Chapter 23

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Jongin leaned against his car in a way only he could pull off. Knees slightly bend and his back arching. His face was turned up towards the sun, eyes closed. His elbows were resting on the hood of the car while his hands were casually hanging over the edge. The strand of hair that had escaped out of his neatly styled hair stuck against his forehead.
Some of the girls that walked past gave him an obvious glance, but he was unaware of it all. Caught up in his own thoughts while enjoying the warmth on his face.

I hesitated before heading over. It was nice to stare at him from a distance as the sun lit up his tanned face. His lashes creating small shadows on his cheeks that were covered in healed scratches. Once again I was confronted with the fact that I adored Jongin. I had from the very first start and still. His features were undeniably handsome.

I slowly approached the vehicle when I realised something I hadn't before. People always thought Jongin was a jerk and of course he was, but he had been just as lost as I was. He had his own problems and in the period that we had broken up his own friends had also abandoned him, just like now. He was just as lonely as I had felt.

"Hey," I greeted him. "You wanted to see me?"

Jongin detached himself from the car and raised his hand above his eyes to shield it from the sunlight. "Yeah. I wanted to ask you something."

I stepped closer, but made sure there was a good distance between us. "What is it?"

He let out a heavy sigh and started scratching the back of his neck. "I was wondering if you wanted to relive a memory with me?"

I blinked in surprise. "Which?"

Jongin lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. "Maybe we can go to the movies again?" He suggested, not looking at me. 

"Is there a good movie?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation from getting heavy. 

He flashed me a small smile and nodded. "So what do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan." I shove my hands in my pockets while studying his face. What was he trying to get out of this? I didn't think he wanted to remember my part in his life, so what could it be?

"Great. I'll pick you up at seven then." Jongin opened his car door and got in, leaning out the open window. With his hair tousled by the sudden wind he looked like a movie star waiting for the director to say cut.

"See you then." I raised my hand in a short wave and watched him do the same before driving off. I was left with mixed feelings of happiness and anxious for the unknown. 


"Going to Baekyun's?" My mother appeared behind me and looked at me through the mirror. "Your hair is different," she noticed while letting her fingers smooth down some strands.

"I brushed it," I replied with a chuckle. "And no, I am actually going to the movies with Jongin."

"Jongin?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she repeated the name.

"Yes." I turned around to face her. "We are trying to be friends with each other."

She looked at me and was obviously trying to keep the worry out of her eyes. "Just be careful with your heart, okay?" 

"I will. How's dad?" I turned away from her and finished buttoning up my shirt. 

"He's okay." She let out a heavy sigh. "He's going to the meetings and I make sure there's no alcohol in our home. He's really trying Kyungsoo." 

"I know that." I lowered my head and eyed my white shoes. "You know he created a lot of problems for me. I first need to see him doing good for a really long time."

"I get that, honey. It's just-" She was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing through the house.

"That must be him." I rushed out of my bedroom to escape this conversation about my dad and quickly headed down the stairs, holding onto the rail to make sure I wouldn't fall down in my hurry. I yanked the door open, my face flushed, and realised I was being too eager. 

Jongin stood with one thumb hooked into the pocket of his jeans, only his tensed shoulders betraying his relaxed posture. He hadn't styled his black hair so it hung casually over his forehead, almost touching his eyes. "Hey, you ready?" 

I nodded, stepping back into the hall to grab my jacket off the hook before going outside and closing the door behind me. "Let's go." 

The ride to the cinema was in silence and half way there Jongin turned the radio on to break it. I took the time to stare at him, since he was focusing on the road in front of him and realised he was wearing the same shirt as the last time we went to see a movie. I averted my gaze and looked out of the window to distract myself. 

The car turned onto the parking lot and I exhaled. "What if someone sees us?" 

Jongin ran a hand through his hair before opening the door to get out. "I don't care anymore."

"Why not?" I hastily unbuckled my seat belt to hop out and looked over the roof to see his expression. "What happened?" 

Jongin locked the car and started walking towards the entrance without answering. I ran after him and accidentally bumped into his arm. He didn't seem to mind though and opened the door for me. I felt my cheeks getting warm again and told myself it was because of the change in temperature. 

"Grab some snacks. I'll go wait in row to buy the tickets." Jongin disappeared between the people before I could say anything. I did what he had told me and started searching for him. The queue wasn't that long and I found him soon in the front when it was his turn to pay. We received our tickets and Jongin led me up a big set of stairs with a bright red carpet. I glanced at the big carton cut outs of movie characters and Jongin chuckled softly as he noticed me. The sound made my heart jump and look at him. Our eyes met and for a moment they felt like home again. 

Jongin turned away and headed up the few steps towards the cinema room, opening the door to reveal there were only a few other people. "Just as I thought," he spoke satisfied. "Where do you want to sit?"'

I walked past him and searched for a good spot, ending up almost at the back in the middle. "This is perfect."

"I agree." Jongin sunk down in the chair and lifted his feet onto the seat in front of him. "I told you almost no one would appreciate this movie."

"Turns out you were right." I smiled, knowing we were having a normal conversation and rested my arms just as Jongin did the same. I immidiately felt my cheeks heating up and pulled away at our touch, but Jongin reached out and grabbed my arm. I looked at him in surprise, but he ignored it, placing it on the same spot again when the lights turned off, leaving us in the dark. 

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