Chapter 6

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"You ready for that party this Friday?" Suho asked while swinging his arm around my neck. "I heard a lot of girls are coming."

"Girls?" I questioned while putting the shirt away in my bag. I've had this uncomfortable feeling ever since I walked away from Kyungsoo and wondered why. 

"You'll get laid if you are lucky." He spoke with a grin. "Rin will be there too." 

"That hot Japanese girl?" I questioned as he led me down the hall. "I don't know. After everything that happened I maybe need to be careful."

"It's harmless fun," Suho objected. "Besides," he started with a smirk. "Something tells me that Kyungsoo is gonna be at that party too." 

I frowned, not understanding why he acted like that was a good thing. "So?" 

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "You are just as stupid as you look." 

"Yah!" I exclaimed while hitting his shoulder. "I am not."

Suho stopped walking and held his hand out to me, palm up. "Of course not, now give me your phone."

I pursed my lips as I gave him the device. "Why do I want to be somewhere Kyungsoo is?"

"Because you will be having fun with some girls," he spoke while typing onto my phone. "He'll see you don't believe a thing he says and are enjoying yourself." 

"Why would he come?" I knew how much Kyungsoo disliked parties and I couldn't think of a reason why that had changed.

"You aked him, that's why." Suho handed me my phone back with a smirk before pulling me towards the doors.

I stared down at the text on my screen before putting it away again, feeling a sharp pain shooting through my stomach. I gasped at the feeling and pressed my hand against the sore spot, making Suho glance at me with worry written all over his face. 

"Are you okay?" He reached for me, but I waved him away.

"I'm fine," I assured him. "It was nothing." 

"If you say so," he replied, visibly not satisfied with my answer. "You can tell me anything. You know that, right?" 

I nodded while pulling my jacket closed. "I need to go to the restroom," I announced.

"Want me to go with you?" Suho asked as he shoved his hair back away from his face. 

"No need." I walked off and wandered through the halls until I found a restroom. As I headed inside a few guys were about to walk out. Their gazes traveled down my body before passing by. I quickly took my jacket off and realised why they had stared; almost in the middle of my shirt was a red spot, which had peeked through the opening of my jacket. 

"Shit," I cursed as I started unbuttoning the shirt revealing the bandage I had wrapped around my torso. Blood was seeping through it slowly and I wondered how the wound had opened again after quite a while. I carefully reached for the end of the bandage to pull at it as the door opened.

I turned around, hoping it wasn't Suho or someone else I knew. My face dropped as Kyungsoo walked in. He eyed me and bit his lip. "Jongin... I..." He started, but I cut him off. 

"I don't want to hear it." I turned back again and stared at my reflection in the mirror. It was like looking at someone else. A person with a sad story that didn't involve you.

Movement caught my attention and I watched as Kyungsoo moved closer to me through the mirror. Just now I noticed his eyes were slightly red, like he had been crying or something. 

"You need help," he remarked and started pulling at the bandage without waiting for my reply. "Let me do it for you." 

His fingers worked quickly like he had done this before and for some reason I let him. As he took of the last bit I could see the wound. "Fuck," I murmured while holding a paper towel under the water. Kyungsoo took it from me and gently started to wipe the blood away. 

"Do you have a fresh one?" He asked while focusing on what he was doing. His black hair hung in his eyes, forcing him to push it back as he looked up at me. 

"In my bag," I replied and bend down to grab it, taking out a roll before handing it to him. I watched how he started wrapping it around my body and it felt like I was sucked into my own mind. 

"Come here baby." My own voice echoed through my head and I saw my own hand pull gently at strands of hair. Kyungsoo's face appeared as he moved upwards, connecting our lips. 

I stumbled backwards and hit the sink with my back, a shiver running down my spine. 

"I want you, Kim Jongin." 

"Jongin, what's wrong?" Kyungsoo moved forward and his hands grabbed my shoulders. "Are you okay?" 

I kept staring at him as he pressed his palms against my cheeks. I closed my eyes and felt his thumbs rub the skin tenderly, carefully tracing my bruises, while breathing heavily. "I..."

"Look at me and tell me what you see." Kyungsoo demanded. 

I opened my eyes again but shook my head. "Stop. Just stop!" I backed away so his arms fell by his sides. "I don't want to hear any of it!"

Kyungsoo took in a sharp breath. "Jongin, stop yelling. Please."

"No. I can't take all of your lies." I buttoned up my shirt and grabbed my jacket of the floor. "You are getting into my head... and I don't want it. None of this." 

"Please," Kyungsoo reached out to me, but I moved away. 

"I don't want to see you again," I spoke softly and whirled around to walk out. I couldn't endure to be in his presence any longer. 

"Remember that I love you," Kyunsoo whispered. "That's what you told me." 

I turned my head to look at him and opened my mouth to say something, but he quickly rushed past me. He almost bumped into Suho who cursed at him before entering the restroom. "Did he bother you again?" 

I slowly shook my head while putting on my jacket. "He helped me." 

"With what?" He asked confused, both hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall.

"It doesn't matter." I swung my bag over my shoulder and headed out into the hall. "Let's go to class." 

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