Chapter 1

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Before we start, this story contains Gremory bashing so yeah hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE: Any elements from Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

Somewhere in the Underworld

We find ourselves in a hospital where a noblewoman named Venelana Gremory, who was currently giving birth to her youngest son. She had just given birth to her only daughter Rias.

Doctor: Alright miss Gremory you're doing great, just one more push.

She screamed in pain and gave one final push but the weird thing was that no crying was heard.

Doctor: Congratulations miss Gremory.

He said as he gave her the child. She looked at the boy in her arms, confused as to why he wasn't crying. But what shocked her was that when he opened his eyes, they weren't like his father's, like his two siblings, hell they weren't even like her own. Not just that but what little hair he had was blue and his skin was slightly tanned.

Everyone in the room was just looking at the baby boy as he just looks back. But they were interrupted by a crying Rias. Because of this the nurse that was holding her, gave her to Venelana.

Venelana: It's okay sweetie, mommy's here.

She said holding her newborn children.

Venelana: And I'm not going anywhere.
Timeskip: 12 years later

(Y/n) was running through a forest somewhere in the Gremory territory, a terrified expression on his face. He stopped and hid behind a tree, breathing heavily.

He sighed, thinking he was safe. Until something tackled him to the ground.

The creature roared in (Y/N)'s face while he closed his eyes

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The creature roared in (Y/N)'s face while he closed his eyes.......................... and started laughing.

(Y/n): Hahahahahaha. "sigh" Yes, you found me, Kuro, now, please, get off.

He said out of breath, not just because he had been running for the past 4 hours, but also because of the now named "Kuro" had one of his feet on his chest, so he couldn't really breathe.

He said out of breath, not just because he had been running for the past 4 hours, but also because of the now named "Kuro" had one of his feet on his chest, so he couldn't really breathe

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(With yellow eyes, also doesn't have the tribal marks)

(Y/n): Good boy, Kuro.

He said, petting the beast after he got off of him.

(Y/n): C'mon, let's get back before father gets angry. Again.

Kuro nodded and laid down so (Y/N) could get on. After that, he ran as fast as he could back to the Gremory manor.

When they arrived, they were met with an angry Zeoticus Gremory.

When they arrived, they were met with an angry Zeoticus Gremory

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(Except you know............angry)


(Y/n): In the forest, father. You knew that.

This pissed him off even more. So he walked to (Y/n) grabbed him by the leg and pulled him off the Manticore.

Zeoticus: I thought I told you that you were grounded for hitting Rias!

(Y/n): I didn't hit her, I pushed her because she was attacking Kuro.

He said pointing to the big cat. His father looked at the feline as Kuro stepped between them and hissed at Zeoticus.

At that moment Rias walked into the garden and the first thing she saw was in her words "the stupid cat standing over her poor baby brother". So her reaction was to "protect" her bro and attack the monster "attacking" him.

And to (Y/n)'s horror, the attack hit and left a hole in Kuro's chest. Kuro looked at his friend and the fell back, making sure, with all of the strength that he still had, to not fall on (Y/n).

(Y/n) sat up and looked at his now dead companion, with wide and tear-filled eyes.

(Y/n): KKKKKUUUUUURRRRRRROOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OKAY, that's chapter 1, tell me what you thought about it and sorry for killing Kuro off😭😭😭

So yeah see ya next time!!!

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