Chapter 28

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"I would have come earlier, but my shift ended late and I need to go back early in the morning." Kyungsoo's mother explained as I took a seat on the other end of the couch, making sure there was plenty of room between us. My mother had disappeared up the stairs to give us some privacy.

"That's okay." I tried not to look at her because I was too scared of what was to come. "Is this about Kyungsoo?"

She nodded. "I don't want to be the parent that's all up in her sons' business and that's why I didn't think much of his heartache at the beginning. I thought it would just leave like it always does with teens."

I bit my lip, not knowing how to react. Was she gonna blame me for the continuing pain her son kept going through? She would be right if she did.

"It never did though." She sighed and wiped a strand of hair behind her ear. "He went from bad to worse and I didn't know what to do. That's why I came here."

"Why to me?" I asked.

"Because it seems to keep coming back to you."

I finally looked up to her and saw the mixture of hurt and hope in her eyes. I swallowed thickly, not ready to talk.

"Kyungsoo thinks I don't know about what happened to him and you, but I do." She averted her gaze to look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"He never told you?" I asked softly.

She shook her head. "But I know. Just like the fact you didn't break up with him. Not really."

I knew she was talking about my accident and I placed my hand on my stomach in a new created habbit. "Why didn't he tell you?"

"I am not sure." She looked back at me and smiled slightly. "I don't know what's going on between you two now, but I see him slipping away again and I don't want to push you into doing anything..."

"I get it."

"Do you really?" She asked, staring at me like she was challenging me.

"No," I admitted. "I don't know what to do, but I know what you want."

"Does that mean you won't do it?" She questioned.

I pressed my lips together and faced her. "I didn't say that." 


I was tapping the pen against my lips, deep in thought, as I stared into the distance. The conversation I've had with Luhan kept playing over in my head like a recorder. He couldn't have been the one that had pushed Jongin if what he said was true, but he could have lied. Someone was lying or at least not telling the truth. But who could that be? I looked down at the notebook in front of me where I had written down some names, hesitating before crossing Luhan's name out. 

"Are you making a hit list?" Sehun pulled the chair next to me back so he could take a seat. "What did they do to get on it?"

I shook my head and erased the whole name, writing it on the paper again without a cross on it. "They are suspects." I had to admit I was a little embarrassed to tell him, feeling like a dumb inspector. 

Sehun took it and leaned back, his eyes scanning over the words. "What does 'unknown' mean?" 

"What if it wasn't someone we knew?" I suggested. "It was late at night so it could have been an attempted robbery."

"I didn't even think about that." He grabbed another pen that was lying on the table and scribbled another name on it before giving it back.

I frowned. "Why do you think Xiumin could have done it?"

Sehun shrugged. "He's new here and no one knows anything about him except for Chen, who seems to be mad at me by the way. He could have history with Jongin."

"What kind of history?" I questioned. 

"Any." Sehun suddenly straightened. "There's only one person who could know such a thing." 

I stared at him for a moment before it hit me. "Oh no. I am not talking to him." 

"Well I am not doing it either." He gave me a meaningful look. "I hit him, remember?"

I pursed my lips but knew I had lost already. 


"Hey," I spoke softly. 

Suho closed his locker door and leaned against it with his back. "What do you want?" 

I bit my lip and nervously looked around. "I need to ask you something."

"What makes you think I will answer?" He crossed his arms in a challenging way and if I had thought him helping me with Luhan had made him nicer, I was horribly wrong. 

Somehow his attitude angered me and I inched closer. "Maybe you forgot, but I know about your dirty little secret you asshead. So it's your choice." 

Suho's jaw set before he faked a smile. "Of course, what can I do for you?"

I tried to suppress the grin of victory that was threatening to appear. "Do you know Xiumin?"

"Yeah, he goes to our college." 

I closed my eyes in annoyance. "Before that."

He rubbed his forehead like he was trying to cure a headache. "I believe he went to primary school with me and Jongin." 

My eyes widened. "So he knew him all along." 

"Yeah. Can I go now?" He asked impatiently.

"Were they friends?" 

Suho shook his head. "Xiumin didn't like him."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Cause Jongin started a rumour about him accidentally which caused the whole group to ignore his presence." He explained. "Was that it?" 

I nodded, haunted by this new piece of information. 



Back at it again with a new chapter. Thank you all for your patience, hope it was worth it :)

Also please get Call Me Monster to 200k reads. That would mean so much to me!

Love you❤

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