Chapter 24

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Jongin was staring intently at the screen while I was looking at how the gloomy light lit up his face. At this moment it was easy to pretend nothing had happened and they were just a couple going out on a date, but the truth was lurking around the corner. Jongin had been nice to him and even allowed their arms to touch. I decided to test my luck, too curious to be afraid to scare him off. I slowly moved my hand up the arm rest and slid my finger across his sleeve. He didn't seem to notice and so I moved it up higher, biting my lip in anticipation. 

Jongin stopped eating and turned his face to me, his expression unreadable in the dark. 

"How do you feel?" I asked, acting like I had only tried to get his attention. 

Instead of answering he replied with a question of his own. "What happened that night?"

I blinked in surprise. "You mean the night we had this date?" 

Jongin nodded, having forgotten all about the movie that continued to play in the background.

I glanced down at my hand on his arm and felt the same excitement I felt that night. "You kept teasing me to make me blush and held my hand. You kissed me and pulled me onto your lap. We stayed like that for the whole movie." 

Jongin pulled his hand back, but not in a hurtful way. "I did?"

I looked up at him and found him staring back at me. My heart started beating faster as I tried not to focus on his lips that were looking too inviting. A loud bang broke through my trance and I quickly averted my gaze. "You should watch the movie before you miss the ending."

Jongin did as I told and by the time the lights turned back on my heart beated normally again. The sky had turned black and rain was visibile in the lights shining down on the street. It always amazed me how much the world could change from when you got inside a building and out of it. 

"Where's your jacket?" Jongin asked, looking at me like I might have hidden it behind my back.

"I left it in your car," I replied. 

Jongin opened the door and grimazed from the sudden cold. "Come on then." He lifted his jacket above his head and waited for me to join him underneath it.  

While running with him close to me through the rain, trying to avoid the puddles, I started giggling. It slowed me down and Jongin impatiently grabbed my hand to pull me with him, ending up laughing too. The jacket wasn't enough to stop the rain as it settled in our hair and hit our faces. We must have looked ridiculous while strolling over the parking lot. Jongin quickly unlocked his car and opened the door for me before running around to get in. 

I tried to muffle my laughter by pressing my hand to my mouth when I noticed Jongin had stopped laughing. He was looking at me with an expression I didn't quite get. I finally got my giggles under control and let out a deep sigh. "That was fun."

Jongin chuckled as he leaned closer, reaching out to brush my wet hair out of my face. My breath hitched as he didn't sit back in his seat again, but instead inched closer. I looked away in an attempt not to panic but Jongin took my chin between his fingers, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as he moved even closer, pressing his lips onto mine as I closed my eyes. It started out as a light brush but the pressure became harder and harder as Jongin pulled me closer at my neck. I let out a groan as my stomach turned around. It was like the emotions I had tried to hide had found a way to escape and were now choking me.

Jongin suddenly froze before pulling back, staring at me with wide eyes.

Just as quick as the happiness had appeared it also was gone in less than a second.

Jongin turned to face the steering wheel and held it in a firm grip, his lips still parted. "I'll take you home."


"Thanks." I didn't bother to look at Xiumin as I stood up, supporting my body with a hand on the stone wall. I felt dizzy and tired and wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep. My body ached from all the punches and kicks I received and realised Xiumin must feel the same. Not that I cared though. 

"Let me bring you home." Xiumin raised to his feet and reached out to me. "You don't look good."

"Never heard that before," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "I don't need your help." 

Xiumin watched how I slowly made my way down the street and decided to follow me. I had definitely been surprised when he showed up. Back at school he never stood up to the guys that bullied me and so I was shocked to see him trying to defend me from the same people. They had found out where I went to college and where I lived about a week ago and began to threaten me if I didn't give them some of my money. I kept silent about it to everyone, feeling they had enough trouble with their own problems. Xiumin must have followed me and I wondered why he had taken the beating along with me. 

"I know you hate me and you have the right to." He grabbed my arm to stop me from walking away. "I just want to make sure you get home safe."

"I am fine on my own, thank you very much." I snapped while raising my chin. "See you, hopefully, not soon."

"We really need to talk," Xiumin argued, not giving up that easily. 

"There's nothing to talk about," I disagreed. 

"Yes there is. A lot." 

The urgency in his voice made me stop walking and turn around. "You don't get it do you?" 

Xiumin stared at me with confusion written on his face.

"I don't want to hate you," I started, stepping closer. "But every time I see your face it reminds me of how you've not only left me on my own, but also turned against me. What do you want from me?"

Xiumin lowered his head. "I hope you can give me some time to show you I have changed." 

"So what if you changed?" I fumed, throwing both my hands in the air. "Why does it matter?" 

"It matters because I still love you and hoped you somehow did too!" Xiumin yelled, his cheeks flushed red. 

I quickly turned around and bit my lip, not wanting him to see my reaction. When I heard his footsteps I started running. Away from the memories and away from the guy I knew I stilled loved.

Memories Of Love (Sequel Call Me Monster)Where stories live. Discover now