Chapter 31

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I glanced at Jongin and saw there what I needed to know. His expression was clearly full of relief. He must be glad his father came.
I smiled softly at him. "I will see you later, okay?"

Jongin nodded and watched how I hopped off the bed before leaving the room. To my surprise I saw Jongin's mother a few doors further, resting against the wall. I frowned and walked over to her. "Why are you still out here?"

"I don't think I want to be in there at the moment." She explained, smiling slightly.

"You saw his father come in?" I quessed.

She chuckled. "I called him and told him what happened."

I nodded. "I see. Well he seems happy."

"Glad to hear that."

We were interrupted by my ringtone and I excused myself before walking away and picking up my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Soo." Jongdae greeted from the other end of the line. "Are you still at the hospital?"

"Yes, but Jongin is... Busy right now." I turned my head and noticed Jongin's mother had left. "Why?"

"I wondered if you could come over."

I frowned, "what's wrong?" When he hesitated, I continued. "Don't bother lying to me. I know something's wrong."

"I got into an argument with Xiumin and told him that I loved someone else." Chen started. "I told him I liked Sehun and guess what? Luck was on my side again. He fucking heard me."

"Sehun heard you?" I drawled. "How did he react?"

"He fucking ran away, man!" Jongdae groaned. "I feel horrible."

"I'm coming." Before he could reply I disconnected the call and glanced at the closed door. Jongin would be fine without me and my friend needed me. I had too much energy trapped inside of me to wait for the elevator and so I took off down the stairs. It had been a restless night, but I didn't feel anything anymore. 
As I turned the corner I noticed someone standing at the counter. I wouldn't have looked twice if it hadn't been for the fact that he looked so familiar.

"Baekhyun," I breathed. "What are you doing here?"

The guy turned to look at me and a blush crept up his cheeks. "I was looking for you. I mean Jongin's room, but I knew you would be there."


He took a deep breath before replying. "Because I didn't want you to go through this alone again."

I bit my lip as mixed emotions rushed through my body. Wistfulness was the most prominent one and still I did not let it take over. "I was leaving anyway."

This took Baekhyun off guard. "Why?"

"Because Jongdae needs me."

Baekhyun looked even more surprised, obviously not knowing about the situation. "Can I come?"

I tried to think of something offensive to say, but stopped myself. He had come here for a reason. "Why not."

An uncomfortable silence filled the whole ride towards Jongdae's house, apart from the occasional glances toward each other. I was wondering what motive Baekhyun suddenly had to try and contact me, but I came up with nothing.

As we got out he was the one breaking the silence. "Chanyeol forgave me and we are back together."

"That's great." I was aware that it sounded fake, but I really meant the words. Just because we had been fighting so much doesn't mean I wanted him to be unhappy. 

Baekhyun flashed me a smile and walked up to the door to knock. "Thanks."

Jongdae opened the door a few minutes later, his eyes red and puffy as he scanned the people standing in front of him, landing on Baekhyun.

"He wanted to come. I hope you don't mind." I quickly spoke.

"On the contrary," he replied. "Please come in."

We followed him through the hall to the living room and sat down. I realised I hadn't been at his place often and when I did he would always immediately lead me to his bedroom. That time seemed ages ago. "So tell us exactly what happened."

Jongdae briefly told us about his conversation with Xiumin and how Sehun had ran away. He still looked sad, but his eyes were dry. "Am I that despicable?" He wondered.

"Of course not!" I protested. "I'm sure Sehun doesn't think so either."

"Xiumin tries his best to win you over again," Baekhun started. "So I'm pretty sure he doesn't think you are despicable."

Jongdae bit his lip before muttering, "I hate him."

"Do you?" I asked. 

He looked up at me in surprise. "Why do you say that?"

"You once told me about your relationship back then and I imagine there still must be feelings." I thought back at the few times I had tried to hate Jongin and drew in a long breath. "Xiumin still has them." 

"Soo's right," Baekhyun agreed. "You have to acknowledge he at least tries to show you he cares."

Jongdae frowned. "So you think I am being too hard on him?" 

"I think you are still hurt and consumed by anger. So much it doesn't let you see what is right in front of you." I explained. "You have the right to be angry, don't get me wrong. I just think you are closed."

"Maybe you are right." Jongdae shifted on the couch. "Shall I give him a chance?" 

"You should be the one to decide that," Baekhyun stated.


I could still hear Jongdae's voice in my head. "I don't love you anymore Xiumin."

I had seen Sehun approaching us and as soon as Jongdae had said that name I had walked away. I could not bear the idea of those two ending up together. I had really tried all I could to show him that I regret my choices and that I still loved him, but it was clearly one-sided.

I sighed deeply before shoving my homework aside and resting my forehead on the desk. If Sehun liked him back there was nothing I could do. As I raised my head the screen of my phone lit up with a text. I lazily reached for it and gazed at it. My eyes widened. 

From Chen: 

Hey. U busy?

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