Chapter 33

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Warning *smut*


"How are you feeling?" Jongin questioned.

"I should be asking you that." I frowned. "What makes you say that?"

Jongin shivered slightly. "Your face. You looked so... Hurt. You must feel betrayed."

I swallowed thickly. I couldn't deny it. My eyes still stung with anger and sadness. "I am okay. You?"

Jongin nodded his head, making the pillow rustle. "It just felt so weird. It became my story again."

"What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath before continuing. "All this time it seemed like I was watching another person's memories as I remembered something. That's why it was so hard to accept."

"You remembered me?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

Jongin shifted on the bed to lay on his side, his head resting on his hand. "Multiple times."

It should have surprised me, but somehow I didn't feel anything. Just a slight flutter in my chest.

"I felt something every time, but couldn't figure out what exactly." His free hand restlessly fumbled with the sheets. "And now..."

"What?" I asked, feeling just as restless.

"Everything came at ones."

I noticed how his breath became quicker, without an obvious reason. His eyes darting around the room. Without a warning, he leaned forward and smashed his lips against mine. It wasn't an aggressive type of kiss, but with so much force it took my breath away.
He cupped my face before pulling away, breathing an apology. "I don't know what came over me."

"Please, don't." I spoke in a hoarsh voice. "The last thing I want is an apology for the thing I want the most."

Jongin looked at me through his lashes, his face unreadable. "I didn't mean the kiss."

Before I could reply, he kissed me again. I let myself sink into the feeling of his arms around me and all the warmth that radiated off his body. Our feet were slowly getting tangled up and we came closer and closer to each other, until I could feel his every inch. I could cry of happiness, but all of my feelings got out through my touches.

His arms circled around me as I grabbed a handful of his shirt, kissing him harder. Jongin let out a soft groan as he let his hands travel down, pulling away before catching my lips again. He tasted different and the new sensation made me dizzy.

Breathlessly, he started licking my bottom lip and every little motion was full of long waited lust. The kind of lust that came when you least expect it and you realize you have been feeling it all along. His broad chest was rising and falling with every breath he tried to take. "I want you," he choked out.

A tingling that had become unknown to me bubbled up in my stomach. I wanted to say the same when he abruptly pushed me down into the bed. I gasped in surprise.

"I know you want me too." Jongin stated with a grin.

The sudden cockiness gave me chills from excitement. He was more like himself than he had been in the past months. It made my heart explode.

"Take it off," he ordered while slicking his hair back from his eyes. "I want to see you as only I have."

Those words made me blush and happy at the same time. He remembered it all. He remembered me and my body. "No. You take it off," I objected while making advantage of his surprise to get away from him. I changed our positions and straddled his hips, looking down at the beautiful boy underneath me.

He was growing up to be a man. Like me. Getting broader, longer and of course hair. I had never noticed it before, but now it was clearly there. A light stubble going along his jaw. Was I getting visibly older too?

Jongin reached up and let his finger slide down my cheek. "I didn't realize how much I missed you."

I snapped out of my thoughts by his words and smiled. "You have no idea."

Jongin watched me as I slowly started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing more skin every time. I took it all in as I hovered above him, tracing my lips down his collarbone. Jongin tensed underneath me and got a hold of my waist, fingers digging into the flesh. The kisses turned into licking and then sucking. Marking it as my property. Just mine.

His hand moved up and reached my hair, fingers tangling into the dark locks. I pulled away just enough to push his shirt off his shoulders before moving down to his jeans. My body was shivering with emotions. It was all too much. Jongin helped by lifting his hips off the bed so his legs could be easily freed.

There he lay. Not vurnerable like I imagined I would look. He had always been strong. Even now.
I let him pull my shirt over my head and throw it across the room, before taking off my trousers. Jongin took me in his arms and pressed me against his body, only two thin layers of cotton between us. He felt feverishly hot as his mouth searched for mine, pressing a sloppy kiss on my lips. They moved in sync like they had done this a million times before and I couldn't help but think that our bodies remembered before our minds did.

Jongin's wet mouth traced kisses on every part he could reach as we fumbled out of our underwear so nothing was able to get between us. It was only him and I.

It wasn't enough.

We wanted more. I could feel his needs too. They were as strong as mine. Everything was like a hot mess. Touching parts of our bodies no one else could, as Jongin moved inside of me slowly. It had been silent apart from the breathing and wet sound of kisses. Now the soft sound of flesh slapping against flesh was audible. My ears were ringing as Jongin pressed his lips against my ear to breath out a moan even harder.

I moved my hips to meet his thrusts halfway as I was still the one on top. The bed creaked in protest, but we continued like nothing else mattered. I let out a groan as his nails left marks onto my lower back. There would be evidence, I knew. It was all very real. The pain, the pleasure and most of all Jongin.

We reached our climax without slowing down and once our heartbeats finally calmed, I let myself fall against his clammy body. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and took a shivery breath.

I wanted to say I loved him, but he already knew that.



Just wanted to tell you guys that the next chapter will be the end...

Love y'all

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