Chapter 25

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I carefully slid the key into the hole and turned it around to unlock the door, my heart still racing in my chest. I had brought Kyungsoo home without either one of us speaking up. It had been horribly awkward and I knew we both had that kiss lingering on our lips. It confused me how something could feel wrong and still so good at the same time. As soon as Kyungsoo had disappeared into his house I felt the urge to scream. I wanted to yell how unfair life was to make people suffer like this, but I didn't. I kept it all inside.

"Hey, honey." My mom greeted me from inside the living room. "Did you have fun?"

I threw my jacket on a hook and kicked off my shoes before answering. "Yeah, it was great."

"That's good to hear." She smiled at me as I entered the room. "Before I forget it, Suho came by and asked for you."

"Really?" I frowned, not knowing why he would want to see me. "What did he say?"

She lifted her hand to wipe a strand of hair behind her ear. "Nothing really. I told him you were out."

"Did you say with who?" I didn't know the reason behind it, but somehow I didn't like the idea of Suho knowing I had spend time with Kyungsoo.

She shook her head. "He just left after that."

"I'll give him a call," I assured her before stepping back into the hall to walk up the stairs, forgetting to say goodnight to my mom out of curiosity. I dug my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through the numbers until I reached the 's.' As I dialed Suho's number my eye caught the sweater that hung over the back of my chair. 

"Hello?" Suho's voice came out of the device. "I guess your mom told you."

"She did," I confirmed. "What do you want?"

"I know you are behind this." 

"Behind what?" I let my fingers slide down the fabric while waiting for his answer. 

"The message." Suho clarified. "You can't tell me it was just Kyungsoo."

"Is that why you came?" I asked, lifting the shirt up to my face. 

"No. I want to talk." 

"We are." I burried my nose into the sweater and sniffed, immediately filling my nose with the sweet scent of Kyungsoo. My stomach fluttered and I quickly threw it over the chair again. 

"I want to stop this silly fight we are having or whatever it is." Suho sounded hesitant as he spoke the words. "Let's get back to how we used to be."

"You know what the problem is?" I walked over to the window and stared out over the dark garden. "I don't know how we used to be anymore. Not after you lied to me along with everyone else I thought was my friend." 

It was silent for a while until Suho finally started talking again. "We didn't want to loose you again." 

Before I could answer he had hung up and the loud beep filled my ear. 


"You guys what?!" Baekhyun exclaimed, forcing me to move forward to press a hand onto his mouth.

"Shut up," I hissed. "We're in a library, you moron."

He pulled away with big eyes and hissed, "you guys what?!"

I sighed and tilted my head, avoiding his stare. "He kissed me."

Baekhyun threw his hands in the air and turned on his heels. "That's it. I'm done."

"Baek, please." I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "I know you warned me but I swear Jongin is still feeling something."

"It's not because I don't think he will fall for you again." Baekhyun admitted, rubbing his hands against his tight jeans in a sudden nervous manner. 

I looked up at him in surprise. "Then what?"

Baekhyun nibbled on his upper lip as he glanced at the few students entering the library. "He'll hurt you again anyway." 

"Why do you say that?" I crossed my arms over my chest in an attempt to hide the agonizing pain feeding my insecurities. 

He let out a harsh breath and walked past me to one of the big shelves, pretending to search as if I would let the topic go. I followed him, feeling anger boil up from inside. "Yah! You can't leave me hanging like that." 

Baekhyun reached out his finger an let it slid over the back of the books, whispering the titles under his breath. "It's not worth it."

"What is?" I asked, getting more impatient by the minute. "Worth what?" 

He stood straight again, his brows knitted. "I don't want to say something that will make you rethink about our friendship again."

"Well you can't say something like that and then expect me to not pay attention to it." I argued. "Tell me what you meant."

Baekhyun pressed a hand to his throat as if he didn't feel well. "I know he made you feel loved in a way I could never give to you, but the majority of the time consisted of him hurting you." 

"That's not true." I disagreed and shook my head. 

"Really?" He huffed. "The time he bullied you was longer than you two being together. Let's not forget how he is hurting you at this very moment."

"Jongin didn't forget me on purpose." I objected. 

Baekhyun laughed mirthlessly and raked his slender hands through his hair. "He went back to what he has always been. An asshole."

"You don't know him like I do." I had to suppress the tendency to yell at him.

"That's what you've been saying for a while now, but you never explain." It was obvious he was trying to keep his voice low while his eyes flickered with anger. "What's so sad about him?" 

I swallowed thickly before walking past him, our shoulders lightly touching as I spoke. "For instance, the way you guys never even looked at him when I was gone."

I rushed past the endless rows of bookshelves, trying to get out of the place when a hand grabbed my arm and jerked me back. I turned my head to see who it was and pulled away when I realised it was someone I didn't want to see. Suho, on the other hand, took a hold of my arm again and didn't let go. "Kyungsoo wait." 

"Why?" I winced at his firm grip. "What do you want from me?"

"You want to know what happened to Jongin, don't you?" 

His question made me stop squirming to look at him in bewilderment. His eyes didn't have the normal sparkle in them that indicated he was joking, instead they were dark and serious. "What do you know?"  

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