Chapter 8

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"There you are."

I took a deep breath before turning around, knowing all too well who that voice belonged to. "Oh... Hi."

"I've been searching for you all morning," Sehun remarked while casually raking his slender fingers through his hair. "I heard Kyungsoo helped you with work yesterday."

My eyes widened. Did Kyungsoo broke his promise not to tell Sehun? "Eh, yeah. What about it?" I asked, obviously nervous.

He stepped closer and drew his lower lip between his teeth before speaking. "I was hoping you could share some notes with me."

I clenched my jaw, feeling slightly annoyed about the fact that the only reason Sehun talked with me was because I had something he could use. "Ask Kyungsoo," I replied while turning back to my locker.

"He refused." Sehun moved so he was standing next to me, leaning against the wall with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Called me lazy too."

"He's right," I agreed as I opened my locker. A pink piece of paper flew out and whirled down onto the ground. I bend over to pick it up and felt Sehun's eyes on me, burning with curiosity. I clenched my fist, scrumbling the paper in my palm.

"So is that a yes or a no?" He questioned, still leaning against the wall in a graceful manner only he could pull off. "Class almost starts."

"Just take it," I murmured while pushing the notebook in his hands. "If that's all you want, you can have it."

His lashes fluttered as he looked me up and down. "You okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked back and closed my locker a bit too hard. "I don't want to be late."

"I'll give it back in the break!" Sehun yelled after me.

I rushed towards the room I had to be in for the first class and took my usual seat, placing the bag onto my lap. The room was empty except for a few other students so I opened my fist and carefully unfolded the piece of paper, trying to smooth the wrinkles.

'I am sorry.'

I stared at the three words in confusion. Sending notes wasn't Kyungsoo's style and that was if, only if he had broken his promise. Sehun had nothing to be sorry about and neither did anyone else here in the school.

"What are you looking at?" Kyungsoo asked as he sank down in the chair next to mine. His hair was tousled like he didn't care what he looked liked and I realised that was exactly what it was. He had always tried to not get into the spotlights and they had still find something to tease him with and then he had tried to look good for Jongin. Now he had nothing to care about.

"Someone put this in my locker and I have no clue who," I explained while handing it to him.

He shrugged, "maybe someone's playing a game with you. I don't know."

I took it from his hands and put it in my bag. "Everything okay?" I tried to make it sound like a casual question and hoped he couldn't hear the worry in my words.

"Fine," he replied shortly. "You going to that party tomorrow?"

I frowned. "Since when do you care about those?"

Kyungsoo licked his lips and studied his fingers like there was nothing better to do. "Jongin texted me to come."

I let out a surprised noise. "That sounds nothing like the Jongin we know right now. They are probably up to something."

"I figured. I'm not stupid." He glanced up at me. "That why I asked if you were going."

"I don't get why. Just tell him to fuck off."

"I need to know why they want me there." He stretched out his legs in front of him and jiggled his foot like he was trying to get rid of a numbness in it. "I don't want to go alone though."

I nibbled on my bottom lip while thinking. I didn't like it at all. It was probably gonna end up in something bad. "I'll go with you."

"Thank you, Chen." His mouth curved into a smile. "Sehun will be there too."

"Then why didn't you ask him?" I asked. "You two seem to be getting along well lately."

Kyungsoo leaned closer. "You are my friend and I trust you. I don't really know what Sehun is."

"Hot," I blurted out and immidately felt my cheeks burning.

He stared at me for a moment before starting to laugh. It was the happiest I had seen him in what felt like ages and I couldn't stop the smile from appearing on my face, knowing I had just given him a small release of the constant pain he felt.


"Why is Kyungsoo never lunching with us?" Chanyeol asked as he looked up from his food. "You guys had a fight?"

I nodded, not wanting to talk about it. "Wanna come over tonight?"

"Sure thing, but what happened." Chanyeol didn't seem to let the question unanswered this time. "Why won't you tell me."

I let out a deep sigh. "Cause I'm not proud of it."

"You can tell me, baby." He assured me. "I won't judge or anything."

"I was... jealous." I confessed.

Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed but he didn't say anything so I continued. "I am Kyungsoo's friend for as long as I remember and I was the only one that sticked by his side when Luhan told everyone he's gay."

I lowered my head and started fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "I knew he had a crush on Jongin but I thought it would never end up with them being together. I was pushed aside so easily, but I didn't complain cause this was what he wanted. Now that Jongin doesn't remember their relationship anymore I was hoping I would be seen as more important again, but all he cares about is that stupid dick."

Chanyeol still didn't reply and I started worrying about his reaction. "I know I'm selfish," I quickly added.

"Everyone is selfish Baek, even the ones that say they aren't." He moved to sit next to me on the grass and swung one arm around me, pulling me against his body. "Let it rest for a while and I'm sure you and Kyungsoo will get back to being friends."

"How do you know?" I asked while resting my head on his shoulder. I wasn't confinced at all.

"We're just gonna have some fun tomorrow night and next week you should give him a call, how does that sound?" He pressed a kiss on my temple before ruffling my hair.

I pushed him away and glared. "You are lucky you're my boyfriend otherwise you would have regret doing that."

Chanyeol chuckled and pinched my cheek. "I am very lucky indeed."

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