Chapter 5

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A cool breeze played with my hair as I waited outside of the university building. Even though it was lunch time I had searched a spot where no one could see me and texted Jongin where I was. I took the shirt out of my backpack and held it close against my chest, sniffing in the last bits of the owner's scent. I couldn't smell it anymore after that.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back against the stone wall, the cold seeping through my body. I had walked up to Baekhyun at the first class we shared together but he had turned his back to me. It was weird to see the one person that had supported you when no one else did act like you didn't exist. It hurt to have no one to turn to.

"There you are," a deep voice spoke.

I looked up to see Jongin walk over to me. His hair hung over his forehead, covering scars I remembered from the last time I saw him. His normally tanned skin looked pale, accentuating the blue and purple spots. Again, I had the urge to touch them, do anything to ease the pain.

I stepped away from the wall but didn't reach out to hand him his shirt. I kept staring at the familiar eyes that had become so dear to me. "Jongin," I spoke softly. I wanted to tell him he had to remember but realised I shouldn't push him too much and took a deep breath. "Here it is. As promised."

Jongin looked down at my hands before focusing on my face, taking a step closer. "Where did you get it?"

"I took it from you before I went abroad," I explained, not daring to face him. "I wanted to have something of you with me."

"Right." He took the shirt out of my hands, his voice far from friendly. "I have to confess that you are good at this game. I would almost believe you."

He was about to turn away when I grabbed his wrist, forcing him to turn around. "You think that's what it is? A stupid game?" I had thought all night about how I had to wait patiently to see if he started to remember but all of it seemed to flew out of the window after that sentence he said.

Jongin pulled his arm free and his eyes glistened with something I couldn't recognise. His eyes, traveled over me like he was searching for something, dark as earth. My hands tightened into fists by my sides.

"This is about our lives," I snapped. "You changed mine, but now... you are just an asshole again. You are so caught up in being the so called popular guy that you ignore the obvious, which is what I am telling you."

"Again?" He questioned while stepping closer, pressing his finger against my temple. "Get this in your head faggyboy. I am not your lost lover and I never changed."

Jongin swirled around and walked away with big steps. I rested my back against the wall and slid down, biting my lip as my eyes slowly filled with tears. The person that had made me believe in love was gone. I covered my face with my hands and let out the tears, shamelessly crying out loud.

"He's gone," I murmured through ragged breaths. The footsteps that had come my direction were too soft to be heard and I looked up in surprise as a hand touched my shoulder. Jongdae smiled and crouched down next to me. "Hey."

"Hi," I whispered while looking down at my hands in shame. "What are you doing here?"

"Sehun told me you'd be here," he explained. "I didn't have the chance to meet up with you when you came back, so I asked him where you were."

"I didn't tell him." I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"He saw you." Jongdae reached out and pulled his sleeve over his hand to wipe my tears away. "I heard what happened."

"Great," I said sarcastically. "Now everyone knows my boyfriend doesn't remember me. Not only that, oh no. He is even back to calling me faggyboy. Just great."

"I know how you feel," Jongdae spoke softly.

I turned my head to look at him. His usual happy smile was gone and he looked at me with a serious expression. "What do you mean?"

Jongdae switched to sit down next to me against the wall and ran a hand through his hair. "I used to have a boyfriend. He was really nice and I was in love. I thought he was too, but I guess I was wrong. One day a kid that lived nearby was being made fun of at school, so I told them to stop." He let out a mirthless laugh. "They did stop, but started picking on me instead. Then my boyfriend started to feel embarressed, so he broke up with me and took the side of the others. That's why I went to another high school and met you and your friends."

"I had no idea." I suddenly felt stupid for crying. "That's horrible."

He shrugged. "I got over it because of you guys."

"That group doesn't exist anymore though." I tilted my head back to look at the sky and thought back about what Baekhyun had said in the cafe. "Baek hates me."

Jongdae placed his palms on his knees and shook his head. "No, he doesn't."

"He does," I insisted.

"Did he say it?" Jongdae asked, leaning closer to look me in the eyes.

"No, but-"

"Exactly," he said, cutting me off. "He can't hate you, Soo."

"I deserve it," I objected. "I didn't give him back what he gave me and was focused on someone else instead."

"Don't you think you have been punished enough?" Jongdae questioned while stretching his legs in front of him.

I shook my head. "I have been too selfish." I thought about Jongin just before the accident. How he must have felt abandoned by me, just like Baek. "I should have never left."

"I don't know what happened to Jongin. No one does. At least that's what they say." Jongdae's eyes narrowed. "Someone is lying."

I turned to look at him and raised one eyebrow. "Why?"

"Jongin isn't clumsy," he stated. "Not even in the dark."

"That's true, but he could have been drunk." I suggested.

"No, they would have said so if that was the case." Jongdae scratched the back of his head while staring into the distance. "There are enough people who dislike him."

"You think someone did this to him?" I asked surprised. "But if there has been a fight, Jongin would have won."

"Not if he didn't expect it."

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