Chapter 14

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The only light came from the nearest lamppost and even that wasn't enough to illuminate the area beneath the bridge. Except for the occasional passing people it was strangely silent. Something made me scared of this place and I knew I was standing where the accident had happened but it was different. Maybe it was desire that pulled me towards this place. I wasn't sure. 

I skidded down the hill with my hands on the ground to keep me from falling, scratching them in the process. My heart was racing for no particulair reason as I stepped onto the fallen leaves. I had been laying here somewhere. I didn't know the exact spot.

My heart skipped a beat as a bird flew away out of a tree with a cry. I had to tell myself to calm down and took my phone out of my pocket to use as flashlight. I moved it so the light would lit up my surroundings but there was nothing special.

I felt a bit disappointed even though I didn't know what I had expected to find. The leaves were like a colourful carpet on the ground and I knelt down, searching between the dark earth.

I was glad I had left the party and didn't let Rin seduce me. Deep down I knew she wasn't what I wanted. I didn't know what I wanted yet but it sure wasn't that girl. My mind needed peace and not parties.

I aimlessly let my hands slide through dirt when I touched something hard under my fingers. At first I pulled back in surprise and fear but then wiped the leaves away and noticed it was a phone.

I picked the device up and turned it around in my hand. The screen was cracked and earth had crept into the small spaces. The battery was dead so I couldn't turn it on but I was sure it was my old phone.

The police had called it an accident from the start and so this place had not been searched. It must have been here ever since.

I stood on my feet again and wiped the dirt from my jeans. Maybe there were things on the phone that could take my doubt away. I couldn't stop the smile from forming onto my lips at the thought.

Carefully, I climbed back up the hill and quickly made my way over the path towards my house where my mother would be waiting.

I finally had a chance to find out.


"What do you mean?" I got off my bed and walked closer to Baekhyun who was shaking violently.

"I... he... he thinks..." He stuttered.

I cupped his face and looked him in the eyes. "Calm down."

Baekhyun nodded and closed his eyes while trying to get his breathing under control. "I did something I shouldn't have done."

"What is it?" I stared at him intently like I could pull the answers out of him. "Tell me."

He opened his eyes again and took a deep breath. "I was with this guy I have some classes with and he was flirting with me. I told him I have a boyfriend and he knew that, but he still kissed me."

"You kissed someone else?" I asked bitter. "Does Chanyeol know?"

Baekhyun nodded and tears slid down his cheeks once again. "I didn't want to but he surprised me."

"Oh Baek." I let go of his cheeks and held him close to my chest, letting him cry onto my shirt.

"I fucked up everything and lost everyone." He choked out.

"No you didn't," I assured him. "I am still here."

"Why would you?" He asked pulling back to look at me. "I hurt you."

"Remember when my mother convinced me to tell Luhan I was gay?" I questioned. "Everyone turned against me except you."

Baekhyun looked down at the ground and sniffed. "But..."

"I am always gonna be there for you when you need me." I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled. "No matter where we stand."

"I owe you an apology." He spoke while rubbing his hands together. "It was unfair to treat you that way."

"Well I never noticed how I hurt you with my actions." I gave his shoulder a squeeze before inching away, turning around to look at the darkness outside. "So much has changed."

"And not in a good way," Baekhyun added. "Let's promise to always stay friends. I don't want to loose you too."

I nodded and offered him my hand. "Me neither."

He shook it with a small smile. "Promise."



"So it was you," I whispered. The guy moved closer but I held up my hand to make him stop. "Don't come near me."

"Jongdae, please." He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at me. "I never meant to hurt you."

"Spare me your bullshit." I turned my head to watch the house. "I heard enough."

"I know you saw me inside and ran away because of it, but please listen to me." He waited for my reply while biting his lip.

"No thanks." I started walking away but his fingers wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back.
For a moment I was lost in the feeling he used to give me back when we had been together. The times when I still thought he really loved me.

His familiar scent filled my nose and I it was hard to pull back. "Let me go."

"I just need you to listen," he insisted. "I wrote those messages because I still love you."

I let out a fake laugh. "Nice try."

He looked at me like I had made a joke he didn't understand. "It's true."

"Go fool someone else," I snapped and headed down the driveway.

"Please." He pleaded while walking along with me.

I stopped and turned to him. "Leave me alone, you have hurt me enough don't you think?"

He was visibly take back by the words and opened his mouth to say something, but there was nothing he could say that would have made me listen to him.

I walked away from him and took a deep breath once I had turned the corner. My legs suddenly weakened and I let myself slide down the wall with my back. Why was this happening?

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