Chapter 9

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Jongdae and I tried to ignore the soft drizzle while walking away from the school gates. My hair was slowly starting to stick to my forehead but the feeling didn't bother me, I even welcomed it. Jongdae on the other hand had a small pout on his lips as he tried to keep his bagpack from getting wet by holding it close to his chest. "I knew we should have taken the bus."

"Don't be such a whiny ass," I replied in a joking tone. "Besides, your house is way closer than mine."

"That's why we are going there," he remarked while slowing down, finally coming to a stop. "Soo?"

I turned to him in confusion. "What?"

"What if Sehun did this to Jongin?" Jongdae's eyes found mine and honest worry was written in them.

An uncomfortable feeling spread through my chest and I diverted my gaze. "Why would you say that?"

"Think about it." He took a step closer to me so he could talk in a low voice. "He was never part of the bullying, but he wasn't your friend either. Now he suddenly starts to act really nice to you."

"That doesn't say anything," I objected. "He doesn't hate Jongin."

"It could have been an accident." Jongdae suggested. "A confrontation gone wrong."

"Your imagination is getting out of control." I started walking again, away from the protection of the trees, feeling the rain hitting my face.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked, still standing still. "I thought you wanted to know who hurt him."

I stopped and closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before turning around again. "He's gone, Chen. Don't you get that? He will never be mine again even if we find out who did this. He's gone." I tried not to get my anger out on him and only failed a little.

A car pulled up beside the sidewalk and we both looked at it in surprise as the window rolled down and Sehun popped his head out. "Hey Kim, I still have your notebook."

"It's fine. I don't need it tomorrow." Jongdae waved with his hand like he was trying to wave him away.

"I just don't understand a few things and was hoping you had some time for me."

"There are teachers for those things," Jongdae replied, almost making it sound like a snap. "I have plans with Kyungsoo."

I wondered why he was acting this way. "It's fine. He needs your help."

Jongdae stared at me like I had done something horrible and started stammering, "but... we..."

"Just go," I cut him off. "I wasn't in the mood anyway."

Jongdae's shoulders slumped down and he walked towards the car in a way that people did when they had gotten into a fight. He opened the door and got in before slamming it shut.

"Need a lift?" Sehun asked as his brows knitted.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine."

He nodded and drove off, leaving me alone. It was like I could finally breath freely. I just needed to be alone for a while. I started walking home with my hands in the pockets of my jacket and didn't even realise where I was going. Ever since college started I had taken the long way home, which meant I wouldn't have to go past Jongin's house. This time though, I had been too caught up in my thoughts to notice.

A soft groan reached my ears and I turned to look at the house at my right.


"Let's go outside," I suggested while holding a blanket.

"Outside?" Kyungsoo asked surprised.

"Yeah." I pointed down my window at the flat roofed garden house. "We can jump on it."

I helped him climb out of the window and watched how he landed on the roof before going after him. I sat down and pulled the blanket around our shoulders against the cold. "It's such a beautiful night," I whispered with my hand on Kyungsoo's hair while the people's murmurs disappeared to the background.

"Jongin?" A voice cut through the others. "Are you okay?"

I looked up into a pair of dark eyes and my breath hitched. It was like he had escaped out of my mind. "Kyungsoo." I coughed to get rid of the roughness and sat up straight. "What are you doing here?"

"I was walking home when I heard you." His expression turned into a frown. "I wasn't following you if that's what you think."

I shook my head and pressed a hand against my forehead, feeling a little dizzy. "I'm fine," I replied to his earlier question.

Kyungsoo reached out to help me up and I let him. "You sure you don't need any help?"

"I'm perfectly fine," I assured him while getting the keys out of my pocket. I tried to put it in the lock but I was shaking and didn't succeed, dropping it in the process. I let out a deep sigh before crouching down, finding Kyungsoo had already picked it up and was unlocking the door.

"Ehm... thank you." The words tasted weird in my mouth although I ignored it and got inside. "I am good on my own now."

"If you say so," he spoke, obviously not believing me. "Jongin?"

"What is it?" I didn't bother to look at him as I took my coat off.

"I was thinking..." Kyungsoo started insecure. "Can't we get past this?"

I shove my hair back away from my face, starting to feel uncomfortable. "Past what?"

"All the things about my sexuality. Can't we just be two guys going to the same college?" He clarified himself. "Not the so called nerd and bully?"

"Yeah, I'll leave you alone if you do the same." Somehow it felt wrong to say it and I didn't understand why.

He flashed me a small smile, but I turned my head to not look at it.

"Hello?" Suho walked into the hall and stopped in his tracks, his eyes landing on Kyungsoo. "What is he doing here?" His voice was full of disgust, making the other flinch.

"He was just about to leave, weren't you?" It wasn't really a question and Kyungsoo didn't answer.

"I can't believe you let that faggot into your house," Suho remarked as he watched Kyungsoo slowly walk out of the door. "What was that all about?"

"I..." I searched for words to explain but ended up saying, "he just came in."

Suho raised his eyebrows, "weird."

I nodded and closed the door. "Let's forget about him."

Unknown pov

I closed my eyes and turned around to press my back against the tree, wincing when my already sore elbow touched the bark, as Kyungsoo walked past.

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