Chapter 27

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"I just finished my part time job here," Chanyeol replied, eyeing Jongin, before facing me again. "What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" I lifted the glass to my lips to proof my point. "What do you want?"

"I didn't know you and Jongin were such good friends." Chanyeol spoke through gritted teeth. "Is your boy toy not enough?"

I slammed the glass down onto the table and felt satisfied as both guys looked at me in shock. "Why do you care? It's not even your business anymore." I fumed.

"Apparently, it wasn't even my business from the start. I didn't even know you were friends with that asshole." Chanyeol placed his palms on the table to lean on while staring down at me.

"He is not my friend," I corrected him.

"So you were just being a slut then?" Chanyeol's eyes were burning with anger and it stung more than I wish it did.

The alcohol in my blood seemed to have been replaced with cold ice. "I might have made a mistake to trust the guy who forced himself upon me, but I have never not trusted you." I stood up, the chair almost falling back, and took my wallet out of my pocket. After I had put some money down on the table I turned around and walked out of the cafe. Adrenaline was still rushing through my veins as I balled my hands into fists. How could he call me that?

I had liked Chanyeol for the longest time before we got together and even then my thoughts were just with him and no one else. How could he think of me in such a way when all I had ever done was adore him?

I felt tears of frustration threatening to come out but I wouldn't let them. I bit my lip and angrily wiped at my wet eyes.

The door of the cafe was being opened and closed and I hoped that whoever had come out wouldn't notice my face. However, luck wasn't on my side and a hand reached out to grab my arm. "Baekhyun..."

I immediately pulled back and snapped, "can't you leave me alone?"

Chanyeol took a deep sigh and averted his gaze away from me. "I am sorry."

"For?" I questioned while ignoring the people passing by.

"For calling you that." He ran a hand down his face before looking at me. "When I saw you sitting there with him, I just snapped."

I couldn't stand seeing his hurt expression and instead stared at the cafe. "I didn't even know you worked here."

"I started doubting myself after what happened," Chanyeol admitted softly. "I know it may sound weird, but this was my way of dealing with it."

"It's not weird at all, Chanie." I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling the chilly air seep through my thin jacket. "You should never doubt yourself."

"I know," he replied to my surprise. "That's often the case though."

"I miss you so much." The words had left my mouth before I realised it and there was no way I could take them back anymore.

Chanyeol's expression softened and he moved closer to pull me into his embrace. His arms were just as strong as I remembered them to be and I leaned into him. His hand moved up to my head as he led my hair run through his fingers. "Don't ever do that to me again, Baek."

I pulled back to look at him while his hand slid down to my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." A small smile appeared on Chanyeol's face as he leaned closer to press his lips onto mine. I swung my arms around his neck and let myself drown in the kiss.


The streets were mostly empty, which suprised me, considering it wasn't late at all. I left earlier because it was a friday tomorrow and I didn't want to have a hangover or be too tired. However the most important reason was because I didn't want my mother to know I had been drinking. She would be angry and disappointed, telling me I was going to end up like my father. She would regret it later and come up to my room to assure me I was a better man and then hug me. It had happened three times before and I didn't want to hear those words another time.

I was surprise when I noticed the house was fully lit. She always had a small light on at the end of the couch were she was sitting at. Which meant that there were guests. I frowned, not remembering her telling me people would come over. Not that my memory was something I could rely on lately. I quickly raised my hand in front of my mouth and exhaled against it, smelling my own breath. It just had a hint of alcohol in it, so hopefully no one would notice.

I dragged my feet up the path after opening the small gate and dug out the key from my pocket. Before I could put it in the lock the door swung open, revealing my mother. "You are home." 

I looked at her in bewilderment and followed her back into the house. "I noticed we have guests," I pointed out.

She stopped in her tracks at the door connecting the hall to the living room. "There's someone that wants to see you."

"Who?" I questioned, not knowing who would want to meet me at this point. 

Without answering she opened the door and stepped into the cozy living room. It took me a minute to recognize the person sitting on the couch, but when she stood on her feet it was obvious.

"Hello, Jongin." Kyungsoo's mother greeted me. "I'm sorry for coming out of the blue, but I would like to have a word with you." 



I'm so so sorry, but it's gonna be a while before I will update again. I need to take a break from this story and I will tell you guys when it's gonna continue on my profile.
Please be patient with me.

Love you guys xxx

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