Chapter 12

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"You look so hot tonight," he whispered in my ear.

I lightly pushed him away. "You shouldn't talk like that."

"Why not?" He asked not understanding. "It's true." 

"I have a boyfriend," I reminded him. "You know that."

"I don't see him right now." He pulled me closer against his body. "He doesn't have to know."

I shook my head. "I can't do that to him and I don't want to."

"You said you two had a fight." 

"That doesn't mean we are through," I remarked. "I love him."

He chuckled like I was saying something ridiculous. The lights were dim here so I couldn't see his face clearly as I looked up at him. He placed a hand on my cheek and before I could stop him he had pressed his mouth against mine. My eyes flew wide open and put my hands against his chest in an attempt to push him away. 

A loud gasp filled the air and he let go off me immediately. I turned my head to the source of the sound and my jaw dropped. "Ch... Chanyeol..." I started, but the taller guy had already turned around to walk out of the small laundry room. 

I didn't hesitate and took off after him. "Wait!"

It seemed like those moments in movies that everyone got tired off. One cheating on the other and then getting caught, but for me it was different. My heart felt like a rope was wrapped around it and the fear that washed over me was crushing. "Chanyeol please wait."

He had reached the door and Chanyeol was already out into the dark when I catched up. "Please!" My voice cracked as I grabbed his sleeve so he had no other choice than to stop. 

"Leave me alone," Chanyeol snapped while pulling his arm free. "You have nothing to say to me."


He cut me off. "You act so different recently, but I actually thought we were still okay even though you had a conflict with Kyungsoo. Guess I was wrong." 

"No. I didn't mean for this to happen."  I squinted my eyes in an attempt to not let the tears escape that were threatening to spill. "Don't leave me," I whispered, the fear taking over my voice. 

"You ruin everything for all of us," he spoke in a bitter low voice.

His words surprised me so much I froze and couldn't do anything when he walked away from me.

After what felt like ages I started walking. First slowly and then faster. I ended up running while I gave up the fight against the tears. They mingled together with the rain that just like me, started softly and ended hard. I was panting and felt like choking when I arrived at the place my panic took me. I stumbled up the path that led to the door and rang the bell. I was shaking from the cold and wrapped my arms around my body, trying to warm up a bit.

The door was being opened by a lady that looked at me in surprise. "Baekhyun, what are you doing here?"

"Is Kyungsoo home misses Do?" 


"What's wrong?" Rin asked as she leaned against me. "You seem tensed."

"I just didn't really go out since the accident," I explained. 

Her black hair was tickling my neck, but I didn't move, worried I'd do something wrong. We were sitting on a couch and her body was pressed up against mine. It was a nice warm feeling so I had my arm around her to keep her close. Rin lifted her hand to touch my face and smiled up at me. "I am so glad you decided to come."

"Me too," I replied with a grin. 

Rin leaned closer to press a kiss on my neck and started sucking the skin. It was obvious she wanted to leave evidence of her time with me and it made me feel proud. Rin was a beautiful girl and every guy was jealous at this moment. She moved to sit on my lap, brushing my crotch in the process. I let out a soft moan and she smirked satisfied. "You like that?"

I nodded, but something inside of me had the urge to push her away when she started to kiss my neck again. Her lips moved up to my ear and she whispered, "we could go search a place more privately." 

"We could," I agreed while my hands moved down to her butt. "And we should." 

"I can't wait." 

I looked up from surprised voices and was just in time to see a glimpse of Kyungsoo. I pushed Rin off of me and rose to my feet. He looked very different than the times I had seen him after the accident. He always looked tired with messy hair and casual clothes, but now he wore tight jeans that showed off his butt and his hair was styled. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him disappear. 

"Jongin!" Rin exclaimed annoyed. "What the heck are you doing?"

I turned to look down at her and threaded a hand through my hair. "I can't do this."

"What do you mean?" She stood up and looked at me in a challenging way. "Am I not good enough for you?"

"It's not that," I assured her. "It just doesn't feel good with you." I whirled around and walked away through the small crowd, leaving Rin with a shocked expression on her face.

"Woah," a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back, making me look right into Suho's face. "Where do you think you are going?" 

"Home," I replied like it was the most normal thing to say for me.

Suho frowned, "a minute ago you were practically having sex with Rin." 

I pushed him a bit further away from the people and leaned closer. "I didn't feel... like... I didn't get aroused. Only when she touched my crotch, but that was because of the friction."

"What are you trying to say?" Suho asked, looking around to see if someone was listening, obviously uncomfortable with this conversation. "How can you not like her?" 

"She is pretty," I agreed. "But she didn't do anything to me."

"Okay now you've really lost it." Suho ran a hand through his hair and exhaled. "What happened to you Jongin?"

"I..." I lowered my head and stepped away from him. "I don't know."

Suho let out a sigh and bit his lip. "Just go home then."

"You sound annoyed," I commented. 

"No, why would I be?" He threw his hands in the air to give his words more power. "I'll take Rin for you then."

I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was angry at me, but he confirmed it with a,"just go."

And I did. 

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