look in his eyes confirmed my suspicion of him having drunk already before coming here. However, I couldn't stop the laughter that was coming out of my mouth once I had found enough air. "Isn't that the question we've all been asking?"

Baekhyun stared at me with a serious expression before he bursted out laughing, slapping the table with his hand. We must have looked like a pair of idiots, but at that moment neither one of us cared enough to stop. "You are quite alright," Baekhyun cackled, causing me to have another laughing fit.

The sound of someone clearing his throat caught our attention and we both fell silent while looking up at the guy that was standing at our table. The smile on Baekhyun's face immediately turned upside down. "Chanyeol, what are you doing here?"

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