The Dates ;) (chapter 34)

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“What do you mean it’s for me?” Lynn asks confused.

“It means, this whole thing was set up for me and you to have a great lunch” Michael says with a smile and then blushes slightly.

Lynn’s POV

I knew that he was up to something! But I didn’t know that it was going to be something this cute. But the question is, is this a friendly lunch or a date..?

“Here you go, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, your favorite.” Michael says confidently.

“How did you know my favorite ice cream, my favorite kind of flower, and my favorite kind of sandwich?” Lynn asks as she bites into her sandwich.

“I had a little help” He says before he bites into his sandwich.

“Mikey your ice cream is dripping all over your pants!” Lynn says holding back her laughter.

“Oh shit, it is… and it’s all over my shirt to!” he says like a teenage girl.

“Here let me….” Lynn was starting to reach for his shirt then Michael took off his shirt to try and get the ice cream off his shirt, and Lynn touched his naked abs.

Lynn’s POV

Oh my god. I can’t believe I just did that. I hope he knows that was an accident… But his abs felt so good. I would do anything to feel them against my body…. LYNN! He is your friend; you can’t have those kinds of thoughts!

Michael’s POV

I know she accidently did that but it felt so good. Her soft hands against my abs. I think I am ready to ask her out. I just hope stuff doesn’t get awkward if she says no….


“Elizabeth it’s ok…” Niall coos as he hugs her.

“No, it’s not. I’m terrified of heights… I’ve heard so many things about being stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel… And Niall they aren’t good” Elizabeth says closing her eyes.

“But I am here, you won’t get hurt” Niall explains to Elizabeth.

“Yeah, that’s what they all say” Elizabeth says putting her hands over her face.

“Listen Elizabeth” Niall begins to say, he moves her hands out from in front of her face.

“Look at the amazing view we have of the whole park. *she opens an eye* it’s ok. Just don’t look down, just look straight.” Niall continues.

“Yeah, it isn’t that bad…” Elizabeth says looking out in the distance.

“Look over there! There are some fireworks. The park must have been doing a show” Niall says.

“Oh, my god they are so pretty. I love fireworks” Elizabeth squeals.

Niall sneaks up from behind her and puts his arms around her waist.

Elizabeth’s POV

Oh my god. Niall’s arms are so warm and comforting. I never would have imagined being stuck on a Ferris Wheel, watching fireworks with Niall Horan.

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