Chapter 10

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"Thanks for helping." Sehun waved shortly before driving off. I didn't bother to wave back and took out the housekey before unlucking the front door. No one was home yet so I threw my backpack down in the hall and kicked off my shoes. My foot touched something, shoving it further over the wooden floor. I bend down to pick it up and noticed it was an envelope. There was nothing on it except for the word Jogdae.

I took it with me to the living room and slumped down onto the couch. The point was only bend and tucked under the bottom so it was easy to open. Inside was a small paper.

I still love you

I swallowed thickly and quickly put it back again. It must be from the same person that put a paper in my locker and there was just one person that ones could have loved me.

The sharp sound of my ringtone startled me and I let out a deep breath before taking the device and answering the call. "Hello?"

"It's me, Baek." Baekhyun's happy voice spoke through the phone.

"Oh, hey." I replied.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, his tone a little worried. "You sound different."

"I'm fine," I assured him. "Just didn't expect a call."

"Well since tomorrow is the party I wanted to come over with Chanyeol so we can go together." Baekhyun explained. 

"Then you and Soo should settle whatever it is you two are having, cause he's coming too." I switched the phone from my left to my right hand and folded the envelope enought times so it would fit in my pocket.

There was a long silence at the other end before Baekhyun spoke again. "I didn't think he would. I mean... With everything that happened."

I wondered if I should tell him why but decided it was Kyungsoo's choice. "He asked me if I would go with him and I said yes. So either you forgive him for whatever it is you are angry about or you go with Chanyeol and I with Soo." 

"I guess I'm just scared," Baekhyun admitted. "It was something that's been bothering me for a very long time." 

"Do you wanna be friends again or not?" I asked, not fully understanding what he meant.

"I do." He let out a sigh before continuing. "It's just that I don't know how he'll react."

"Please come over tomorrow and talk to him." I stood up and walked back to the hallway to grab my bag. "He needs it."

"Okay, I will." He responded. "See you tomorrow." 

"Yeah, bye." I ended the call and walked upstairs to my room, hoping everything was gonna be okay.


"Why was he here?" Suho asked as he slumped onto the couch. 

"Kyungsoo always passes my house when he walks home from school." I explained while handing him a controller. "Wanna play a game?"

Suho smirked up at me, "I thought you'd never ask. "It's been ages."

"What do you mean?" I questioned. "We didn't play that long ago right?"

His eyes traveled around the room as he nervously tapped his finger against the couch. "Your face seems to be healing nicely."

I frowned, not understnding why he changed the topic. "My doctor says some of the scars probably won't ever heal fully or at least take a very long time." 

"They look fierce." Suho flashed me a smile before opening up a game. "Still don't have a little bit of memory back?"

I shifted to sit straight in front of the television to be able to look at the screen without having to turn my neck. "Do you think I could start like... re-living moments?" 

Suho's head shot to the right, his eyes wide. "Why do you say that? Is that the case?"

I shook my head. "I'm pretty sure it's nothing. I just sometimes get the feeling."

His mouth twitched as he stared at me. "Tell me when that happens, okay?" 

"Sure." The word was out of my mouth before I realised it. Why was I like to him? I trust him, right? I diverted my gaze and started the game. "How's the Chinese exchange student?" 

"Fine, I guess." Suho shrugged and tried to blew some hair out of his face. "He's too soft though. He likes everything and everyone and it's starting to get on my nerves. If I would call him an asshole he would still smile at me."

"Oh wow that actually sounds pretty annoying." I leaned back against the couch and noticed how tired I felt. "What was his name again?"

"Yixing or something like that," Suho replied absently. "He told me to call him Lay because that's easier to remember."

"Shit," I cursed as my character was killed. "I hate you."

"You've gotten worse," Suho teased me while elbowing me with a chuckle. "I knew you were bad, but this is a new level."

My hand pressed against the sore spot on my side and snapped. "You have to stop forgetting I am not fully healed yet, you idiot!" 

"Oops." He smiled awkwardly at me. "I'm just not used to your presence."

"What's that supposed to mean?" My forehead furrowed as I turned to him. "You keep saying things like I have been gone."

"Yeah!" Suho exclaimed, his face flushed red. "You have been in the hospital for quite some time."

"Oh." My shoulders sagged, feeling stupid for thinking Suho was hiding something from me. "Sorry, I forgot."

"You really need to let everything go on that party tomorrow." He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it softly. "Just enjoy it and don't worry about a thing."

"You are right," I agreed. "Everything just makes me so stressed and confused."

"Everyone gets that." He assured me. "It's not nothing. Loosing your memory is tough, but your friends will be there for you, okay?" 

"Thanks, I know you guys will help me through this." I lifted my feet up on the coffee table and started a new game."

"You sound like a pussy," Suho remarked with a grin.

"You started with your sentimental shit," I shot back. "You sounded like a girl."

He made a choking sound and looked at me with a shocked expression. "I am the manliest man you'll ever meet." 

"Your friends will be there for you," I repeated his words in a mocking tone. "Very manly indeed."

"Shut up or I'll poke you in the ribs," he threatened me. "You know I will."

I nodded as I started laughing with Suho soon joining and just for a moment I forgot about the struggles I was dealing with. Just for a moment. 

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