Chapter 22

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Xiumin didn't reply. He just kept staring at me with no emotion in his eyes. It was like he hadn't heard me. 

"What are you talking about?" Chanyeol asked, looking at me in confusion. "You know him?"

"Not personally." I kept my gaze fixed on Xiumin as he was visibly trying not to react. "Jongdae does."

"How?" Chanyeol sounded more curious now as he looked at the guy in front of him.

"Maybe your friend would like to explain." I stared at Xiumin in a challenging way. I had no clue why I sat down here and asked those things. I had the feeling I should know this guy personally and to be honest, I was just curious. 

Xiumin cleared his throat while holding his fist in front of his mouth. "Of course. Jongdae is my ex."

Chanyeol was obviously surprised, blinking rapidly. "But why is that such a big deal?"

"It's not." I stood up from my seat. "I just want him to stop doing what he is doing." I walked away with a satisfying feeling, knowing I had left Xiumin in an awkward position. He now had to explain to Chanyeol what I meant.

I headed to the counter and grabbed a sandwich when someone took a hold of my arm. I turned to the person and noticed it was Jongdae.

"What was that all about?" His eyes bored into me with an expression I couldn't understand. 

I pulled my arm free. "What do you mean?"

"You talked to Xiumin." Jongdae stated in an accusatory voice.

"So?" I suddenly felt attacked by his tone. "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to."

He licked his lip while nervously looking around. "About what?"

"The break is almost over," I mentioned and raised my hand with the sandwich in it. "I need to deliver this."

"Wait." He rubbed his hands together like he was cold. "Please tell me what he said."

I rolled my shoulders and averted my gaze. "Nothing. He said nothing."

"Don't lie to me."

Something in his bitter voice made me look back at him. "What do you wanna hear? I thought you didn't want anything to do with him anymore." 

Jongdae opened his mouth, but closed it again, not knowing what to say. I shoved my hair back away from my face and walked away from him. A headache started to form at the back of my head, forcing me to place my free hand on my neck to rub the tensed skin.

"Here's your food." I announced and threw the package with bread on the table before sitting down.

"What took you so fucking long to get me a fucking sandwich?" Baekhyun eagerly grabbed the food in front of him and started eating. "What's up with Jongdae's ex?" He mumbled with a mouthful.

"He made a new friend." I replied absently, looking at the empty spot in front of me. "Where's Jongin?" 

"He said he had to grab some books but to meet him at the end of the day in the parking lot." Baekhyun swallowed a piece of bread that was obviously too big and raised his finger to get my attention. "What's going on between you two lately?" 

"I told you that he wants to find out the truth about what happened." I glanced at the table and noticed Xiumin and Chanyeol had also left. "What else do you wanna know?" 

He shrugged and took another bite. "Did Chanie... you know... mention me?" 

I looked back at him and immediately felt bad. I could have talked to Chanyeol about his breakup as Baekhyun asked me to, but instead I had followed my own selfish curiosity. "I'm sorry."

Baekhyun licked a crumb from his lip and lowered his head. "It's fine. Maybe I should just leave him alone, like he wants me to."

I didn't know much about relationships, considering I had only dated Jongin, but what I did know was that when someone felt betrayed it takes a lot of work to rebuild the trust. Sometimes it would never be repaired and there were times that it would never be as before. "Chanyeol still loves you," I stated. "He's just hurt."

"I don't know how to fix this." Baekhyun admitted. "High school relationships almost never last, but I really thought we were different. Like those couples who dated since they were seventeen, got married and had children. Why did I have to fuck it all up?"

"Since he doesn't want to listen to you, why not write him a letter?" I suggested, standing up from the table.

Baekhyun did the same and followed me out of the cafeteria. "You think he would read it?"

I thought about Chanyeol and nodded, knowing for sure he would not throw it away without having a look first. "Maybe not immediately, but he will when he is ready."

I stopped and placed my hand on Baekhyun's chest to make him stop. "Is it just me or does Jongdae act weird?"

Baekhyun seemed to be surprised by my sudden question and his brows knitted together. "Now you say it, yes. He does act differently."

"Something is bothering him."

"Xiumin?" Baekhyun suggested. "He seemed pretty upset about seeing him."

"I have the feeling he's not telling us something." The bell rang, indicating the end of the break and so we started walking again.

"Why would he?" Baekhyun wondered out loud as he climbed the stairs, trying not to get pushed aside by the people coming down.

"I don't know." My fingers found it's way back to my neck where the headache started to form again. I was tired of this day that didn't seem to end. All I wanted was to go down and fall onto my bed. No, what I wanted most of all was to be able to hug Jongin and close my eyes to drift off with my head resting on his chest and his arms around me. It made me wonder what he wanted from me after school. I had to admit I was excited about being alone with him again. It gave me the feeling that everything was fine.


A low chuckle filled my ears as I turned the corner. I was just a few blocks away from my house and I had actually thought they wouldn't bother showing up today. My hope was immediately crushed when I noticed the guys.

"Where you going little boy?" One of them asked me. "To mommy?"

"What do you want now?" I snapped, holding the strap of my backpack in a firm grip. My knuckles were turning white from the pressure.

"I thought your mommy told you not to speak to people like that." The other said as he shoved me. "How about you give me your money and we'll let you go home?"

I took a sharp breath before answering, "no."

He tilted his head while inching closer. "What did you say?"

"He said, how about you kiss my ass?"

We both turned our heads to see who the voice belonged to and my blood ran cold.

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