Chapter 13

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"Hey hey hey," an unfamiliar voice spoke in a calm tone. "You are way too upset to be out on the streets alone." 

"Who are you?" I snapped, not liking how he got involved into my business. Besides, I probably looked like a mess and I didn't want anyone to see me like this. 

"My name is Lay," he explained with a sweet smile. "The transfer student." 

"Oh, right." I recognised him as the Chinese guy that Suho had to take care off. "Sorry." I apologized, feeling my ears heating up a bit. 

"It's understandable." The wind blew his black hair in front of his eyes so he had to brush them away. "Don't go home alone right now though. I will worry about you."

"I don't know where Jongdae is," I indicated while wiping my tears away with my sleeve. I was affected by how sweet this guy seemed. We hadn't really met, but here he was trying to make sure I was getting home safe. 

"I'll call Suho, he has a car." Lay gestured for me to wait and headed back to the house.

"No!" I exclaimed, trying to stop him, but he waved it off with an, "I'll be right back."

I stood there like my feet were too heavy to move, not knowing what to do. I could take a run for it, but my house was quite far so that wouldn't be a good idea. Before I could make up my mind Lay opened the door with Suho behind him. They walked over to me and I tried to ignore Suho's piercing eyes. I was gonna regret this.

"He will take you home," Lay told me happily.

I wondered how Lay had gotten Suho into driving me home, considering the fact he hated me. "Are you coming with us?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't leave us alone.

Lay seemed to hesitate but his eyes lit up, "I will if you want me to."

I nodded and Suho led us to his car that was down the driveway. It was an expensive looking car and I realised Suho had always been just as rich as Jongin. I suddenly felt out of place as I opened the back door, thinking about the car my mom was driving in. It was a second hand car with two doors and the difference made it feel like two worlds. 

Once Suho and Lay were settled the car went forward. I wasn't sure if Suho knew where I lived, but he didn't ask anything so I suspected he did indeed know. He hadn't said a single word since he had come out of the house and when Lay asked me what had happened he only glanced at me through the rearview mirror. It wasn't a friendly look and I decided to tell the truth just to annoy him. 

"I saw my ex kissing someone else," I replied and stared at Suho to see his reaction. He only bit his lip like he was trying to stop himself from saying certain things. 

"That must be horrible," Lay spoke with pity in his eyes. "Do I know the person?" 

"Let's give the boy some space," Suho interfered. "It must be tough." 

"You are right, I am sorry." Lay apologized. 

"No, it's okay." I wanted to punch Suho so bad at this moment my hands squeezed into fists. "It's Jongin." 

"I didn't know he also liked guys," Lay commented with furrowed eyebrows. "I hope you two will get back together again. I heard he had an accident?"

"Me too," I agreed. "Yeah and it hurts to not be able to be there for him." 

Suho's knuckles were white around the wheel and he had bitten his lip so hard it had started bleeding. "We are at your house." 

"Thanks for the ride," I thanked him. It took me a lot of effort to make it sound real, but I succeeded. 

He got out of the car and opened my door, closing it with a loud thud once I was out on the street. "If you want to play a game with me I should warn you about the consequences." His body was close to mine and even though he wasn't much taller it was intimidating. "I have more power over Jongin than you will ever have."

I swallowed thickly and took a step sideways to get myself out of between him and the car. "I see you around." 

Suho watched how I walked up the path to the door with narrow eyes and quickly got in the car again when rain started to fall out of the sky. 

I tried to ignore my shaking fingers as I unlocked the door and hoped I hadn't made a scared impression. I took a deep breath before stepping inside where my mother came out of the living room to greet me. "How was it?" She asked while embracing me in a hug. "Did you have fun?" 

I nodded, "I am just really tired so I'm gonna get into bed." 

"Okay, honey." She ruffled my hair and smiled down at me. "I am happy you are getting out to meet people."

"I know." I hadn't told her about Jongin's accident and she just thought he had broken up with me, which led to a lot of sweet actions and many, 'you know you can tell me anything, right?'

"Good night, mom." 

"Sleep well." She kissed the top of my head before letting me go up the stairs. I was glad she hadn't noticed my red eyes and quickly made my way to my bedroom. The bed looked so inviting that I let myself fall onto it with a loud sigh.

The image of that girl on top of Jongin was torturing me every time I closed my eyes and I didn't want to think about what they could be doing at this very moment. Jongin was the only one that had touched me in that particular way and it hurt me to know he was probably touching someone else like that. 

I did not deserve this.

The doorbell rang and I wondered who it was, but my thoughts pulled me back out of reality. I grabbed my pillow and held it against my chest. I didn't feel like being strong. I wanted to scream and cry out, throwing everything around and breaking stuff. I wasn't sure how long I could maintain this shield at college. 

There were footsteps audible on the stairs so I rolled onto my back curiously. The door was pushed open and I immediately sat up straight in surprise. "Baekhyun?" 

His hair was wet and stuck to his forehead. His eyes were glistening and red and his lip quivered. "I fucked up." 

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