Chapter 7

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The pages smelled like old paper between my fingers as I closed my eyes and sniffed in the scent that had always calmed me down. The library was the usual quiet with a few people searching through the books. I sat on one of the stools that was placed by a high table and enjoyed the silence for as long as I could. Jongdae had asked me to help him with his homework and since I wanted to get out of the house, I agreed in meeting up at the library. A place Jongdae only heard of and a place I adored. A little less than bookstores, I must admit. It was calming to be surrounded by books.

"Ew, Soo." Jongdae exclaimed as he threw his bag on the table. "You have no idea where that book has been." 

"No one is as weird as you," I replied while placing it in front of me.

"No one expects people to smell them," Jongdae shot back, sitting down with a smirk. "But I guess it's better than sniffing other things."

I glared at him, "since when did you get an attitude?" Before he could reply, I raised my hand. "Let's just get down to the reason you came here in the first place."

"Right," Jongdae agreed in a voice that almost sounded disappointed. "Work." 

I raised an eyebrow at him in a silent question. His normally sparkling eyes had something dull over them as he glanced up at me. "Did something happen?" 

Without a word he reached into his bag and took out his book, opening it on the first page. "I'm fine." 

"Now you just sound like an angry girl who's lying," I teased while punching his shoulder in a playful way. "Come on, I'm your friend. Tell me what's up." 

He let out a deep sigh before glancing up at me. "I think I have a crush."

My eyes widened from hearing his confession and Jongdae immediately waved his hands in front of him. "Please don't tell anyone."

"Of course not," I assured him. "What kind of friend do you think I am?"

"You are the only one who knows." His cheeks tinged a light shade of pink while he spoke. "You are the only one I trust."

"I... thanks." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, not knowing how to react to his words. "Can I know who the lucky guy is?"

"No one else can know okay?" He reached out his hand over the table and held out his pinky. "Promise me."

"Where are we, in kindergarden?" I rolled my eyes, but entwined our fingers anyway. "Fine, I promise. Now tell me."

"Well..." he paused for a long time and I got more eager to know the answer. He leaned closer to me and his eyes traveled from left to right to see if anyone was in hearing distance. When he was sure there was no one close enough he inched even closer. "It's... Sehun."

"Sehun?!" I exclaimed, looking at him in shock. "But he's not..." I stopped myself, realising what I was about to say.

"Shut up!" He hissed and his eyebrows furrowed together in annoyance. "You of all people should understand."

I felt a pang in my chest as he reminded me of Jongin and I lowered my head. "I'm sorry."

Jongdae bit his lip and pulled his book closer. "Let's just forget this and get back to the work I have to do.

I nodded in agreement but my mind kept wondering off to Sehun and Jongin. I felt bad for Jongdae, knowing he was probably gonna end up with a broken heart. Sehun wasn't really a guy that showed his emotions easily, but he never even mentioned Jongdae and didn't seem interested at all. But I couldn't say it. I had no right to pop his bubble after Jongin and I got together while no one thought he was able to love a guy. I certainly hoped I was wrong and that Sehun would end up being someone that could love Jongdae but my doubt was just too big. 

I tried my best to smile at Jongdae when he looked up from his book but the feeling kept tugging my mood down. I was afraid he would follow in my footsteps and get hurt. I couldn't let that happen, but was there I way I could prevent it? I thought about it the rest of the day but came up with nothing. It was inevitable. 

Unknown pov

I skidded down the hill, my heart beating fast and pounding in my ears. My breathing harsh and uneven. I walked over to where his body was slumped down and sank down on my knees. "I'm so sorry," I whispered while reaching out to roll him towards me. A gasp escaped my lips as I noticed his bruised face, blood welling up from a cut in his neck. I quickly pressed two fingers against his throat and sighed in relief when I felt his heartbeat. "I never meant to do this to you." 

He kept laying motionless on the with leaves covered ground, a small layer of dirt on his clothes. I crawled to his phone and took the device with shaking fingers, feverishly searching for the text I had send him. After I had deleted it I send a message with this location to his mother. I knew I had to get out of here but somehow it felt very wrong to leave Jongin alone here in the cold. 

I slowly got up on my feet and walked away backwards. My heel hit something hard and I tried to break my fall with my elbows, scraping them in the process. I quickly stood up again and bit my lip while stepping away. My feet carried me back up the hill and over the bridge. I was scared of what would happen now after this mistake, but one thing was for sure. 

No one could know what I did. 

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