Chapter 18

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"Mom, are you home?" I closed the door behind me and walked further into the house.

"You are later than usual," she noticed as she looked up from her book to the clock on the wall. "Where have you been?"

"Dad picked me up from college," I answered softly, sitting down next to her.

She placed the book on the coffee table and stared at me. "Are you okay?" She asked as she noticed my appearance.

"I'm fine, it's just..." I glanced down at my hands that were busy fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "Can I ask you something?"

"What did he tell you about me?" She frowned and turned her body towards me.

"It's not like that." I looked up and our eyes met. I could see she was worried. "He mentioned something and I think it's something that might have happened in the period I don't remember."

She took my hand in hers with a gloomy expression. "What is it, honey?"

I swallowed thickly before opening my mouth. "What happened in that time?" 

"What exactly do you want me to say?" She asked back and guessed. "What happened with your father?"

I shook my head. "No, with Kyungsoo."

She blinked, obviously surprised. "You mean that guy that came over to do that project?" As I didn't answer, she continued, taking it as a yes. "He came over more often and you told me and your father you guys started dating."

I let out a sharp breath. "It can't be."

"Why not?" She leaned closer to look me in the eyes. "What's going on?"

"Dad thought we were still dating, but Suho and my other friends keep telling me nothing had changed." A mixture of fear and terror started to cloud my mind. "I don't know who to trust."

"Sweetheart," she cupped my face and smiled. "All I know is that when Kyungsoo came over, you were the happiest I've ever seen you."

"But... I am not even gay." I protested, not wanting to believe my ears.

"You don't have to be." She ran a hand through my locks. "Sometimes two people are so connected to each other nothing else matters."

"When he's with me I don't feel like that." I kept insisting. It was too hard to believe.

"That's cause you forgot the whole process of falling in love." She shifted on the couch and wiped a strand of hair out of her face. "You know what I think? That Kyungsoo will be the one that could help you truly remember."

"Really?" I sat up straight. "Maybe-" I was interrupted by the bell and stood up to answer it. To say I was surprised would be an understatement when I opened the door to reveal Suho. His eyes were wide and he looked like he had been running for his life.

"What the hell happened to you?" I felt anger run through my veins as I realised the person in front of me had lied. 

"I need to tell you something." He sounded out of breath. 

I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame, not letting him enter. "I'm listening."

Suho looked over his shoulder to see if someone was nearby and inched closer. "Jongin, I came to you cause I hoped you could understand."

"Just say it," I snapped impatiently.

"I think I'm having a crush on him."


"Thank you for coming." I bit my lip and nervously scratched the back of my head. It was hard to even look at him without feeling guilty. I could lie to myself as much as I wanted, but I knew I had put myself in that position. I wanted nothing more than just be held by Chanyeol and it was painful to realise that wouldn't happen. 

He sighed and sat down on the chair opposite of mine. "You said you wanted to explain, so here I am." 

"It was never meant to happen and I know you saw it with your own eyes, but it was not what it seemed like." My shoulders slumped as I watched him. "He forced himself onto me."

"Right," was all he said.

"It's the truth." I looked at him to see if he believed me, but there was no emotion written on his face. "I won't ever cheat on you."

Chanyeol stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Baby, please..." my voice cracked as I raised to my feet.

He turned to face me. "I said I'd listen, not that I would forgive you or anything."

I lowered my head cause he was right. I had begged him to listen to me and he had done just that. "I am so sorry," was all I could say as tears started to well up in my eyes.

Chanyeol ran a hand down his face and averted his gaze. "Look, what I saw has really broken my trust in you."

Those words made the tears flow and I desperately tried to wipe them away. "I don't know what to do to fix it."

"I need some time." He zipped up his jacket and his mouth turned into a horizontal stripe. "Maybe I'll forgive you."

I nodded because there was nothing I could say that would make him change his mind. "Okay."

Chanyeol rubbed his temples with a groan. "Who was he anyway?"

The question surprised me even though it shouldn't have. "Someone I know from college."

"So the person doesn't have a name," Chanyeol scoffed. "Very interesting."

"It doesn't matter," I stated. 

"Did it happen before?" Chanyeol stared at me as he balled his fists. "How many times has he forced himself onto you?" He spat out the word 'forced' like it was something ridiculous.

"You don't believe me." I spoke softly as it dawned on me. 

Chanyeol averted his gaze without replying and it stung more than I wanted to admit. 

"I thought love was based on trust. Guess I was wrong." I walked past him to the door and opened it. "I think you better get going." 

Chanyeol stared at me in surprise before his eyes flickered with anger. "Now you think you have the right to act like this? After what you've done?" He grabbed the door and spoke through gritted teeth. "Fuck you Byun Baekhyun. Go find someone else to cheat on." And with that the door was slammed shut and I sunk down on my knees in front of it. 

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